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22 May 2007 12:00 AM by morty Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

hi all have received letter from agent to say house is ready and for us to go out and complete will come on later in week to give more details

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22 May 2007 6:41 PM by san miguel Star rating. 288 forum posts Send private message

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Fantastic news Morty

What number apartment are you in, and who is your agent? if you don't mind me asking.




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25 May 2007 8:36 PM by morty Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

our house number is 129 our agent is iberian on our liquidation letter  there is a charge  for water  and electricity for 540 euro and a n.i.e service charge of 120 euro. on a leter we were sent with our liquidation letter it says the following work is out standing water and electricity supply by the builder and minor snags outstanding.  i have not got a chance to talk to our agent yet when we do i hope to find out more.

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04 Jun 2007 7:06 PM by san miguel Star rating. 288 forum posts Send private message

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I have been contacted by my solicitor today informing me that the builder has contacted her and said that the property is now ready to be signed over. 

The completion will definately be in July, date to be arranged.

This message was last edited by san miguel on 6/4/2007.




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05 Jun 2007 9:36 PM by ellemum Star rating in Bolton Lancs / Costa.... 122 forum posts Send private message

Hi Brian,  Thanks for the PM.

Good News!!  Have read your posts on the Ready to Complete thread and we like you are not able to complete in July, due to various reasons.

(that said we have not yet had notification from Iberian and we are 130 - so the property above Morty at 129, according to his post, has had notification)  I can only assume that our property is ready too.  

I have asked our Solicitor about the LFO and still awaiting reply.  We need this before a mortgage can be arranged.  So we now have no intention of completing before we visit at the end of August.

Feel in a bit of limbo right now - eager to complete, yet unforseen circumstances seem to have got in the way.

However, I am sure we will all be thrilled once everything is finalised.

Cheers, Ellen & Jim

Ellen  & Jim

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06 Jun 2007 11:29 AM by san miguel Star rating. 288 forum posts Send private message

san miguel´s avatar

Hi Ellen

Heard from my solicitor all documentation is complete  and been lodged including LFO (is this the Habicion liscence?), deeds etc,

Looks like I am going to have to complete in July as our contract states 30 June. If I don't complete I could face penalty charges for failing to complete as per contract. My solicitor is working on this but the developer seems to be insisting we complete by the end of July. 

We will see what happens but it could mean a flying visit (literally) for 2 days to complete.

But as you say being positive and looking forward to using the apartment later in the year.




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11 Jun 2007 5:52 PM by san miguel Star rating. 288 forum posts Send private message

san miguel´s avatar

HI all

We are completing on the 10th July, meeting with developer and notary set up.

We will be out from Sunday 8th, hope to see anyone that's out there then.. 




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15 Jun 2007 7:14 PM by 141 Star rating in Rochdale, Lancashire. 25 forum posts Send private message

Hi everyone


We will be coming over on  Thursday 12th July, snagging and shopping on the Friday and completing on Tuesday 17th as the Monday is a bank holiday. We will be there for four weeks all in all but spending the first week in La Manga at my mums until furniture delivered etc. All being well will be moving in Wed/ Thurs of that week. Hope to see some of you then.




Caroline and John

John and Caroline

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