Spanish Legal Reclaims

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19 Oct 2021 2:29 PM by Lindilou Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

Has anyone else on here used Spanish Legal Reclaims to claim money back from the banks? If so have you had any success please? We started proceedings with them, against Santander, in 2017 and 5 years on we are still waiting. The last we were told was in March this year, that the bank had appealed to the Supreme Court and it could take 12-18 months to get it back. That was after being told in January this year that we had won the December hearing and the money would be in our account by March. The person dealing with it at the time has now left so we really don't know what is going on. Any advice is very welcome. We can't seem to get a straight answer and we are aware that the Supreme Courts decision is final. Yet it is the Supreme Court who have ordered banks to pay the money back under Ley 57/68. Thanks. 

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20 Oct 2021 6:54 AM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 forum posts Send private message


There have been no  more reviews since July 2019. I wonder if  this company is still operating.Contact details belpw:-Office hours are Mon-thurs 9am to 7pm

Spanish Legal Reclaims


Madrid Office
Plaza Tirso de Molina 12, 1ª izq
28012 MADRID (Spain)


Barcelona Office
C/ Bori i Fontestá, 49
08017 BARCELONA (Spain)




Telephone (from UK): 0845 680 3849
Telephone: +34 936 804 563
Fax: +34 936 761 188


This message was last edited by nigel188 on 20/10/2021.



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23 Oct 2021 8:38 AM by ads Star rating. 4136 forum posts Send private message

Re the Spanish Supreme Court It might be worth reviewing the following EOS thread back in March 2021 when Maria de Castro provided an update on the reasoning behind cases being lost due to a change in SC ruling.

It would be interesting to know now if this scenario has since been challenged and brought once again to the attention of the Supreme Court for them to reconsider their ruling based upon new detailed legal reasoning, especially if appeal courts are continuing to successfully win appeals against the Banks.

How long can this cat and mouse scenario continue where clients are being exposed to supportive appeal court rulings but which appear out of line with SC ruling? Isn't this in itself exposing a major problem of inconsistency in interpretation of law in Spain? How many successful supportive appeal rulings is it going to take for the SC to take note of what is happening here?

How long is this going to be allowed to continue?

ARE THE BANKS NOW SEEKING SC DOCTRINE TO PUT THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL TO BED, or are they playing games and withdrawing their SC appeals at the last minute, thus scuppering any final SC doctrine from being achieved? ( Hopefully Maria can confirm if it takes 2 SC rulings on the same point of law before SC doctrine is achieved and only then do appeal judges have to adhere to those rulings? Is this correct Maria?)

 I wonder if Maria could advise exactly where this stands now for all those currently exposed to such inconsistencies? Are there any outstanding CLIENT appeals to the SC awaiting rulings in this regard, and if so when were they submitted?  How long have clients been left waiting for a final SC ruling?

I would also ask what EFFECTIVE deterrents are being employed by the SC to prevent such manipulation of the system of justice IF Banks are purposefully causing delays in this manner?


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02 Mar 2023 1:11 PM by Tobyammon Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

I profoundly like your dedicated abilities as the post you distributed has some incredible data which is very valuable for me.  official site


This message was last edited by Tobyammon on 3/3/2023.

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02 Mar 2023 2:41 PM by ads Star rating. 4136 forum posts Send private message


I would politely ask again if Maria could clarify the latest scenario  and answer the questions shown in my last posting  below, dated 23rd October 2021. 

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21 Apr 2023 6:36 AM by GerardClark Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

I’m grateful because I found exactly what I was seeking for. You’ve put a stop to my four-day quest! God bless you, sir. Have a wonderful day.        


This message was last edited by GerardClark on 4/22/2023.

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18 May 2023 6:56 AM by alishakihn Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

Best article of the day I read, I appreciate you sharing this information. I will visit your website often. Flappy Bird


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