Robberies on Roda

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06 Dec 2012 12:18 PM by MYANDM Star rating. 28 forum posts Send private message

If you are not in Roda at the moment it would be a good idea to get your keyholder to check your property as there were at least six robberies over the weekend when televisions were taken.

My keyholder has advised me that my property is fine but has told me that several villas and one ground floor apartment were robbed with windows broken to gain entry. 

It is a sign of the times in Spain at present sadly and it would be a good idea to have your place checked if you are not in Murcia. 


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06 Dec 2012 1:22 PM by tony&kim Star rating in Crosby, Merseyside a.... 68 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for the information Myles.  A couple of questions though :-

1) I assume the shutters had either been forced up or not  closed in the first place  - otherwise they couldn't have broken the windows,  

2) Where were security? and

3) If the thieves drove in/out of Roda then there s/b a record of all vehicle number plates arriving and leaving either side of the robberies (unless it's a Roda resident).


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06 Dec 2012 1:35 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

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Sorry to be so blunt about this but it is not a good idea to discuss break ins on an open forum as there are all types  readers on here so I would always suggest that you remove this thread and your keyholders I would hope will be managing this

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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06 Dec 2012 1:43 PM by tony&kim Star rating in Crosby, Merseyside a.... 68 forum posts Send private message


No problem - you are entitled to your own opinion.

I suspect security are crawling all over this now, and if discussion on here - however low-level - means residents are aware of the problem eg leaving their shutters open - then at least it's helpful.

Please feel free to pm either myself or myandm with any advice you feel might be of assistance, and l will circulate to the owners l know.


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06 Dec 2012 1:48 PM by xam Star rating. 22 forum posts Send private message

 Surely all owners on all Phases should be aware of the situation, we don't all just pm each other!!

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06 Dec 2012 2:04 PM by tony&kim Star rating in Crosby, Merseyside a.... 68 forum posts Send private message

I agree!!

l guess until we have a password-protected, private Owners forum that covers the whole of Roda - not just individual phase(s) -  then this seems to me to be the best (only?) way we can get messages like this out.

ln the past Corvera owners seem to have been positively discouraged from almost every form of public discussion about their resort, and that's fair enough and up to them, but l think it unfair of a non-Roda resident/owner to criticise people for just trying to be helpful.

Anyway, let's hope they catch the culprits like they did last time.




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06 Dec 2012 5:12 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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We do have a private board for Roda owners owner on  Please pm me and I will give you details.





Luxury holidays in Murcia spain at 



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06 Dec 2012 5:15 PM by tony&kim Star rating in Crosby, Merseyside a.... 68 forum posts Send private message

Thanks Sandra - will do. 


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06 Dec 2012 5:30 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

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Please take some advice from somebody that has experience in this area you really have too be very careful on anything that is discussed on a public forum, Tony you started asking questions about security, how they got out, that 6 properties were broken into, what was taken etc

By all means suggest that there that there is a security issue, that people should check their properties and to perhaps PM you for more specific information but don't talk about broken windows, shutters and entry methods on what is a PUBLIC forum read by owners, buyers and renters

I have been to RODA today and no obvious changes and I am only trying to help

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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06 Dec 2012 7:44 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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Regrettably, global unemployment and recession will continue to attract all sorts of property crime, especially when properties are left empty for some time ALL over the world, this is not a problem confined to Roda.
I do however agree that this is a subject better suited to an Owners Forum, which sadly has never been offered to all owners.
Security however is purely the responsibility of the Entidad Board and the Administrator, whilst security can make a difference it will NEVER completely prevent determined criminals or even the odd chancer.

Resortalia have of late Been attempting tp provide news updates from Roda on a regular basis, whether these incidents are mentioned in the next bulletin remains to be seen, but if you have questions or queries relating to security, you would be more likely to gain information from the Entidad Board or the Administrator to whom you can air your views, contact them if you have concerns.

It would also make some sense for all owners to provide details of their key holder/property manager to Resortalia who can be contacted directly and easily in case of any emergency or problem. Especially as Resortalia have to attempt to contact owners if any problem occurs.

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06 Dec 2012 10:07 PM by Mikeandhelen Star rating. 193 forum posts Send private message


A row of townhouses were broken into BURGLARIES not Robberies (no violence against the person). The outer shutters to ground floor windows (not patio windows) were forced and the windows jemmied open. TV's, DVD's and cable boxes were taken.

When alerted, security, restorillia and the local Police did a thorough job of examining the scenes and looking after the premises.

Unfotunately the burglaries decided to do their deed while security was elsewhe, surprisingly, the TV's must have required a larger vehicle to shift in one go. Does everbody keep receipts and serial number for their equipment?

Whilst the front doors may be bomb proof, the burglars will always go for the weakest points. 

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07 Dec 2012 12:12 PM by tony&kim Star rating in Crosby, Merseyside a.... 68 forum posts Send private message

My last post on this.

Thanks to Mikeand Helen and Hughman for their valuable input, and l will certainly be making sure Resortalia know who our own keyholders are.

Roy, please read what l said again carefully. l made no mention of either the number of properties or what was stolen - that was on  the previous posting - and you will also see that l had already asked Sandrab to pm me before your second contribution. ln fact  you have now mentioned the method of entry the thieves used as many times as anyone!

If you want to criticise anyone further on the Roda forum then l suggest you follow your own advice and pm them instead of doing it publicly because, contrary to what you say, it isn't helpful.

Mikeandhelen - l fear you may now feel Roys wrath for continuing the thread in detail after he'd told us all "bluntly" that it was unwise!! 

A peaceful and happy Christmas to everyone.




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07 Dec 2012 1:21 PM by Mikeandhelen Star rating. 193 forum posts Send private message


Thanks for your comments.
I thought it important that other owners know what happened, we do get the news from Restorillia every week or so.
It’s important to realise that these were BURGLARIES, unoccupied properties were broken into, and nobody was attacked and robbed.
It was also important to know how it happened and what was taken, of course the TV’s must have been difficult to shift in bulk but one or two in a car boot could easily have been moved out of Roda in one of the many hire cars that are about.
It’s actually irrelevant where this happened as there are plenty of secluded ground floor windows to try.
Roda is actually a safer place than many developments due to the larger number of permanent residents about. I can think of other developments (Corvera) with hardly anybody there to notice unusual activity, by also the burglars would have greater difficulty in finding occupied properties!   
A note of thanks to Calida International for responding so promptly to my call and sorting out the Police report for me, and their on-going assistance.
Now you’ll be looking up my other posts to find out where my place is. Just read the one about knowing who you are letting your place out to.
Just let's not get into any further discussion about this, and apply some 'Rumour Control'.

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07 Dec 2012 2:48 PM by tony&kim Star rating in Crosby, Merseyside a.... 68 forum posts Send private message

M&H -  I completely agree and thank you for all the very helpful info. Will pm you in due course.


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09 Dec 2012 9:52 PM by JMWIL Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

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Hi all,
I would rather know that there was a problem than not. What are the security doing about it , are they not looking into vans and other large vehicles, I for one would not have a problem giving my name and apartment and block no when entering the gates. Full time residents will get to be known to security so that should not be a problem.

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10 Dec 2012 1:23 AM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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Please give your opinions to Resortalia and the Entidad Board, only they, under pressure from owners can bring about change in security operations.

Burglaries could be as easily commited by tenants living onsite as well as visitors

The recent weekly update from Resortalia does suggest that entrance 2 will only be opened by registered car recognition plates only soon after a certain time. This will help at night but as the roads are public and there are constant visitors to the golf course and the site it is no doubt difficult to monitor everyone unless large amounts are spent on security

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31 Mar 2013 8:30 PM by dessiec Star rating. 16 forum posts Send private message

 Hi, our storage room in the underground garage was burgled last week. We lost four sets of clubs and other bits and pieces. We had been informed by Resortalia that there had been an attempt to break in and security was being stepped up in the area- when I queried if community insurance covers the garage area I was told it covers the replacement of locks only and not contents. Two days later I received another mail to say that my storeroom had been breached and a list of contents still remaining. Coincidently we were travelling out the following day and reported it to the Guardia Civil. 

I know some people dont like news like this on the owners forum but if I had known that there was a thief on site breaking into storerooms with apparant ease I would have locked my golf clubs in the apartment- so be warned- if there is anything that means a lot to you dont leave it in your storerooom.

We had two bicycles and a fifth set of clubs that were not taken- (not the worst set either). Bags of clothes, shoes and beach towels were taken too.

If there are any golfers living at roda that are offered second hand clubs for sale please report it to the police- I am gutted at the loss of these clubs- they took years to build up. PM me if you have heard of any clubs for sale locally.

regards Des.

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01 Apr 2013 11:47 PM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 forum posts Send private message

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Dessiec - Which Phase are you on?

Cheers Pommers

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02 Apr 2013 7:09 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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 Sorry to hear abot your experiences Dessiec, sadly as I posted previously, this type of opportunistic crime is happening more and more and not just at Roda. I lost 2 sets of golf clubs from my garage in the UK in broad daylight.

Unoccupied premises on a large resort are always going to be a draw to criminals no matter how much security is in place. As in the UK the police expect home owners to be insured, so are not very proactive with theft crimes.


I would ask your President who is a member of the Entidad Board who are responsible for security how access was gained as I am consistently asking our owners and tenants to ensure the doors from the stairwells into the garages are left closed, they require keys form the stairs side. It is all too easy to access garages, and therefore cars and store rooms if these are invitingly left open. Regrettably many tenants have not been provided with keys and leave the doors permanently open.

As far as insurance is concerned, it has been well documented on many occasions previously, that all owners should at least have contents insurance for themselves as well as their own buildings insurance as Community Buildings insurance is extremely limited cover and only contents insurance would cover theft of items, ensure storerooms are covered.

Golf clubs and bikes are an easy option to move at the many boot fairs and markets around the area.

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08 Apr 2013 10:29 PM by adambecs Star rating in St Albans. 50 forum posts Send private message

Hi Des

We too just got back from Roda and lost 3 sets of golf clubs and 3 bikes to name but a few things - despite "securing" our lock up with a thin wire tag Security denied all knowledge of our lock up being broken into - Resortalia also knew nothing.The police also seemed to know nothing of all 10 break ins.

However, on the plus side, Security are working hard for their money and I quote the weekly update from Friday 5th April.

"On last Friday 29, SECURITY detected a washing line in a townhouse in phase 3. They spoke with the resident to remind him that washing lines are not allowed and he was asked to remove it, what he kindly did."

Perhaps a refocus of priorities is necessary!

Adam & Becs

Adam & Becs

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