Re the Spanish Supreme Court It might be worth reviewing the following EOS thread back in March 2021 when Maria de Castro provided an update on the reasoning behind cases being lost due to a change in SC ruling.
It would be interesting to know now if this scenario has since been challenged and brought once again to the attention of the Supreme Court for them to reconsider their ruling based upon new detailed legal reasoning, especially if appeal courts are continuing to successfully win appeals against the Banks.
How long can this cat and mouse scenario continue where clients are being exposed to supportive appeal court rulings but which appear out of line with SC ruling? Isn't this in itself exposing a major problem of inconsistency in interpretation of law in Spain? How many successful supportive appeal rulings is it going to take for the SC to take note of what is happening here?
How long is this going to be allowed to continue?
ARE THE BANKS NOW SEEKING SC DOCTRINE TO PUT THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL TO BED, or are they playing games and withdrawing their SC appeals at the last minute, thus scuppering any final SC doctrine from being achieved? ( Hopefully Maria can confirm if it takes 2 SC rulings on the same point of law before SC doctrine is achieved and only then do appeal judges have to adhere to those rulings? Is this correct Maria?)
I wonder if Maria could advise exactly where this stands now for all those currently exposed to such inconsistencies? Are there any outstanding CLIENT appeals to the SC awaiting rulings in this regard, and if so when were they submitted? How long have clients been left waiting for a final SC ruling?
I would also ask what EFFECTIVE deterrents are being employed by the SC to prevent such manipulation of the system of justice IF Banks are purposefully causing delays in this manner?