Hi All, as indicated yesterday I phoned Spain last night and got an up date on things Los Olivos.
I also had a reply from Marinasol see Notice under their name.
The Meeting was attended by around 10 people with Sylvia being elected to talk to Maria. The remainder acting as prompters etc.
Maria stonewalled the whole meeting.
However there was an upsurge of work by the builders the following day around the pool and Gardens.
This lasted around 6 hours. One thing that came to light is that if you are offered a complaints form by the builders don't bother.
The complaints book is held at Garrucha Town Hall and they are obliged to look into it if you enter a formal complaint here.
So we wait and see if progress will be made by BMS or a Complaint may have to be made official.
Other items that came to light.
As Marinasol are calling a Community meeting an informal gathering was called to try to try and get a provisional Commitee formed.
Every one on site was informed and invited to attend. The result was a provisional President, Vice President and 3 Commitee members appointed subject to a democratic vote at a later date. But it was needed to be able to progress with Marinasol.
( My feeling is that this is fine, progress. I know the names of those involved I don't intend to name anyone as they could get cold feet and withdraw, I'm happy with the ones I know).
Great progress is expected over the next few weeks with the Water area below us. Two Boules and a Soccer Pitch are to be layed in this area also.
There is a strong possibility that one of the areas below us could eventually become housing for people from Los Gallardos having prioriy. Good for learning Spanish.
There are 6 bottom and 1 top apartment available for sale, The top one for sale is the one facing towards Garrucha which we were told was owned by a Spanish couple.
Some people have used the pool before it was ready, hope they enjoyed the ear problems, what about the grass surround or is it mud now ah well.
Don't shoot the messanger.
Barry 18A