I have to advise you to stop using Roda Golf to manage your property if you are renting either long or short term.
I am now in a postion where i rented my property over a year ago to a tenant recommended by the wonderful team at Roda Golf. This tenant has been problematic with his payments since day 1, but eventually monies are forthcoming (currently only 4 months in arrears) luckly the utility bills were transferred to his name so at least I am not responsible for those.
Anyway, the tenant is now past the expiry of the lease and is still there. Roda did not advise me that his lease had expired (yes I know i should have checked), and have done nothing to get him out or do anything about it.
When I questioned and had to continue to chase Roda, the answer eventually was, its your problem, get a laywer and deal with it. Apparantly the tenant has no where else to go... bless. What a crock...
The only way these people will learn is by all you people using Roda to manage your property to stop and take your business elsewhere. They are incompetent and think that by burying their heads it will work out. If you know them, email them and tell them that you are moving your buiness elsewhere.
If anyone knows a good and efficient lawyer can you pm me please. It is time i took Roda to task via the courts for their incompetence and mismanagement of my property. If anyone else has any good ideas how to assit me, then please pm.
Needless to say i think it is time for me to get out of Roda.
Very annoyed... somewhere not in Spain