Aquagest Water

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17 Jan 2013 6:12 PM by BarneyL Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message


I have recently received a water bill for 750€. Our normal bill is around 30 - 60€ depending on the time of year. During the period covered, the apartment was occupied for eight days.  I contacted Aquagest to dispute the amount, and they sent someone round to read the meter again. The meter has since been checked to see if it is working and found to be alright.  Aguagest insisted that we may have a leak, so we have had it checked by a plumber who has found no leak. We have since had our account debited with the 750€.

Aquagest have said that there is nothing more they can do. Has anyone else had any problems with unexplained high bills?



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17 Jan 2013 6:52 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

I know of some owners in phase 1 who were not connected to the meter they thought was theirs. aquagest eventually sorted this.

Worth insisiting Aquagest come and check your meter, you must be able to show them previous bills as a comparison.

Could someone have left a tap running somewhere, if no sign of a leak? Could someone link in to outside tap?

They should be able to turn the meter off to check if it is indeed yours, if not satisfied ask them for a complaints form ,all businesses must supply one and visit the OMIC office in San Javier or seek legal advice. as that is not realistic bill if used sensibly

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18 Jan 2013 12:20 PM by BarneyL Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

 Hi Hugh-Man

Aquagest have cheched the meter to establish it is ours, and the only outside tap is on the roof (solarium).

Thanks for the advice regarding the complaints form that could be very useful.





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18 Jan 2013 1:00 PM by debbie k Star rating. 43 forum posts Send private message

our aquagest bill for the latest period is exactly 100 euros more than the same period last year when the property has been empty .

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18 Jan 2013 4:42 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

No charges for today then.....................................

Dear Owner;

We have been informed by the water supplier AQUAGEST that due to a big failure in their installations, they have had to cut off the water supply in the whole Resort to do the repair. They had made the estimation that they will restore the service along this afternoon.

Sorry for any inconvenient this might have caused to you.

Kind regards,


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19 Jan 2013 12:50 AM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 forum posts Send private message

pommers´s avatar

Was off all afternoon. wasn't back on at 18:30.

My clients were not happy bunnies. They'd been testing their motor bikes down at Cartagena and just wanted a hot shower!


debbie k - Standing charges have risen hugely in the last 12 months . . . but not that much.


This message was last edited by pommers on 19/01/2013.

Cheers Pommers

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