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More information sent to owners from Resortalia by email with regard to IBI payments..................
Dear Owners,
We are writing you this email to remind you that the Council Tax / Local Rates tax period is due from 28th May to 5th September:
- If this is the first time that you are paying this tax please allow us to inform you that the bill will be sent to your property address in Spain unless you appointed an alternative address for notifications. If you are in Spain please check your mailbox or ask your key holder to do it for you. Do not forget that as this is the first year that you are paying this tax it was not possible for you to settle direct debit for its payment last year, because the Seller was liaised to pay this tax and it was not possible for you to settle direct debit for the payment of a tax that you were not liable to. So this year you can pay it through your bank and you can then settle direct debit for its payment from next year onwards.
- In case you did not settle direct debit for the payment of this tax the bill will be sent to the same postal address you appointed last year for notification purposes in Spain .
In both cases if you do not receive the letter from the Town Hall of San Javier it is very advisable you contact them (we cannot assure you they attend applications in English by email or by fax):
Address: c/ Príncipe, 5 - bajo
T: +34 968 190 810 F: +34 968 573 109
- If you already settled direct debit for the payment of this tax, please do not forget that you will not receive any bill, receipt or communication from the Town Hall: you will be automatically charged for this tax from your account and your bank will issue a receipt on the Town Hall's behalf. You can download the detailed receipt on which appears the cadastral value of your property using the online banking system. Or you can ask your bank for it.
Once you have the bill or once you make the payment from your account, please do not forget to send it to your Tax Advisor so your non resident tax can be calculated accordingly. In case that you still do not have a Fiscal Advisor in Spain you can contact the Law Firm Abad Abogados in Los Alcázares.
We reached an agreement with them for the calculation, payment and declaration of the Non Resident Tax. Their regular fees for the fiscal representation services are 70 Euros VAT included per property – 2 owners included (3 or more owners our fees are 25 Euros VAT included per co-owner). Due to our special agreement with them their fees for you for the first tax year are 35 Euros 18% VAT included per property – 2 owners included (3 or more owners our fees are 25 Euros VAT included per co-owner). Please do not hesitate to contact them and ask them for a quotation.:
We hope you find this information useful.
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IBI is the council tax.
Make sure you pay by 5th September or else you get fined 5% for late payment.
I forgot to pay on time last year and paid just 1 day late which is how I found out about the fine
_______________________ Cheers
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I emailed Town Council today, had a prompt reply with attached bill. I think it was just an adjustment/supplement.
Only came to 28,30 euros which was quite a relief, paid it straight away. Just another bill I can tick off my list!
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Just a little warning.
I paid my I.B.I. tax at my bank, for another property I have further down the coast and produced my passport as identification.This was promptly taken away and photocopied.When I asked why, I was given a sweet smile and no explanation but I would presume this is to check with the tax authorities that I had paid my residents tax.
Also please be aware folks that on the way to Torrevieja to sort out my resident tax, there was a road block on the N332, and English plated cars were being stopped(one was even jacked up on the pavement).So non residents, make sure you are only using your car on Spanish roads,with English plates for no more than 183 days in any one year and carry your paperwork with you at all times. The Guardia Civil are very hot at the moment and the fines are hefty.
You may correct me if I am wrong on any of the above, Hugh man but before Friday.Im off on holiday.
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Hi everyone
The email address listed below for San Javier IBI Collections is wrong
The correct one is
I was getting worried as I had not received my IBI bill this year so I sent an email late yesterday afternoon.
I received a reply this morning! With bill attached. They now have someone who speaks good English too! Although I did send my email in English and probably very bad Spanish
Apparently the bills will be going in the post soon.
However, the Town Hall say the postal addresses they have for Roda are BAD - ours looks nothing like our actual address. So they advise that you contact them as soon as possible. If you do not pay by 5th September you are fined - irrespective of whether you have received your bill or not. Not receiving it is not an excuse for not paying apparently.
This message was last edited by pommers on 05/07/2012.
_______________________ Cheers
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Our IBI bill has been paid by direct debit from our spanish account on 4th July , it was for € 420 for our ground floor apt on phase 1 block 24.
No fear of being fined for late/non payment using this method , i suggest to all owners to pay by this way along with the community fees .
Ps if anyone would like to know how to pay by this method i will happily tell them how we set ours up.
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I would confirm we had 421,68 taken by dd on 5th July by San Javier Town Hall.
There may be many who mistrust banks etc. but there is no doubt for peace of mind and ensuring ALL your various fees are paid in time dds do make a lot of sense
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Lets not talk about DDs. I have tried 3 times with San Javier Ayuntamiento to set up a DD but for whatever reason they say they couldn't take it from a Halifax Espania account. Why? I pay all my other charges from this account - including Community & Entity.
Might try again now that it has changed to Lloyds.
_______________________ Cheers
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Maybe a little late but I hope all owners did something re IBI before fines are added
I note from my payment San Javier give you 2% discount if paying by dd.
Dear Owners,
We are writing you this email to remind you that the Council Tax / Local Rates tax period is due from 28th May to 5th September:
- If this is the first time that you are paying this tax please, that is if you completed your property last year, allow us to inform you that the bill will be sent to your property address in Spain unless you appointed an alternative address for notifications. Do not forget that as this is the first year that you are paying this tax it was not possible for you to settle direct debit for its payment last year, because the Seller was liaised to pay this tax and it was not possible for you to settle direct debit for the payment of a tax that you were not liable to. So this year you can pay it through your bank and you can then settle direct debit for its payment from next year onwards.
- In case you did not settle direct debit for the payment of this tax the bill will be sent to the same postal address you appointed last year for notification purposes.
In both cases if you are in Spain please check your mailbox or ask your key holder to do it for you. But in the event you do not receive the letter from the Town Hall of San Javier it is very advisable you contact them (we cannot assure you they attend applications in English by email or by fax):
Address: c/ Príncipe, 5 - bajo
T: +34 968 190 810 F: +34 968 573 109
- If you already settled direct debit for the payment of this tax, please do not forget that you will not receive any bill, receipt or communication from the Town Hall: you will be automatically charged for this tax from your account and your bank will issue a receipt on the Town Hall's behalf. The detailed receipt on which appears the cadastral value of your property can be downloaded using the online banking system. Or you can ask your bank for it.
Once you have the bill or once you make the payment from your account, please do not forget to send it to your Tax Advisor so your non resident tax can be calculated accordingly. In case that you still do not have a Fiscal Advisor in Spain you can contact the Law Firm Abad Abogados in Los Alcázares.
We reached an agreement with them for the calculation, payment and declaration of the Non Resident Tax. Their regular fees for the fiscal representation services are 70 Euros VAT included per property – 2 owners included (3 or more owners our fees are 25 Euros VAT included per co-owner). Due to our special agreement with them their fees for you for the first tax year are 35 Euros 18% VAT included per property – 2 owners included (3 or more owners our fees are 25 Euros VAT included per co-owner). Please do not hesitate to contact them and ask them for a quotation.:
We hope you find this information useful.

Cristina Antón
Atención al Cliente
Resortalia SLP
Community Administration
Administración de fincas
Horario de atención al propietario: De lunes a viernes de 9 a.m. a 2 p.m.
Teléfono (0034) 968 10 47 10.; Fax (0034) 968 58 30 54
Customer Service Hours: Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Telephone (0034) 968 10 47 10; Fax (0034) 968 58 30 54
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Our bill came to 480,72 this year for a first floor apt on phase 2. I have neverbeen able to understand why this is so much more than for ground floor apartments as the floor area surely is smaller. I would be interested to know what other 1st floor owners pay as this obviously also affects our tax.
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Apparently my 2 bed GF was 430 reduced to 421 after discount, townhouses seem to do very well then if that is this year, still some strange anomalies though, I assume a query of valuation could be made but not sure how.
You used to get a note giving you Valor Catastral on which the fee was based, Not sure, but do not think size is that relevant, it is more of a rating type valuation.
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Your IBI is based not only on your apartment floor area but also on the size of your trastero and your parking space.
Like JaneJohn we have a 1st floor apartment on Phase 2 and paid just over €480 too. And yes - why a ground floor is cheaper I haven't the foggiest idea as in most cases they have more patio than 1st floor balcony which is also included.
In fact. 2nd floors that have roof terrace pay much the same too! They also pay exactly the same as ground & 1st floors for their community charge. Again why?
_______________________ Cheers
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I believe JaneJohn may well have made some enquiries which they may update us on and have been told it is something of an arbitary figure, however there does not appear to be any appeal procedure in Spain as there is in UK over Council Tax brackets.
I do seem to remember reading something about top floor terraces having to allow access for other owners or community works, perhaps that explains no higher payments.
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Yes we checked with our lawyer. It seems the system for valuation for IBI is based on a complex and bewildering set of criteria. She explained this at length to us and we asked if there was any point challenging our valuation, which does seem to be rather unfair based on the IBI paid for other properties. It would seem that although we could challenge, the chances of a reduction in IBI in the current economic climate are slim -in fact there is a risk the rate could be increased. So, it seems to be another of those wonderful anomalies!
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