Corvera Airport

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23 Mar 2012 12:00 AM by tomstevenson Star rating in Murcia Spain. 52 forum posts Send private message

Hi everyone,

Keep an eye on this forum post for updates regarding Corvera airport.

As a major player in the region of Murcia, Murcia Villas through their close working relationship the the airport director have secured an inspection visit next Tuesday 27th March 2012 to the airport at Corvera for representatives from their various offices across Murcia including Corvera.

We will of course be taking photos to keep everyone up to date, and will be asking relevant questions about opening dates and which airlines are signed up to use the new airport once it opens etc.

If you have any particular questions you would like us to pose on your behalf please let me know via this post and I will do my best to get the answers. Obviously some things may be commercially sensitive so may not be able to be answered but we will do our best.

it is our intention to use these close working relationships with the airport to bring additional clients to Corvera Golf and Country Club for re sales, holiday let's and long term rentals in order to help make Corvera one of the most successful resorts in the area.

Look forward to hearing from you prior to the visit.

Tom (Murcia Villas Corvera)
+34 658 260 500

Tom. Murcia Villas +34 658 260 500 +44 7515 376 358

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23 Mar 2012 6:24 PM by mowgli Star rating. 45 forum posts Send private message

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23 Mar 2012 7:06 PM by tomstevenson Star rating in Murcia Spain. 52 forum posts Send private message

I've had a private message asking me to check the arrangements for accessing the airport and wether we will be able to gain access from the Fuente Alamo end rather than just the dual carriageway main entrance.

I will ask when I'm there and let you know. (hope the answer is yes, far more convenient for us).

Any more questions please feel free to ask.

Tom (Murcia Villas Corvera)
+34 658 260 500

Tom. Murcia Villas +34 658 260 500 +44 7515 376 358

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23 Mar 2012 7:45 PM by mobailey Star rating in San Cayetano. 460 forum posts Send private message

mobailey´s avatar

   Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the latest in Spain is that there is now a new delay to the opening of Corvera airport it now been put back to at least the autumn if you what to read more go to week ending Friday 16 March.


Mo&Bryan & Why not see if can we help  

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23 Mar 2012 8:22 PM by tomstevenson Star rating in Murcia Spain. 52 forum posts Send private message

Hi Mo

Thanks for the feedback

I'm in regular contact with the Managing Director at Corvera and the main problem at present is indeed paperwork and staff transfers from Murcia Airport, the amount of paperwork concerned is massive and in his own words "imagine trying to close an airport one day and open another the next" I think that puts it into context. In all honesty he's never been brave enough to give a date so most of the dates are speculation and it's little wonder they turn out to need revising.

While I'm there I'll ask for timescales but as usual with Spain they don't tend to be very accurate do they? And the standard answer is how long is a piece of string?

Tom ( Murcia Villas Corvera)

+34 658 260 500

Tom. Murcia Villas +34 658 260 500 +44 7515 376 358

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23 Mar 2012 8:42 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

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I am currently talking to most of the airlines and service organisations regarding their staff requirements for the airport  because we have the largest selection of rentals available, and we already have some confirmed renters, including control staff

The message from them ALL is the same that there are no firm dates, that the earliest that they expect to start is October and that there is no chance of moving flights in the main peak holiday season

I deal with the airport staff on a weekly basis as I actuallly live in Corvera with these people and personally I am getting really fed up with the many unfounded rumours which are circulating including, that the runway is too short and ot wide enough.

One from the Courier that the buildings are cracking.

Another source stating that the first landing caused the runway to crack, there hasn't been any landings yet

I can say that from feedback the airlines are keen to get started but things move at their own pace in Spain but we actually know firm dates for air traffic control staff

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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23 Mar 2012 9:06 PM by George247 Star rating. 23 forum posts Send private message

Roy, thans for the good feedback.

It is slightly worrying when you hear a rumour like the runway is too short and not wide enough for the biggest inter-continental aircraft, (as it is supposed to be an "international" airport not a regional one) and that the runway cracked when a plane landed on it.

Spain has its problems at the moment, but it is not likely to have suffered a sudden inability to build stuff like airports, it seems to have done quite well at that in the past.

You also mentioned that you actually know firm dates for air traffic control staff, but then you did not mention what these dates were. What are these dates?


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23 Mar 2012 9:21 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

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My sources are telling me that ATC will be there in 7 weeks and the latest estimates for first flighrs was October 2012

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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23 Mar 2012 9:47 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

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Tom I hope that you don't mind me asking a question relating to your postings

Why do you have mutiple account names to post similar postings to a variety of threads, for example the same message different name onto the Hacienda del Alamo thread

With the airport my focu and website remains very much getting people on Corvera the rental customers

You may want to delete the extras and work like most people do with one as the messages can get confusing otherwise

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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23 Mar 2012 10:35 PM by George247 Star rating. 23 forum posts Send private message


Good news about the ATC people. The flights starting in the autumn sounds reasonable. Yet more positive news for Corvera.

I had a look for that other posting, regarding the multiple accounts, but could not find it. But well spotted anyway. As usual from you, it is all about quality, others could learn a thing or two.


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24 Mar 2012 6:37 PM by simongolf Star rating. 119 forum posts Send private message

Hi All, Actually i'm a bit dissapointed about the new airport not opening until October, i really thought they would pull out all the stops and try to get it up and running before the busy summer period. My concern now is that what real incentive will there be to get things switched over in October ? They could just as easily let things slip again and then we will be looking at 2013 !

Roy i'm sure you are a really nice man and from what i have read on this forum you obviously have a lot of satisfied customers, but i for one am very happy that Tom is offering to give forum visitors much needed information. I'm sorry to say this but in your last post you come across in a bit of a bullying tone, this is not your forum - it's a PUBLIC FORUM and while Calidona seem to be catatonic and completely unable to give us owners any useful information at all, then we should all welcome someone who is offering to give their time to provide much needed information. Tom, i had a look at your website as a result of your forum post and i may have a Hacienda Holiday Rental customer for you (my Sister), i will PM you. Anyway please don't be put off, keep up the good work and keep posting on this forum, for many of us it is literally our ONLY source of Corvera Golf & Country Club information.

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24 Mar 2012 7:07 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

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Simon I have no problems somebody else providiing information and a lot of the work and information that I am invoved in doesn't get posted on here but on the private forum and via the regular newsletters that I send to my clients

I actually live on ths site and have spent just spent the last 3 weeks attending the AGM's as a proxy for my customers with another 2 weeks to go, perhaps you don't habve information nformation on what happened at your AGM but if you PM me I  can send you my minutes

You should have just seen a new contcat document from Housing regarding security awhich s part of the security review being carried out by myself and Chris  and I can tell you that we more than make up for any lack of communcatons from Calidonia, but it isn't just what is posted but ALL of the work that we do in the background which people do not see

At the AGM's for example we were reporting issues with faulty pools, gardens, requirements for additional signs to stop people entrng prvate areas of the sight, lghtng, and suggesting all sorts of enhancements to the site to make it better for owners

The problem that I mentioned with Tom was very smple and not normally acceptable on forums and that was running multiple named accountsto post on multiple community forums, which can be misleading, that's it

On the rental side for example I have the only site dedicated to Corvera, promoting the resort, receiving bookings and have been talking to the airlines and airport management for over 18 months now and have visted the airport but till it opens there isn't much to say

In conclusion both myself and Chris are doing much more than just providing inflormation on a forum, maybe you ddn't realise, but of course I can quite happily stop posting

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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24 Mar 2012 7:25 PM by simongolf Star rating. 119 forum posts Send private message

Hi Roy, Your postings on this forum are usually very informative and helpful, so of course i do not want you to stop posting here, my point is simply that many people like me would like to have as many sources of information as possible, so if someone new comes along offering help and information we should all welcome it. Keep posting Tom, keep posting Roy and keep posting anyone else that has some useful information to pass on, this forum is for everyone connected to Corvera Golf.

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24 Mar 2012 7:33 PM by tomstevenson Star rating in Murcia Spain. 52 forum posts Send private message

Hi Roy

I started the thread to allow people to pose questions to be asked when we
visit the airport on Tuesday rather than relying on speculation, and would
prefer if the thread is kept to that with other matters addressed by
personal message or email.

However since you ask, I am sorry that you were so easily confused so let me
clarify for you.

Re your question on the separate postings:

I have indeed placed 2 posts one for Corvera and one for Hacienda del Alamo
for administrative reasons, as this allows the emails for each post to be
forwarded to separate email addresses and handled separately, bearing in
mind customers on these resorts have different concerns and questions, for
example on Hacienda they are concerned about the flight path which it
appears is likely to pass over the resort a concern which we don't have on
Corvera. I want clients on both resorts to get their questions asked and
hopefully answered. I did however sign both threads as Tom and Murcia Villas
so fail to see why you became so confused.

Re your comment about your focus being solely for Corvera:

The very fact that we are able to offer choice to the airport staff is why
we are in the position we are in and are able to attend the airport in the
first place,  your point that your "focus and website remains very much
getting people on Corvera the rental customers" makes sense for you in your
circumstances, as you point out in your previous posting that your company
has more properties that you haven't rented out than any other company on

I hope this has cleared up your confusion and with all due respect I would
ask that you keep the purpose of this thread solely for people to pose
questions for me to take to the airport on their behalf as it was intended,
and use the personal message system or a separate thread for other matters.

Thank You for your input.

Tom (Murcia Villas Corvera)

Tom. Murcia Villas +34 658 260 500 +44 7515 376 358

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24 Mar 2012 8:23 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

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Simon not sure where you are comingfarom here but just to remind you of the comment on your post regarding Tom, keep up the good work and keep posting on this forum, for many of us it is literally our ONLY source of Corvera Golf & Country Club information, so considering the amount of information I post here I found thsi comment insulting, hence my reaction

Tom again you seem to be mis-informed as a good percentage of the properties on the site are are holiday rentals, so  I am delighted to say that we have  very healthy holiday bookings this year for clients, all new visitors to Corvera and 3 different families left today, after a very enjoyable week and they wiil be booking again for later in the year

It is all about a balanced approach offering the best solution depending the requirements of the owner

Tom you are of course correct about the thread and  I believe that I provded timely and correct information however the main reason for the response was the comments from Simongolf but I still maintain my stance that multiple accounts and aliases are misleading

My focus remains the rentals on Corvera and many people are aware that 2 airlines have already visited the site with me looking at the properties available but the problem remains operational datesfor the airport and this includes requirements for fully serviced properties for staff


This message was last edited by inspectahomespain on 24/03/2012.

This message was last edited by inspectahomespain on 24/03/2012.

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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24 Mar 2012 9:42 PM by emunmoo Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

25 Mar 2012 2:02 AM by George247 Star rating. 23 forum posts Send private message


Thanks for clarifying that. As I said in my previous post, I could not find your post referred to by Roy, so I was not sure what the issue was about. However, as long as you are obviously identified, then I am not really bothered if you have almost identical accounts to allow for easier administration. However, I am sure there must be another way to improve your administration, if you used one account........


You are right about Calidona/Corvera and all their associates, they are virtually useless. If we did not have them we would not notice much/any difference. I spent 4 years waiting for them to build my property, and barely heard a word from them. I have had my property for 2 and a half years and I have barely heard a word from them.

We all rely heavily on Roy and Chris to be the "boots on the ground", many of us can't be there all the time ourselves, even although we would like to be there all the time. 

When you read the information provided by Roy and Chris, and you then "read between the lines" you know that the information was't just handed to them on a plate, it was the work behind the scenes that was key to the content of the information. 

We need as much info as possible, so everyone keep posting, it does help, it makes a difference.

Anyway, the main point is Corvera Airport, and I am disappointed that the airport is not already open, as it was supposed to be. But then we have all heard the "supposed to be " stories for the last 6 and a half years now, and we just have to get on with it and be positive. With Spain on its knees, or worse, we have to be glad that the airport is opening at all and will have flights soon with some, if not all, of the same airlines that are operating out of San Javier and Alicante. The economic situation in Spain is desparate with horrendous unemployment statistics as shown below from The Telegraph in January 27th 2012.

The number of 16-24 year old Spaniards out of work rose to 51.4 per cent in December, more than double the European Union average, according to a report by Spain's National Statistics Institute. The national unemployment rate hit 22.85 per cent, the highest rate in nearly 17 years and the current highest in the industrialised world.

However, we also have forward progress with Paramount, so more positive news for Corvera, in spite of the above.

Around 4 years ago I noticed that Google Earth showed what looked like the early construction of the new airport. It was located several miles due West of Hacienda del Alamo, and the runway direction was East / West, which meant that flights would be directly over Hacienda del Alamo. At first it looked like just bare earth scaped in a straight line by a bulldozer, but a year or so later it looked like black tarmac had been laid, with white lines down the middle and 2 digit numbers at each end of the runway, possibly 27 and 09, which made sense as these would be the runway direction bearing in degrees, 270 and 90. However, Corvera owner and forum member Donal Egan recently posted about the update available in Google Earth. I have had a look and now the black tarmac, lines and numbers have gone from the "runway" to the West of Hacienda del Alamo and it just looks like a strip of bare earth again. However, several miles to the North East of Hacienda del Alamo lies a bigger runway which runs in the North East / South West direction, which suggests that flights will still be directly over HDA, and possibly over, or very near, other resorts in the opposite direction such as El Valle, Sierra Golf, United, La Peraleja and Hacienda De Requelme.

I feel sorry for anyone who has had to try and select the ideal resort for them with all of the mis-information that has obviously been out there and of course the lack of crucial information from sales agents, (where are they now I wonder? at least one of them was last heard of a few years ago selling furniture packs, I doubt if he is doing that now), and now perhaps many people will be seeing and hearing the aircraft close up on their resort, not just at the airport.

I fly extensively all year, and sometimes I have the misfortune of landing at some airports that are relatively close to mountains and even in fairly moderate weather these landings seem much more uncomfortable than other landings at airports where there are no mountains, with some of my fellow passengers sometimes being terrified or sick. Not everyone is good when it comes to flying in unpleasant conditions. Although there have been no landings at Corvera yet, do the authorities know what the effects of turbulence will be if for example a plane is landing, heading South West, and there are strong winds from the North West from over the mountains? Do they care if some people are not good flyers if the going gets a bit rough? They should already know what the wind speed and direction is likely to be over a year, they have had plenty of time (years) to measure it. Do they have any information on windshear or aircraft equipped to detect it, or do they think it is somebody else's problem, because they just want lots of planes to land there? Have there been any flights to even try out the landing approach, without actually landing? 

What would the airport operating hours be, if several resorts were on, or very close to, the flight path?

Will the airport be called Corvera Airport? Will it change its name again? Will we get some facts from the management or more "Spanish"?


Just a few things that I can think about, but there are probably some more, but a few things for you to think about. Good luck with your meeting, and we all look forward to your detailed feedback right after the meeting.


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25 Mar 2012 2:16 AM by George247 Star rating. 23 forum posts Send private message

 Hloy siht you maen I culod hvae wiretn all of taht wtihuot btohernig to cehck it? LOL

A quality post from emunmoo.

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26 Mar 2012 3:58 PM by haciendatom Star rating in Murcia Spain. 12 forum posts Send private message

 Hi Everyone.


The Murcia Villas Airport Visit is tomorrow (27th March 2012) so thanks for the questions so far I will take them with me to try and get answers direct from the horses mouth so to speak and will post them on here for you.


If there are any other questions please try to get them in before 9.00am tomorrow morning to ensure they are included, however if you are reading the post after the visit still feel free to ask as we are in constant contact with the airport.



Tom (Murcia Villas Corvera)

Tom. Murcia Villas +34 658 260 500 +44 7515 376 358

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27 Mar 2012 9:33 PM by tomstevenson Star rating in Murcia Spain. 52 forum posts Send private message

 Hi Everyone,

I have posted a selection of photos on here following Murcia Villas visit to the airport today, to view them go to the main Corvera Golf and Country Club community page and then select Photos from the menu at the bottom of the page.

Here are the answers to the questions we were able to get while we were there.

Test flights are scheduled to begin in April this year.

Access to the Airport will be through the main entrance (Dual carriageway) from the A30 end but also from the (rear entrance) from the Corvera to Fuente Alamo road.

Flight paths have been agreed but have yet to be ratified as agreements have had to be made for dividing the air space between civil avaition and the military. Not able to confirm at present.

The airport has been given permission to operate flights 24 hours a day.

No issues are anticipated regarding turbulence re the proximity of the mountains, however this would normally form part of the test flight period.

The airport will be called The Region Of Murcia International Airport (RMU)

Negotiations regarding the transfer of staff from San Javier to Corvera continue and an official opening date is not as yet available any dates you may have previously heard are speculation.

The initial opening is set to cater for up to 3 million customers per year, 1st expansion (no dates) will cater for 8.7 million, 2nd expansion (no dates) 14 million.

Hope this has helped give you an idea of progress and please bear in mind we are in constant contact with the airport and will keep you updated as things develop.

  Tom murciavillascorvera


Tom. Murcia Villas +34 658 260 500 +44 7515 376 358

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