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sadly we have had two brand new bikes stolen from our garden in the penthouses. Thet are very distinctive- with a very high handlebar. They are white with green logo b cooool- they kind of look like an overgrown chopper bike.They also have the words b twin on them.We only bought these bikes 2 weeks ago and would be very grateful if anyone seeing them would report this to security who are aware of the situation. We have not seen any other bikes like these on site. We really are very sad and disappointed that someone would do such a despicable thing like this in a lovely place like this. You can also pm me if you spot the culprits. And we will give our mobile number out on a private pm too. Thank you all out there- hope we can work together to stop things like this happening.
thank you
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So so sorry to hear this....Facebook has shown a few bikes and scooters stolen.....have you any pics??. Perhaps list this on Facebook as well. Hope you get them back!
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thank you redrose- good tip. We can find pics from decathlon website which we bought them from. Just hope all eager eyed folk will do their best to help. Its more the thought of dishonest people on this site who would do such a thing which is the most upsetting .
But thanks anyway
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Personally I think its opportunist thieves....but the Penthouse theft sounds like someone went looking to see what they could get....for the first time tonight I have brought mine inside....never thought/ worriee about it before, i doubt if there is anything security could do as they cant be everywhere...and if the thief sees security hes hardly likely to steal something! Its horrible for the families and children involved but we all just have to put our things away...such a shame...we didnt have this problem last year??????
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Just a thought but perhaps security should start asking vans leaving the resort to open up and they check them as I would think most of the items being pinched - especially if they are distinctive - will go off the resort. If they start doing spot checks that might help. The markets do bring in lots of non residents. I would think its more likely to be others taking the items and probably not owners who do tend to look after their things. We would never leave our kids bikes out at home so why when we come away do we do it here. Spain is in a deep recession and at times like this people do desperate things. Bikes are easy money. I have marked all our stuff with our apartment number so if anything does go missing or gets mixed up in the pool it's easy to claim back. Sad for those kids who have lost items and really hope that security can recover tfme items but I think some spot checks will help get the message out there that pinching stuff is no longer easy on condado.
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Claire, these thefts are not happening when markets on so unfortunately we cant blame them...the problem with security checking vans etc is a bike wont have a bit label on it saying stolen from Penthouses etc! I genuinely believe that these items arent going off site. Not everyone who lives here is as well off as the toursists who visit! People who steal these items only have to wait another week or so till we all go home and then they can happily bring these items out without us being here to see them. Just my thoughts!!!!
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A couple of bike rack sets at Al Kasar and at the Club, would help with this problem, so people could lock things up when in the bars/ restaurants. I also think there should be a few sets of these in every Jardin.
On market day the cars were being checked coming in and we and the row of cars I was in were also stopped going out. However I expect these are opportunist thefts often of items left unsecured. You need to lock everything up when you are not with it both on and off your property (or put as much inside as you can) Difficult I know as in the Jardins children often drop things and run off to play with something else- but more manageable at the Club or at Al Kasar.
The same safety and security rules you follow when at home should be used when on holiday. People often relax far too much when away from home and thats just the opportunity thieves are waiting for. Cant say how many times times, when we've parked the car, I've seen the ground floor rear patio door open on apartments and then when you go around the front into the garden the front patio is also wide open with no-one insight and everyone at the pool!!
On the way to our apartment from the car one afternoon we passed a handbag and a bag of shopping on the ground against a car at the top of the alleyway and at the garden end of the alley and just out of sight of the bag was a woman in animated conversation with people in a ground floor apartment. When we pointed the bags to her she just nodded and gave us the thumbs up and actually turned her back to continue her conversation!!
People do seem to be speaking about this more this year, but there are more owners and more visitors now, I remember in the past people talking about mops and buckets, patio furniture and loungers going missing and at least one washing machine taken from the penthouses. Despite us thinking this is our holiday home, for others its a residential urbanisation and as such will have the problems housing estates all over the world have.
This message was last edited by Jann on 24/08/2013.
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I dont know if bike racks would help...the kids are cucling, scooting round...then back to Mum for 5 so dumped at their butts ( as kids do)..if a parent isat La Cata and bike rack near Bokao...who would be bothered going to make it safe. Maybe if parents took locks with them...a child stealing a locked up bike might be challenged..if they could indeed be bothered staeling a locked bike. With the exception of a scooter on the Medieval fiesta weekend, from outsidethe heladeria....nothing else ( to the best of my knowledge) has gone missing on market day. W like to imagine its market visitors who are thievibg, but I am afraid we need to look much closer to home!! The thefts of bikes does seem to have increased! I know in recent months someone lost 2 sets of clubs....from his apartment with open patio doors! Someone has had a chimnea stolen, someone almost lost their patio furniture which was piled ready to go. It is such a shame but we all just need to be more careful and vigilant! I suspect those open patio doors you see are mine when we are all at the pool, I need to start practising what I preach!!!!
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no the bikes were not locked up but they were on our own patio. Surely you should be able to leave your bikes on your own property during the day without locking them up! We always lock them up when we leave them in a public place.
We thought that Condado was a secure community- but you cant really legislate against the type of people who are minded to do such a thing
This message was last edited by mistral on 24/08/2013.
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Here is a picture of the bikes just in case they are on site. We are actually home owners here so do take the same security precautions like when in the UK. But at home it would not occur to us that bikes could be stolen from our own front garden in broad daylight. Its just a shame for people who have invested here. But we still love it. 
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Well those bikes are very distinctive I do hope if they appear I. A few weeks that so done can alert security. Good to hear that security were checking people in and out on market day I was not aware of that but like that they are doing that. Worth getting permanent pens and marking property so if its checked bt security it will be found and returned to the rightful owners.
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They look great bikes- what a pity for you. Hope have reported the theft.
We do lock our bikes up on our own patio, at Al Kasar and also if in our front drive at home but even so that doesnt make any excuse for theives. I think having bike racks here and there around the Al Kasar would be better than not having them at all.
Can only hope that people mark their property and that ML are always made aware of thefts- only in that way may a greater awareness be created via Security
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If the bikes are spotted on site how will you prove if they are your bikes? Have you marked them in any way? We kept our bikes outside our apartment locked up for three weeks this year with no problems.
its a sad world but all property that remains outside should be marked so we can identify our own property. Use nail varnish to mark apartment No or british postcode in a discreet place, that way there can be no disputes if propery is found.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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