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21 Dec 2016 11:23 AM by Javabean45 Star rating in Cheshire. 170 forum posts Send private message

Javabean45´s avatar

Hi All,

I've recently received an email flyer about an electricity supplier called Europa Energy who provide the electricity from a Solar Power source, which looks of interest as I'm not totally happy with Iberdrola's bills. Has anyone had any experience or heard anything about them?



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23 Dec 2016 4:32 PM by thorpej2 Star rating in Loughborough . 97 forum posts Send private message

Hi, I have also had this email. What is disappointing is that there is no calculator to see what the possible savings would be. You really need it to help decide if it is worth the hassle. I have also heard regular ads on Spectrum FM about Iberswitch.

Like you I feel the Iberdola bills have crept up over the last 12 months, although I do like their English comments and website.


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30 Dec 2016 2:33 PM by jeffsears Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

It seems that you have to sign up for the service before finding out what the tariffs are. They state that you can save up to 20% but again there is no way to check this claim.

I cannot find any tariffs on their website.

As most of your electricity charges are fixed costs such as standing charges, equipment rentals and amounts to pay off the suppliers previous losses I cannot see how one could make substantial savings.

My monthly Endesa bill is always around €60, less than half of this is for actual kw's used. IT would take a 50% reduction in the kw charge to reduce my bill by 25%. HIghly unlikely.

So in summary it looks like the usual scam.

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30 Dec 2016 4:27 PM by DuncanMcG Star rating in Manchester, UK. 377 forum posts Send private message

DuncanMcG´s avatar

I just got a quote from their website. The offer was 39,41€ per month. This was based on my consumption last year of 1204 kWh.

Fixed power supply

5.75 kW x 38.04 €/kW
12 months
18.23 €/m

Energy consumed

1204 kWh x 12.20 c€/kWh
12 months
12.24 €/m


Total energy    30.47 €/m
Electricity tax (5.1127%)    1.56 €/m
Meter rental    0.54 €/m
SUB TOTAL    32.57 €/m
IVA (21%)    6.84 €/m
TOTAL    39.41 €/m

So, similar supply cost, lower per kWh cost for electricity (around 2%), cheaper meter rental. For me, about a 3% reduction (15€ per annum) overall based on my electricity usage. Seems like a good offer. Add to that it is 100% green solar energy. I will probably sign up.

To get a quote go to their website enter your CUPS number and email address and click the save now button. It will generate your quote based on your actual consumption from the last year.

This message was last edited by DuncanMcG on 30/12/2016.

Never wrestle with a pig. You will both get dirty and the pig will enjoy it.

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30 Dec 2016 7:29 PM by jeffsears Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

I have just got a quote from these people and over the year it works out at around €10 per month more expensive than Endesa.

Endesa now charge a variable rate per hour. We have programmed the washing machine and dishwasher to operate during the night when rates are much lower and as a result our monthly bills have been significantly reduced.

As for using solar energy the electricity that arrives at your house will have been generated by a multitude of sources and not solely by the company that you are paying for your supply.


DuncanMcG Unless you need a maximum input feed of 5.75kw you could save a bit by reducing your contracted supply rate. Mine is 4.4kw and I use 3 times the energy that you do. You would save around €50 per annum even with your existing supplier.



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30 Dec 2016 9:39 PM by DuncanMcG Star rating in Manchester, UK. 377 forum posts Send private message

DuncanMcG´s avatar

Thanks for the suggestion Jeff,

I'm not sure whether I can reduce the 5.75kWh supply rating. It is a fixed tariff with Iberdrola, my current supplier. I agree that the savings I would make over my current tariff are not significant working out at around 1€ per month.

I understand that power is supplied by multiple suppliers and the electricity that I consume is not necessarily the electricty that my supplier generates. Having said that, an increase in overall contracted supply to green generators will result in a reduction in the demand from suppliers using nuclear or fossil fuels so contracting to green suppliers will result in an overall reduction in non-green production.

This message was last edited by DuncanMcG on 30/12/2016.

Never wrestle with a pig. You will both get dirty and the pig will enjoy it.

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07 Jan 2017 11:22 PM by Senior1 Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

Hi all, I'm currently paying anything from €25-€50 per month from Iberdrola is this the norm?

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07 Jan 2017 11:29 PM by DuncanMcG Star rating in Manchester, UK. 377 forum posts Send private message

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Yes, 25€ is pretty much the norm for a vacant apartment with supply costs only. The upper figure of occupied apartment is entirely dependent on electricity use.

My record month is 75€ when the apartment was occupied by four people for the whole month of the heatwave in September this year. The aircon was on in 3 rooms almost 24x7. The temperature was mostly above 30C during the day all month and rarely dropped below 20C at night ....

This message was last edited by DuncanMcG on 07/01/2017.

Never wrestle with a pig. You will both get dirty and the pig will enjoy it.

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