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La Finca Golf forum threads
The Comments
26 Mar 2007 12:00 AM by alf Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

Hi all,

What are your views on this communication?

Dear Sir / Madam,
Please, find enclosed the convocation for the next extraordinary meeting of La Finca Golf R5b/2-II community of owners.
All communities at La Finca are invited by Quara (the constructor) to the meeting to discuss security arrangements. Since development began, Quara have been providing (funding) the Securitas security car that patrols the whole of the La Finca development on a 24 hours per day 365 days per year basis. This contract finished on Thursday 15 March 2007.
Quara are of the opinion that there are enough properties on the whole of the La Finca development to fund the provision of a collective security service and therefore will not be renewing the existing contract with Securitas.
Quara have invited 5 security companies to submit proposals and associated costings to provide similar services. Please, find them enclosed.
Yours faithfully,
      Laura Silvestre

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27 Mar 2007 12:21 PM by algorfan Star rating in Hyde, Cheshire / La .... 38 forum posts Send private message

Hi Alf,

I have received the same communication. It appears there is a meeting in early April to discuss / decide what the proposals are. Attached was a spreadsheet with the proposed costing which at face value looked in the region of 14,000 euros per annum. If that is the case then it would seem we are each liable for costs in excess of 1500 euro each per annum.!!! I will try and get some more info in the meantime



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29 Mar 2007 8:38 PM by Paulo Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

I am starting to wonder why I pay 30 euro's per mth to securitas as it is,so if they are not going to be visible I will probably stop this payment.

Also disapointed that they stop the contract and then tell you about it,seems a crazy way round particularly when you know there have been plenty of break ins over the last 3 yrs.

With this and the poor management of the company(people still being allowed to move in when they haven't got the gas up and running etc...),it amazes me they can sell properties,all my friends know what we went through over 3 years and it certainly hasn't helped them sell in my eyes.

As a regional manager myself,I met with Jean and his team 18 mths ago after our experience and said why don't they have a simple check list.....gas/water/electric/property finish/tiles all good/gardens finished/outside lights/pool/walling complete/railings etc......and they still haven't listened !!

Sorry to rant on.



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02 Apr 2007 3:27 PM by philipsagar Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

I have it on good authority that the developer never actually paid for the car. It was part of the securitas deal to get the contract to first fix the properties!!

They were talking about a second car and a manned entrance gate. I think securitas realised that they had probably gone past thier agreed offer date late in the day!!

Never forget that the car also prtoects the various builders materials as well as the developers offices, restaurant and the Golf course.

This is just a penny pinching exercise by a developer who seems to be running out of sales. But as said elswher very shortsighted as word does spread and whilst you want to be positive about what is a great development you sometimes wonder if they are not intent on shooting themslves in the foot!

Still a fantastic place but could be so much better with a little attention to detail and some marketing!!!!!


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03 Apr 2007 3:50 PM by TinTin1963 Star rating. 55 forum posts Send private message

Hi All,

Beginning to feel a little disappointed in the whole of the La Finca set up.

When we purchased last Januay, security was one of our main priorities, and the information we were given was that the site would be totally secure with patrols and alrms. Obviously should really taken this with a pinch of salt.

Also the hype about major tournaments being held there, cant see it myself, all very disapointing.

When we were last out there in Jan 07 the whole site was a ghost town and I must say the only people we saw were the Securitus patrol in their car. That said I wasnt challenged when I had to climb over the fence to retrieve the key, that had been thoughtfully left under the door mat by the keyholder! (this was in a rental property not our own).

The retail area, that could be great, but it looks like lack of interest is going to make way for less desirable / exciting outlets.

Dont mean to gripe on, just disappointed in what could be a great urbabisation is suffering form lack of interest from the developers.

Keep La Finca Safe and 5 Star!


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17 Apr 2007 10:15 PM by alf Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

Seems that the security has been put on hold until the communities have a chance to get some quotes.

As the meeting was held at very short notice it will allow for a more detailed look into the different proposals.




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20 Aug 2007 6:10 PM by methomp Star rating in Glasgow. 12 forum posts Send private message

Could anyone update me with regard to this thread.



Mark & Lorraine

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21 Aug 2007 10:00 AM by algorfan Star rating in Hyde, Cheshire / La .... 38 forum posts Send private message

The contract with Securitas to patrol La Finca has been terminated by the builders. In it's place the ayuntamiento of Algorfa have increased Police patrols throughout the area, have commisioned the building of two Police huts (one at each main entrance) and are in the process of installing CCTV throughout the site. I have spoken to police representatives, and they are keen to have a very visible prescence on La Finca as the mayor and the council regard it as their jewel in the crown so to speak. Look through the photos posted and you will see the hut at the main entrance during it's construction. There is also a sign next to it explaining about keeping safe and showing the police's commitment to security. There are telephone numbers on the sign should you ever need to use them and the operators speak english. They have a commitment to respond to all calls within 7 minutes.

All this is a free of charge service thanks to Algorfa Ayuntamiento which I applaud.

Kind regards



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08 Sep 2007 9:44 PM by R5-b/2 Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

Recently came back from La Finca and heard that a new company possibly ADT are taking over the security and will be manning the two huts, one at the entrance to La Finca and the other by the new road into Algorfa.   Also they will be offering to replace Securitas alarms in each property for 19 Euros a month.


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09 Sep 2007 8:39 PM by peter-c Star rating in South Wales/Golf La .... 21 forum posts Send private message

Seems a bit confusing to me. I understood the 'huts' were for police officers, with CCTV monitoring by those officers [or police employees], but the suggestion seems to be that a private security firm will, or may, be doing the monitoring and patrol. It would be useful to have the full information on this, especially if the communities are going to make a decision on funding for security. I am going out in October and will try to get the full picture. Anyone else who can do it sooner?


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