Several people have asked about getting their apartment painted so the President on Phase 2 has asked our consierje if he knew anyone who could do this for owners. He has provided a quote from a friend (who is a painting contractor) to paint an apartment that is as follows.
2-bed apartment - single colour paint on walls
. . . including ceilings . . . €495
. . . excluding ceilings . . . €365
3-bed apartment - single colour paint on walls
. . . including ceilings . . . €585
. . . excluding ceilings . . . €425
Don't know how this compares to any other quotes that peopl have had.
Also don't know if this would be applicable to townhouse - I suspect not as there are obviosly the stairs to add.
If anyone wants more details then PM me
This message was last edited by pommers on 16/09/2014.