Hmmmm, looks like I am the villain now!!! Guess this is another reason for never using a public forum that often strays from the point.
And now the vindication points - in no particular order.
I was extremely angry on the morning in question because of walking the area and constantly observing dog crap everywhere and only a week or so ago witnessing an owner with a dog (ON A LEAD) not picking up. Still annoyed by some dog owners behavior and still think there is a valid point to be aired or discussed.
This was never intended to be a name and shame or witch hunt issue, but some posters thought it was the way to go!!! IN HINDSIGHT PERHAPS I SHOULD OF MASKED OR WORDED THE POSTING BETTER. Heat of the moment and all that...... NO PERSONAL DISTRESS WAS INTENDED. (I am man enough to say that).
I don’t personally know the woman or anything about her until now, have never exchanged acknowledging glances that I recall. This is where my unwillingness to confront the person comes in. Too often in the past what looked like a reasonable young OR old, male OR female, when confronted turns into an abusive raging lunatic. ADMIT IT MAY NOT OF HAPPENED IN THIS CASE but as the saying goes, “once bitten, twice shy”
Think what is the disturbing factor in this case is the persons age and health status of both herself an her pet. It is difficult, nigh on impossible to determine accurately age and health status from oberservation. Who looking at me could determine that 3-4 tablets every day have kept me alive for the last 30 years???
In this case based on the knowledge aquired since, it was POSSIBLY A ONE OFF occurrence. The pet was not on a lead and may have been “taken short” and due to distressing news of the pets health may not have been observed. In this case I ACCEPT the explanation, but in the case of many other pet owners (NOT ALL), I am still disgusted with their blatant disregard for the rules and the feelings and enjoyment due to other residents and is a serious aesthetic and health problem that still needs to be addressed.
I have tried to keep this short and to the point without causing any more distress to anyone. ADMIT the whole thing has not gone as intended. Others would perhaps of liked a “witch hunt”, but it was never my intention. Through possibly anger I wanted attention drawn to what I believe is a serious issue that may or may not ever be resolved. Then how do you resolve an issue if it is not brought to peoples attention and discussed.
I hope this is an end to an ASSUMED witch hunt.
Andy, will try and talk to you in person ASAP. I am not hiding and do not want ill feelings, and am not totally averse to speaking to sensible people face to face. Hopefully I will leave with the front incisors intact!!!!!!!!
Regards Peter
On one last non related point:
REDROSE - if you want a thread on AGM’S, GO START YOUR OWN, don’t hijack this one. You still have not vindicated yourself regarding previous posts. (suppose thats me in some sort of crap again!!!!!! ah well s--t happens)