Completion Checklist - Sierra Golf

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08 May 2016 11:43 AM by VAO Star rating. 20 forum posts Send private message


I am currently in the process of purchasing in Sierra Golf and not getting any clearer to the process.

Although I have given Solicitor  POA to complete on my behalf. They insist i have to do snagging before completion to ensure the refurbishment is done as agreed with developer. Whilst this is not  big deal on its own, they dont seem to have a date agreed with developer yet and i am told water and electricity will be connetced approximately 10 days after completion.

Is this normal process?

Will i need to ask for Certificate of Habitation from Solicitor?

Are there any documentations or information i should be requesting from Solicitor?

BTW - I am also expected to transfer funds to Solicitor weeks prior to completion  is this the norm?

Need some guidance




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08 May 2016 12:32 PM by Buster2 Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

Hi, everything you've said seems normal. Did you get an independant solicitor? They will make sure all of your documents are in place, but it's always wise to ask.. I thought it sounded pretty logical that you have to check everything is how you want it in your house and then once you're happy they can complete. Sierras a great place to live we've been here a while now. Hope I've been some kind of help..😊

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08 May 2016 1:16 PM by VAO Star rating. 20 forum posts Send private message

Thanks..Yes Solicitor is independent.

So waiting 10 days post completion is ok?

Are there specific documents i need to.ensure are in place or need to sight?


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08 May 2016 2:02 PM by Buster2 Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

Just habitation certificate. I'm sure everything will be ok things are done differently over here, I know it's nerve wrecking when you give money and sign over poa but if you can't be there it's your only option.. I suppose you just have to trust the process... 

When you have habitation certificate you can have water and electric. 

We were in a different position to you we were here to sign, also as I said we've been here a while, way before urmosa came on site, but they seem to be doing a good job, everyone that's bought from them seem happy and haven't had problems... Other than the time issue, but if your going to have leagal properties with habitation certificate you have to wait.

sorry I'm not more help.


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08 May 2016 5:12 PM by 172 Star rating in North west UK. 19 forum posts Send private message

We agreed purchase back in October but only completed in March once all works were completed by Urmosa and our lawyer did all legals aithough it seems to drag on we got there in the end and now own a beautiful property, most of all waiting to have all legals sorted out will give you peace of mind, we too handed our money to our lawyer but we bought through a British agent called Sequre and believe me they are second to none excellent service and still helping, good luck with everything 


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08 May 2016 5:17 PM by Spanishpunter Star rating. 64 forum posts Send private message

Your lawyer is correct about the snags-get them done before you complete

To get water and electric connected you need the Habitation Certificate and Boletins which your lawyer should ensure that you have

But there is no reason why the developer should not arrange for the water and electric meters to be fitted before you complete-it will save you a lot of hassle if they do- and on completion the accounts can be changed to your name

He may not want to do it but there is no reason why he can’t!

After all, if you were buying a second hand home this would be the situation  

It is ‘absolutely ‘essential that you have the Habitation Certificate and all other papers before you complete

You will find it useful to have a Spanish bank account so set it up now, transfer the money to your Spanish account and then you can send the money by internet transfer to your lawyer just before completion-it only takes a day

My preference is to be at the Notary for completion and to pay by Bankers Draft- a little more expensive but it avoids having to give money on trust to a lawyer, however good he may be, in advance of completion

You have to be just as careful about buying a property in Spain as you do in UK and take no chances- so think: would you complete the purchase of a property in UK without being able to check it personally before you complete and take occupation the same day?   

Back in the last boom, many completed without all the paperwork and some still haven’t received it

I assume that you have been personally recommended the lawyer by someone you know and he is independent of the selling Agent or developer

Good luck, to most of us who have bought in Spain, are very happy with the decision       

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08 May 2016 8:41 PM by ******** Star rating in UK & Murcia. 574 forum posts Send private message

Everthing seems to take ages in Spain, so don't worry too much about the timescale.

As Spanishpunter and others already said, there should be no reason why your water and electric can't be done once you have the cert of habitation and boletins for the electricity and water. The original builder set them up in our names when buying in the first release, and we paid them the nominal amount for the connection charge (which they paid to elec and water companies for us before completion).  Then everything was ready for us to move in once completed at notary.  Not sure if this is available to do this with this builder.  Cert of habitation is essential.  Some on SG who moved in without the cert were able to use the builder's supply - a usual way of doing things in Spain, but when they didn't get the certificate and builder left the site then went bust, they were left without electric and water.

Everyone makes their own choices how they do things.  No way would I pay my money to any solicitor.  Into bank and bank transfer or bankers draft at notary.  

If you don't speak Spanish, make sure the solicitor gives you an accurate translation of what you're signing (especially if there is a mortgage involved), or you could maybe take an interpreter with you to the notary.

Really not trying to be negative, it's great to complete, just ensure you're happy with everything when you do.

Good luck and welcome to SG



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