The Comments |
I have recently joined the forum, my wife and I purchased a Rosana last September and I have been watching the postings with some interest. We recently visited the site and could not see very much advancement; it would seem that there is still much ground work to be completed. The show house has not moved forward at all, hopefully this will start to take shape soon.
I was pleased to here that some of you have now got your bank guarantees; unfortunately I am still waiting for mine. We hope to retire out to Spain in the next few years and are looking forward to starting our new lives, making new friends and generally enjoying life in such an idyllic place.
I have recently posted some photos on the web go to the link below, and type in Finca Parc in the search box, this will bring up a selection of photos of the site and locality. I will be adding others as time goes by.
Hope to meet some of you in due course.
Kind regards.
Ro De Silva.
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Rohan, the pictures are suberb recognise the lake,but not much else could you lets us know where to find the fantastic sights??
Kind Regards and Best Wishes
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Hi nerak3010,
Glad you liked the pic’s. I have now placed captions below all the pictures. None of the pictures are taken by me they are taken by the wife (Nicola) or are from the Google Earth site. I am only the dolt up loading the pic’s to the web.
I use the Google site a lot as it identifies lots of places which we have then consequently visited when out in Spain, use it as a reference site.
If when viewing the photos, a double click in the photo will take you to a bigger view of the picture but will also enable you to view my other albums, one of which is of Hellin and around the general area.
Kind regards
Kind regards.
Ro De Silva.
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Hi, Im Alex, and although I have been watching these forums for a few years its my first posting, and to be honest I like many others have possibly been a bit on the negative side with this project, at one stage wondered whether it was actually going to happen and thought about pulling out, long long story !! However I must now give credit where credit's due. I have just returned from my first visit to the site and I have to admit I was blown away with the complete concept. The location, quality of build and design etc etc, for once I think that the brochure does not do the area justice. The staff involved are so enthusiastic about the project and from what I can gather most of them have been involved since day one, this knowledge certainly comes across when speaking with them. To see my property under construction was quite a buzz, its actually happening and due to be completed later this year. I had a number of other issues to deal with, mainly I guess the same as the rest of you, one being finance during this current crisis, whats the best way to go. On the upside the property is now worth a lot more than I owe on it and it appears that I can finance the complete balance outstanding with a Spanish Mortgage, this Im currently looking into. I have been given the contact details for the company that will providing a lot of the onsite services, they seem to have most of my requirements covered from what I can see from their webiste and brochure. I can only say that although the current credit crunch is of concern to me I now have a more positive feel for the project, my trip certainly helped to clear any doubts that I had earlier experienced. Alex
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Hi everyone,
We are new to this forum as we have only just been told about it by our agent, We have a esther model on phase 1, We have been reading all of the posts with great interest and it seems that you all maybe able to help us out. 
Being security conscious (and after hearing burglary stories) we were wondering if anyone would know of , or point us in the right direction of a safe/vault company.
We are looking for someone in the Murcia/ Albecete region to be able to supply and install our safe, If anyone has looked into this, and has any info could they let us know.
Thanks, Mark 
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Kram I am sure i pulled out of a local paper last time i was over some local businessess. i will check and put posting on her for you. I was out there last wek and Phase 1 is rocketing up. they have started on some of Phase 111 as well now.
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Hi Kram, we have ordered a safe through Rich the property management chappie, they have a catalouge with loads of different ones to choose from and they will fit it for us as soon as we take delivery of the house, we also get to choose where we want it situated, we have also managed to choose all of our curtain poles etc. Best Regards Katie
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Hi my name is Toddie and I am purchasing a property on finca parcs. To be honest it had been my intention to sale the property on but in the present climate it is proving to be more difficult than I thought. I recently went to visit the site after being encouraged by the sales office to take a look at what and where I had invested in, prior to my visit I was adamant that I only wanted to get rid of the property especially in this current economic nightmare. Im sure that most of you already know what the area is like, but it came as a complete shock to me, I was convinced that all the pictures published must have been airbrushed and never really took a lot of notice of them, as i had no intention of ever visiting the area. Lucky for me I had a mate with me who was also blown away with the location and the design of the properties, plus he is a fisherman so the lake did it for him, it looked fantastic I had no idea that spain had areas like this so near to the coast. After speaking with the sales staff they have no problem with my mate making a joint purchase with me so that has eased the burden for me quite a bit, so it looks as if we are going to be the proud joint owners of a country residence later this year.
_______________________ Toddie
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Congratulations Toddie. We are just panicking slightly about current spanish mortgage market, but on phase 3 so this is likely to be aug / sept 09. i heard phase 1 and certainly phase 2 likely now to be nov 2008 at earliest so i am assuming everything else put back
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Glad to see you found us on here ok Toddie, we are quite a friendly bunch and you will find loads of helpful information on here as well. Talking about friendly, we were thinking as Amanda is in contact with the majority of us we vote that she is the first one to have a good old fashioned bottle party, Im sure we can muster up a few of us that would like to have a get together and celebrate actually getting to the end of this long haul, what do you think guys ? Last I heard phase 1 is supposed to be completing around the end of september or early october, we will take a little drive up there during the week and will let you know how things are coming on. Chingo
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Chingo my mum was up last week and she was amazed with work since she up last august. but she was advising there a still many units on phase 1 and phase 2 without outer construction yet and still only show home finished fully. the thermo shield (yellow paint stuff) was on about 20 / 30 houses as far as she could see.
i will be amazed if they work through august like they did last year so at that state they must be 2 mths behind. remember they cant sign off a phase until everythin on that phase is done
still looking good though
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Thanks for the information, Chingo do you already live in Spain and who is Amanda ? When I had a tour of the site last week the girl in the show house told me that the first houses were due to be handed over by early october, it looked as if most of the houses were up to the same level although the smaller houses also had the swimming pools in. They also mentioned that I could move to an earlier phase with a fixed exhange rate of a euro forty but had to complete this year, just looking into the finances with my mate at the moment but not sure if that is going to be to soon for us.
_______________________ Toddie
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Yes Toddie we do already live here in Spain been living here in the campo for nearly ten years now, there are quite a few of us that are going to be moving to Finca Parcs during the next couple of years. I have sent you a private mail explaining about amanda and what she is up to, maybe of interest to you, you can also check out the postings made by Ricman !!
Well its a big day over here, the last day of our local fiestas combined with the football tonight, so if all goes to plan it will be party party here tonight.
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