The Comments |
IRM have been busy at work over the past weeks preparing the temporary club house, they have made fantastic progress moving the building, laying new roads, laying a new buggy path and tarmacing the car park. Last week they started rubbing down the building and giving it a new coat of white paint, so it's all beginning to look really good. Hopefully it will all be fitted out with the new bar and terrace area by the start of July. The faulty valve in the lake by the 13th has also now been repaired and the lake refilled, so it's back to looking great. Every week my better half drags me off, biddy bag in tow, to one of the local markets to stock up on enormous amounts of fruit and Veg, more than enough to keep a normal family going for months let alone me with my salad allergy. Usually the only saving part of these trips has been that she lets me sneak off for a coffee or two in a local cafe, well come this saturday my prays are answered - Condado's evening market returns for the summer. As you can see from the piccy above the organisers have been busy spreading the word around all the local towns, so this years could be even busier than last. So, no more lugging a biddy bag around during the heat of the day laden with enough lettuce to keep 100 bunnies happy for a year, we can now just wander over in the evening for a look around our own market before heading in Al Kasar for a cold one. And what a choice we will have this year!
Last year there was only the Polaris run Clover Bar, now I have a choice of not 1, not 2 but 4 places to go to escape the call of the lettuce. The Ice Cream parlour, run by George is a great place for a quiet coffee, beer, iced coffee or ice cream ( all recommended ), then there the Bistro Bulgaria for a great meal or just a cooling drink outside and of course the Clover now run by the ever friendly Neil and Lynn. The "Cata" bar and take-a-way selling Paella, Pizza, Roast Chicken etc to eat in to take away which should be opening any day soon. Last Saturday the owners told me they were aiming for today or tomorrow, so I'm sure it will be open by the weekend in time for the Market. Last years Market were a huge success, take a look at :- and to see how busy we then then. With all the new businesses in Al Kasar this year, it just has to be better. So, dust off your biddy bag and I'll see you this Saturday. You can even play "Where's Phil" trying to spot which bar I'm hiding in :-)
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Thanks for the update and the good pictures. You comment about the new bar in the Club House, do you know if this is a done deal or all just a bit of hear say.
Thanks in advance.
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Played golf today and the lake on the 13th is empty again, so I guess they haven't fixed the problem.
The lakes on the course are owned and filled by IRM, whilst the lake around La Isla is planned to be for the community irrigation and so is under the control of the EUCC, so completely seperate.
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Do you know when La Isla will be filled? I really have no clue who owns what and who is accountable for what on CDA / La Isla. I am surprised if the lake around La Isla is now part of the community then why is it taking so long to fill the lake? How much is it likely to cost to fill to an acceptable level?
Mark Bentley
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Great to hear all these new shops and events happening. Nice to be able to wander down with the kids to the ice cream parlour. The markets were good fun last year...have to say I still enjoy heading into Alhama for the market.
Phil, have you heard if there will there be buses this summer into Alhama on market days?
On the La Isla lake. I'm in the same boat as Mark as to who owns what. When you say Community owns, does this means the La Isla community or the entire community.
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Water Levels etc on La Isla
This is an from the Isla Website from the acting president Carmen
On June 7th the Urban Entity has been definitively constituted, formed by the Town Hall of Alhama de Murcia, County of Condado de Alhama, IRM in representation of the owners of the unbuild land and the water supply company. At the meeting held in theTown Hall and lasting for no more than 20 minutes, wich was attended by Steven Simmons (president block 10), charges of the Board of Directors were appointed for a period of 4 years.
Special interest for the Isla is that José Manuel Botella has been nominated as a member of the organization. We should congratulate ourselves on this choice because it allows us to be present in all the decisiones taken by this body, which is not the case with other complexes of Condado de Alhama.
This entity will be responsible for the maintenance of areas such as the outer ing and THE LAKE, including the cleaning and the periodic spraying to prevent the proliferation of mosquitoes.
From now on the lake will be the regulatory system of irrigation of these common areas. It means that it will receive the water of all rainwater ponds in the vicinity of te County and will only pull water for the use of collective irrigation EXCLUDING the irrigation of the golf course, always providing an adecuate level. Therefore the water company will assume responsability for maintaining that level within acceptable limits.
Another positive point for us it that the Urban Councillor of the Town Hall will not accept the transfer of the lake without it being filled to its maximum level and prior inspection by qualified independent technicians of all piping, pumping, filtering and oxygenation. The Town hall will pressure Polaris World with all the legal mechanisms available to do so.
We also have the firm decision of the Councillor that Polaris should landscape the surrounding area from the entrance of La Isla under the same conditions as the rest of the complex.
Mandy J
_______________________ Mandy & Andy
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Ok, there are a few things in the last post that are not quite correct but for now I will address only one which is the statement regarding the representatives on the committee. Each plot in the EUCC has a representative of which 9 form the committee. In the case of Condado ( including La Isla ) these are the five level 2 presidents. All five are on the committee so all the communities of Condado are represented. Fede Mesa is the president of the entity and represents via proxy Naranjos 1. Mick Parsons is the treasurer and represents Jardines 1. Myself, victoria Pascuel and Jose represent the other levels 2's All the representatives life on Condado and so will attend all meetings. So to imply below that only La Isla is represented is entirely incorrect, aw fought hard to ensure that the community took 5 of the nine seats on the committee to ensure that all the communities were represented
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Hi folks,
sorry to drag the thread back to the title, but like many, I am really pleased to see the developement of Al Kasar.
I think we all knew this place would 'take off' once we finally had someone in charge that actually cared about what happens there.
Commercially, it was a no-brainer for someone with the business sense to take over the Clover bar/Restaurant and Sports area, especially during the busy summer season, however, how do we all feel about getting a chinese and indian restaurant, or a chinese 'everything shop' opening up there?
_______________________ Love like you've never been hurt, work like you don't need the money and...
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Out the 1st week in June and for the 1st time ever on CdA i didn't cook at all and that was without all the new places that have opened since!
Had a curry from Bali Hi on the way in - quality as always.
Ate at Elliotts in Bolneuvo for the 1st time (the fillet steak / pork medallions / fish and chips were all superb dishes) which i will recommend without question.
Went to Avenida in the port for Tapas/Squid - can't believe they have made the portions bigger? Must be all the competition in the port that's opening as well, so whilst they were always good you now get more for the same price as last year
Ate at The Condado Club twice ........... lasagne & nachos/chilli ............ both did what they said on the tin, but Hamibabe I'm afarid the toblerone cake wasn't a patch on the apple crumble cake (my opinion) albeit the ice cream with both was excellent 
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Elliots at Bolnuevo???
Wouldn't give em the time of day!!!!
Went for a brew in the afternoon and they said "Sorry we are closed now"
Went a few doors down in an english bar no problem, went back to car near Elliotts and still open!!!!
AVOID AVOID AVOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Chaddy, so you didn't actually eat there?
We booked and ate there in the evening, you should try that method for a restaurant !
Then again if someone in a bear suit turned up at my gaff in 90c heat i'd be closed as well given there was clearly a missing sandwich as well as a brew
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Dear All
We bought off plan 4/5 years back , which was a very excitting time for us and I can honestly say that with all the recent developments, we are getting that same excited feeling.
As far as the Club House is concerned I believe that they are doing a fantastic job, I think that this temporary structure will see us nicly into the future for quite a few years, or at least until Spain and the rest of the World get back on to their feet.
Go to to see some of the latest pictures of the Club House.
We are out mid July and cant wait.
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