Have just checked our paperwork (too miserable to keep date in head) it was 10th May 2004. We had hoped to be in by Sept 05. but that date came and went along with many other dates suggested for completion.
So life trundled on work, rest and occassional play. A couple of disappointing visits to the site did not raise our spirits, except in a glass to drown our sorrows.
Then we had a major life change, unplanned until End March 2006, when circumstances forced us to think more positively about our future in the UK.
Biting the bullet in May we decided to look at the Algarve, and in under 4 months, we managed to see and buy a house in Portugal, sell business, rent factory out, sell UK house, arrange and celebrate sons 21st Birthday (with party for 125 people) pack up business & house and relocate, unpack and start farming oranges, olives, grapes etc by 2nd August 2006. Needless to say Masa was not involved in any of these transactions.
However we are still looking forward to our Eagle on Sierra Golf . We will see you all. It is only a straight 7hr drive from here.