Solar pool heating

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27 Oct 2013 1:35 PM by deskell Star rating. 94 forum posts Send private message

Hi to all, just back from yet another holiday on CDA, I am a property owner on this site in J2 , we'll the pool was a bit nippy for me this time of the year as I pop over virtually every moth and with the kids on every holiday why not install solar panel heater to keep the pool at a descent temperature for all to use all year round, yes it costs money but surely 10€ per household on J2 covers this cost and of the likes of J5-13 which are larger jardines even cheaper ....where would I have to go to put this forward
Surely this is a great idea especially for the ones who reside at CDA
Regards Des

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27 Oct 2013 3:15 PM by kitchenman Star rating in Edinburgh & Jardines.... 64 forum posts Send private message

good idea des

if we were to install pergolas with roofs to give shade in the summer close to the pools we could use the roof space for solar panels during the cooler months 


jeff j3


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27 Oct 2013 6:48 PM by Crashtester Star rating. 157 forum posts Send private message

I think it is definitely worth considering, the pools don't need to be really heated just enough to take the edge off and with 300 sunny days a year solar power is an ideal option.

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27 Oct 2013 6:59 PM by deskell Star rating. 94 forum posts Send private message

What do you think is the best approach to this is?.
I will email millennium the idea and see what they say , I am willing to do the work IE erect the pergola to their standards and the solar folks dimensions
Keep you in the loop

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27 Oct 2013 10:02 PM by Redrose Star rating in Norwich. 233 forum posts Send private message

There's a discussion on FB about this..apparently for a garden of 200+ will cost 400Euro each!!,

This message was last edited by Redrose on 27/10/2013.

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27 Oct 2013 10:24 PM by deskell Star rating. 94 forum posts Send private message

That's 80'k seems way out I have solar on my pool in France , my pool is 8x5m but mine goes fro 1200 to 2.8 m deep this only cost £8k taking into the volume of water that the pools take there won't be a vast difference
My brother uses solar in NSW and there it costs $4000 for a pool of 8x4 m
So why not get a contractor in for a price?

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28 Oct 2013 2:08 PM by hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message


We too have just spent two fab weeks on Condado & the pool was occupied by adults and children alike from about 11am & until quite late some times.

Every year around this time the talk reverts back to heating the pools but as the water is constantly on the move then surely the maintaining of a decent temperature would be difficult. Its ok saying it would cost x amount per garden but most gardens are not yet fully occupied  and as many owners have not kept up their payments for their community tax I doubt if they would pay to heat the poool. There are owners & or visitors who do not venture onto Condado in the winter months. Would they happily contibute? I dont think so.

Now a change of subject. Is it me? A I being a grumpy old so & so but have there been more fly`s this year. I have been lucky enough to be able to make 5 visits to our appartment this year & the dam blighters have drove me mad.



This message was last edited by hamibabe on 28/10/2013.


West Mids & Jardin 5

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28 Oct 2013 3:26 PM by deskell Star rating. 94 forum posts Send private message

Well I am willing to contribute, come jardines 2 let's get it started, I am contacting Milleniun .... Watch this space

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28 Oct 2013 5:59 PM by kitchenman Star rating in Edinburgh & Jardines.... 64 forum posts Send private message

just had several thoughts regarding the heating of the pools with solar panels  so here goes

1/  could solar panels be used to power the filtration system during the summer months when we don't need the pools heated. if we had a idea of the power consumption for the fitration system we could then price for the correct amount of panels to run it. 

2/ could this saving then be used to heat the pool in the winter months all that would be needed is an inline heater to heat the water flowing back into the pool 

yes there would be an initial cost but this could be off set against long term savings on power costs

jeff j3



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28 Oct 2013 6:27 PM by joss Star rating. 44 forum posts Send private message

I am also on Jardine 2 and would back this 100 per cent and be willing to contribute to solar heating our pool. I want to be able to visit my apartment and be able to use the pool during the colder months. I was over a few weeks ago and the pool was quite literally freezing! The sea is hotter!

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28 Oct 2013 6:32 PM by deskell Star rating. 94 forum posts Send private message

Joss who's our president in j2 Barry ?
Let's get j2 together and move on this
Regards Des

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28 Oct 2013 7:11 PM by kitchenman Star rating in Edinburgh & Jardines.... 64 forum posts Send private message

 this idea would have more clout with Millenium if we could get a larger comunity buy-in. we are on jardin 3 and would happily support the comunity as a whole looking at the costs. it would be a good idea if we could find out as much information as poss before approching ML ie

1/power consumption of pumps/filters in Kw

2/amount of solar panels/area  req to provide neccesery Kw output

3/ cost and size of heater for given pool volumes as well as power consumption

4/cost to supply and install

5/ if  we go for a stand alone system how do we run the pumps at night

6/ could we sell the unused power to the electricity companys

7/ would the savings by running the pumps on solar power during the warmer months.give us enough funds to power the heaters during the colder months

sorry if it look like  i'am being negitiveand asking lots of questions but i'm thinking of what ML might ask,

so is it not better to go fully informed to ML with this idea






This message was last edited by kitchenman on 28/10/2013.

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29 Oct 2013 2:11 PM by neil2610 Star rating in we're from west midl.... 142 forum posts Send private message

Hi Jeff,

Can you advise how much power can be generated by a solar panel. The reason I ask is that I have looked into hearing one of the pools on la Isla for a few years now. The problems you face are heat loss during the winter months. Without a pool cover you are pretty much wasting your time. The shape of our pools means that covers are not an easy option as well as wholes it on and off.
The best you can do is to extend the season of being able to use the pools. My best guess was to have pools open from March to November. I was also looking at heat pumps as these use far less energy for the most heat. These can be be used but where do you put them ( I thought in the pump room, but no you can't as the cold air from the pump needs to be pushed out into the air and not let it collect in the bottom of the pump room).

If you need more info of heat pump sizing and other info like liquid pool covers ( all of which I have explored) please contact me.

I do support you and please do not take the above as negative but I hope just practical advise.

I wish you well because as soon as one pool has it they all will wana have it.

Best of luck


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29 Oct 2013 2:45 PM by deskell Star rating. 94 forum posts Send private message

hello there i have contacted a pool guy in Murcia hopefully he will get back to me with a meeting in mind for Jardines 2

at least he will have all the answers and dangle the carrot for the rest of the CDA

who knows

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29 Oct 2013 2:57 PM by kitchenman Star rating in Edinburgh & Jardines.... 64 forum posts Send private message

thanks for your input into this neil.

to answer you question the power output from solar is un limited as you just string more panels together the main issue is the space req. 3kw need 20m2

i think we need to look at this from an other angle.

to use solar panel to heat the pools would not work all that well during the months we need them heated ie the winter not a lot of daylight hours.

what we should be doing is heating them of the mains in the winter and using solar to power the pumps during the summer months ie. ofset the heating cost in the winter with free power in the summer

to see if this is a feasable option we would need the following information

1/ power consumption of filtration system pumps in kw/hours

2/ do the pumps run 24/7 or are the off for part of the day

this will give us an energy usage, with this we can work out if the savings in power during the summer  would run a heater for the winter months 

to work out the cost of heating the pools we need the following info

3/ flow rate of water back into the pool in either l/min or m3 per hour also the total volume of water in the pools

4/ target temp of pools  to determine the size and style of heater 

looking on the internet you can get a 3kw solar panel system for approx £5000 and you need an area of 20m2 to site it 

i'm over the first week in december if anyone wants to meet to discuse this further




This message was last edited by kitchenman on 29/10/2013.

This message was last edited by kitchenman on 29/10/2013.

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29 Oct 2013 3:05 PM by deskell Star rating. 94 forum posts Send private message

jeff, great, iwill make arrangements to be over in the first weekin December, i am an electrical engineer and will bring my calcs based on all temps.

building a gazebo for shade in the summer, could act as a stage for the panelswhich could go down the side of the pool where the pump housings are??

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29 Oct 2013 11:19 PM by chaddyowl Star rating in Manchester. 1264 forum posts Send private message

chaddyowl´s avatar

deskell, I am the Level 3 for Jardine 2 and level 2 for our collective jardines from 1-5.

Feel free to PM me on here and I will be glad to discuss the pros and cons regarding heated pools and if necessary put your well thought out plans to be put to the next level 2 meeting which will be held on the 6th November 2013.

Hope this also answers another poster from Jardine 2 who apparently was unaware who their president was.

If they can PM me with their email address I will let them know what is happening on not only Jardine 2 but the resort in general!!!!!


This message was last edited by chaddyowl on 29/10/2013.

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30 Oct 2013 9:39 AM by neil2610 Star rating in we're from west midl.... 142 forum posts Send private message

Kitchen man

I understand your theory but, the pool will NOT be easily heated during winter. The heat loss during the night will be more than the heat put in during the day. The heating required during the day for any sort of guarantee would be in the region of 90KW.
I still feel that you should be aware that to try to heat the pool year round ( with the current design and no cover) may not be realistic. Certainly go for it and if you are happy for most of the heat going so the pool temp will vary greatly from morning to afternoon that's fine. I came across a board that wanted guarantees that it would heat the pool every day, perhaps your board might be a bit more realistic and accept that on some days it will still be cold.

Please do accept I am trying to help ( and you seem to have goodknowledgeof solar panels so perhaps this is your bag so to say) you may need to consider the offset of 3, 6, 9 KW over the 12 months for pumps etc against 90KW ( although with heat pumps you get a 5:1 reduction).
Where would you put the solar panels @ 20Mts Sq?

Direct heating only gives 1:1 heating and so is very costly however a lot smaller in size.

We used 28 deg C as target temp, I do realise that we have had some hardy people in the pools recently at 21 C so the temp could be reduced but you still have the same problems, no cover and cold at night. These two factors make it hard to heat all year.

Please do think about what I am saying as you would not want to advocate a all year plan only for others to shoot you down at a later stage. 9 months guaranteed might be better than 12 months but lots of complaints?

Sorry to advise.

I really do hope I'm wrong.
Best of luck and I do hope you do well.



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30 Oct 2013 10:38 PM by dandc Star rating in Worsley Greater Manc.... 44 forum posts Send private message

The only way to heat the pools is heat pumps.pipes are layed in the ground of the gardens to extracl heat that goes to heat pumps , to heat the pools.Hundreds of metres of pipes can be laid in each garden.No ugly solar panels,all pipes underground,do not know cost but the best option.Heat extracted 24/7.

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31 Oct 2013 2:16 PM by neil2610 Star rating in we're from west midl.... 142 forum posts Send private message

Heat pumps can extract heat from the air. Like a air con system in reverse. No laying of pipes but you do have one big square box which will blow out cold air.
Seen as though the outside temp is high compared with the pool temp it works well.


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