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Condado de Alhama forum threads
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16 Jul 2012 12:13 AM by tee5 Star rating. 67 forum posts Send private message

Our Internet has been down most of today an over the last few weeks it has been down for a few hours every couple of days. Is this normal I know its very cheap Internet just wondering if everyone has this loss of service

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16 Jul 2012 8:58 AM by faulky444 Star rating in Rossendale, Lancashi.... 399 forum posts Send private message

I find this quite reassuring. Been out for the last 10 days and experienced the same level of service especially over the las t couple of days.

Maybe this is something Phil Tann can and should be using to remind Polaris (a2z) about when they hike the charges in December as there is no way currently that we will get 1200 users by that deadline to keep the cost low- which it is currently. JF

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16 Jul 2012 9:50 AM by tilmar Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

We too lost our internet most of saturday (14th) and all of sunday (15th), last saturday (7th) was the same?? The most annoying thing is when we lose the internet we lose the phone too, We would like to know why this seems to keep happening, anyone any ideas??

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16 Jul 2012 2:24 PM by Don & Kerry Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardin4. 220 forum posts Send private message

Don & Kerry´s avatar
We've been out since Saturday and haven't had any loss of signal. We are in Naranjos


I Cant Make My Mind Up If I'm Indecisive Or Not

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16 Jul 2012 5:23 PM by tilmar Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

We are also on Naranjos and lost signal at about 10am this morning and it is still off, why?? Anyone got the number for A2Z? Don't understand why we are off and others on??
Any ideas??

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16 Jul 2012 5:30 PM by mick6969 Star rating in London. 63 forum posts Send private message

I emailed A2Z on Saturday as I was having problems, here is there reply.


Dear Sir,
Thank you for contacting us.
We had an incidence this weekend but now it should be working. Please check it and if it still doesn’t work we will have to make an appointment.
Should you require further information do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards.

Mine has been fine all day today

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16 Jul 2012 6:39 PM by tilmar Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Our internet is back on.........we unplugged the router for 5 minutes, plugged back in, after about 5 mins it reset and came back on! Hope this works for others....

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16 Jul 2012 9:44 PM by nick&linda Star rating. 68 forum posts Send private message

 my internet cut out a couple of times last week but came back on, have found it quiet fast had it installed two weeks ago.



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16 Jul 2012 10:53 PM by b.bravo Star rating. 45 forum posts Send private message

 I see a lot of you are having problems. I can only advise on WiFi as I never use ethernet. I lose connection from time to time but reset it in a couple of minutes......Open "network diagnostics"...if only "internet" and "server" indicates red(off-line) and the rest is green then you unplugg the connection to your WiFi-Box (next to the antenna on Polaris system) and leave it off for few seconds...reconnect and watch network diagnostics and when all are green again you may reconnect WiFi on computer.

I operate with Mac but assume it must be similar on other computers.

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17 Jul 2012 10:41 AM by tee5 Star rating. 67 forum posts Send private message

We were down last night untill this morning again the reliability seems to be getting worse is their anyone in the know could advise if this is an individual problem or a community one.

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17 Jul 2012 12:40 PM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

Also have had no internet since Saturday evening and often problems connecting last week, Since Saturday evening had been unable to connect- finally restored this morning about 11am. Had rang and left message and contact number and have also been into ML who were trying to contact A2Z for us.



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