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13 Mar 2012 12:00 AM by Scottebabe Star rating. 99 forum posts Send private message

We have banked quite happily with Bancaja for the last few years.  A non residents account offered us free banking, a credit card linked to the account and an english speaking helpline and online banking facility.  This bank has recently merged with Bankia and everything seems to have gone haywire.  We are now being charged for every online payment, plus unknown charges each month and the website has now started popping up loads of messages in Spanish rather than english so we are starting to lose control on the changes being made.

Can anyone recommend another bank account more suitable to us?  Something we can operate online from UK with a branch we can pop into in Spain with english speaking staff, and free would be good!

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13 Mar 2012 8:35 AM by PMOUNTNEY72 Star rating in Lichfield. 219 forum posts Send private message


We bank with Baco Valencia and we seem to get charged for everything but thats Spain!  Your best bet is Barclays who have a branch just 2 minutes from Roda.



Paul Mountney

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13 Mar 2012 11:45 AM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Well we found that Lloyds Bank International (used to be Halifax Espana) who are in Los Alcazares to be excellent.  We use a Halifax account in the UK to do transfers at no charge and the cash usually arrives next day.  The staff at LBI are a mixture of English and Spanish and we seem to have no problems  - all in all quite efficient.  We are charged 1.50 for transfers from our Spanish account.


Hope this helps




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15 Mar 2012 3:02 AM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 forum posts Send private message

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I can also recommend Lloyds. We've banked with them for 4 years and although there is a €25 per annum charge they charge for little else except online transfers

Cheers Pommers

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15 Mar 2012 6:07 PM by hevs Star rating in Milton Keynes. 206 forum posts Send private message

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I have had the same problems with bancaja and struggling to keep up with the changes I did find the english speeking line which helped a bit as my prev branch also shut.

I have had to create new passwoed to carry on using the online and I seem to be getting loads of charges including bank cards I dont want or use!!!

Prob is I dont think I can  cancel account  as I have morg with them


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19 Mar 2012 11:42 PM by Scottebabe Star rating. 99 forum posts Send private message

Our mortgage is with them too Hevs, but if need be we'll leave the account open but use a new one for all of our other transactions.  We're heading out in a couple of weeks, there is a fluent english speaking girl in San Javier branch so we'll clarify the position with her.  Will also make an appointment at Lloyds to find out about their account.  Thanks guys...I'll post an update!


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