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Am sure we still have no lights from that accident you mentioned, Mageed!, may be wrong, will check!
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Petrhaps some input ferom somebody that visits numerous golf resorts around the area, at a variety of times because of late meet & greets and who sees what happens on a regular basis may be of some interest
The facts are that often people on holiday have n respect for the law relating to drink driving while they are on holiday, they seem very happy to visit the local facilitues and then drive bacj to their apartments or villas, over the limit, and the law applies to all of the roads inside a development and as a previous poster mentioned, the law applies to all roads and the Police can stop and breathlise any driver
I have lost count of the nuuber of near misses that I have seen, lamposts knocked down on Corvera, La Torre, RODA etc, cars abandoned and witnessed people staggering out of their cars, even had a confrontation , after a near miss with a car coming straight at me, on the wrong side of the road, at 2AM on Mar Menor to be told by a very drunken driver p*** off you are the one of thw wrong side of the road
This is actually a big problem and only a matter of time before something serious happens and of course not limited to Englsih
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
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Inspectahomespain, the vast majority of our accidents have involved those living on resort! Scottish, English, Spanish all guilty so far....all living and working in my 3 years I am aware of no serious accidents involving tourists/ visitors!!
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The key point about the post is that it is a problem around all of the golf resorts not just condado
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
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I totally disagree - the key point about the post is that it is a BIG PROBLEM in CONDADO hence why this point has been raised on the Condado de Alhama forum. Unless I'm mistaken this is not a comparison website and personally with the greatest respect I couldn't care less what happens on other resorts as my concerns are what happens in Condado being where I and so many other owners and residents alike have invested, reside or holiday with their familes and small children.
By stating that it is a resort wide problem are you trying to dilute the issue and not make us feel so bad as this does not make the matter legal, better or safer. Drink driving is a serious problem on Condado and remarks by EOS VIPs, Resort Presidents and anyone else who thinks driving under the influence is somewhat just one of those things that we have to live with, put up with or even joke about - well I have no respect for you.
Attitudes have to change and yes as witnessed by many of us a large proportion of the rule breakers are British - it would be so simple and easy to fix if the guilty parties simply WALKED home!
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Quite the opposite as far as diluting the problem the fact is that all of these developments are policed by the same authority as they come under Murcia, There is a very proactive neighbourhood watcg time scheme operated locally in the Corvera and La Torre resorts by the Police Local, who are classed more as the tourist police and operate under the Mayor at the Town Hall, so this would be the ideal place for the Presidents to start a conversation.
Education is key, from some of the areas of the resort it could be 4Km to the facilities so because people believe that they are safe from the police, behind their gates on their own little race track, then they will carry on regrdless, there needs to be the occasional Police stop check and a few people caught to discourage this, you should nit have to live with this problem
I also know that on another resort where this was happening in La MangaPresidents spoke to the Police and they initatied a proactive campaign and road stops over a 3 month period
An attitude tha says well it isn;'t tourists, but locals who do this is deplorable, especially from an organisation that promotes a kids club and is looking after customers.. Peroanally if I knew who was doing this I would be speaking to them directly, especially when in the same post they talk about accidents already happening
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
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Guardia Civil are on site in August running a charity day at Condado club! lets use this to get them onside to make more visits to our resort, make them feel welcome and they will help us eradicate this issue I am sure! Same for Local Police, get them onside!
Some people seem to despise the cops but they are the only ones who can stop this epidemic not the presidents or ML!
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Hi Chaddyowl,
Sounds like plan but surely ML through our presidents can raise this issue earlier than August with the local authorities. If we are having problems now onsite, I suspect it will be worst during the peak seasons.
I'm pretty sure for the majority on the complex we would expect ML to engage with the Police sooner rather than later to at least get the message out that it’s unacceptable to have this type of behavior on our complex.
After all this is why we elect presidents and appoint an administrator. Nobody is expecting ML to physically stand out at night to check what is happening but we do expect them to liaise with the authorities whose job it is to enforce the law.
This message was last edited by mageed on 03/06/2015.
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My attitude deplorable? i assume you have read my comments wrong!! I am in no way condoning this just advising that the accidents I am aware of are not tourists!
Inspectahomespain, we will do anything we can to promote road safety on resort...having 2 young daughters ourselves! I am making the point that, on the whole, it isnt the tourists to blame but those living here...I wish we could blame the tourists!
Who am I to speak to those committing these offences??? That is a matter for the police only..... Its a small community and it doesnt take long to find out who has been involved in accidents...any accidents have been one offs by those then it is too late to give them advice.
When I talk to visitors at present I advise them to walk home through gardens late at night where possible...I genuinely believe it is only a matter of time before someone is seriously injured or worse on our roads. When we go out at night I do not drink and frequently taxi friends home!
Alcohol has not been the common factor in these is equally to blame with speed and recklessness.
As a Kids' Club we would do anything for the wellbeing of families on resort...but seriously,what can we do to prevent an accident when noone knows who will be involved or where or when!
Personally, I would like to see the police on resort more...especially after 2300...
I hope I have explained myself better, Denise x
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2littketinkers, thank you for the update and PM and I now understand more
What is comes down to is the combination of education and enforcement an I certainlly agree that it should be your representatives who are lobbying the various Police forces to get help here are also a more proactive approach from your own security onsite who actually report things when they see them. Police Local are normally happy to hekp and they normally appoint a dedicated officer as liason for each site
Also I know that the bars would not want to do anything to effect their income but they need to take more responsable, perhaps notices in the various bars. I was talking to a guy that works at The Clover tiday, he said that they should take keys of people if they are drunk
If there is a identfied group of workers is becomes easier to approach these people, if they are workers perhaos speak to the bar owners directlybut you cannot afford to wait till peak season in August
As much as I hate them, if speed iis an issue then consider traffyc calming measures like spped humps on the problem roads
Do you ever see te Police actally driving around te resort, they are a common sight on Corvera and Mosa Trajectum and RODA
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
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