New Corvera Owner

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Corvera Golf And Country Club forum threads
The Comments
12 Jun 2012 11:37 AM by simongolf Star rating. 119 forum posts Send private message

Hi All, I have not visit Corvera for a while, has the new owner changed anything ?

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12 Jun 2012 12:24 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

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Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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13 Jun 2012 7:37 PM by nabz Star rating in uk. 35 forum posts Send private message

 hi Inspectorspain, can you please tell me if the new owner has taken over or just talk and would you know of what their intentions are????


thank you



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13 Jun 2012 8:34 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

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I have provided my customers with a detailed newsetter providing all details of the current situation, this is for private distribution

When the new owner came it expectations were given that things would improve, they have not if anything they have got worse with no real workers onsite for repairs

We are stil dealing with the same staff on a daily basis but they have no money available

Although the clubhouse is complete internally there is stall a great deal of money to be spent on the facility kitting it out

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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Previous Threads

Golf at Roda - 0 posts
- 0 posts
Gas Network Maintenance - 0 posts
CLEANER - 0 posts
Pm me if you walked away from corvera phase 1 and was working with Maria - 16 posts
Not sure whether to buy ? - 0 posts
spanish classes - 0 posts
Internet Access - 4 posts
Corvera Golf - POSITIVE POSTINGS ! - 5 posts
club house - 34 posts
What does new resort ownership mean for existing property owners ? - 6 posts
Club House Gym & Spa - 1 posts
Opening The Golf Course to the Public ? - 5 posts
HMMMMM - 7 posts
Refunds in Corvera Phases I and II - 6 posts
Golf Resort or Extension of Corvera Village ? - 5 posts
Bikes - 1 posts
Corvera Airport - 54 posts
Furniture Package for Sale - 0 posts
Google Earth. - 1 posts
Golf Buggy - 7 posts
Legal tip 732. Refunds in Corvera Phases I and II - 0 posts
legal fees to cancel - 0 posts
Work in Progress - 0 posts

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