Hi Guys,
We should ensure the snagging is done to an acceptable standard.
It should be in the interest of your legal to team to ensure everything is done to your requirements.
That's what we pay the legal eagles to do.
If we can'nt ensure the above,i would reccommend with holding any maintenance funds to ammex
until the work has been done to required level. There is nothing like withholding money from
them to get the Job done. Jale have consisently passed the buck, it is time they were hurt financially.
By they i mean the Ammex,Jale and anybody else involved in this scandal.I know ammex are stuck in the middle
but they should be much stronger for us. We need to demand a meeting with the directors of Jale to get the answers
Jale have been totally unprofessional with every aspect of the build phase,licence
granting and snagging via ammex.We need to join forces if we are to sue these liars for loss of rental income,inconveince,
and unwanted travel expenses.
At the end of the day we all want to enjoy our investment or holiday home soon to an acceptable standard,but Jale and associatedcrooks in this scandal need to be shaken up.