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Roda Golf And Beach Resort forum threads
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29 Jul 2007 12:00 AM by kroda Star rating. 106 forum posts Send private message

 Just wondering has any other owner is phase 1 been bothered with "dog poo".

We have just returned from a wonderful 3 week stay at Roda.  The only annoying thing was whilst lying on my lounger outside my terrace on the grass area, I was troubled by a terrible smell.  It turned out to be, yes you have guessed, dog poo.  Not very pleasant when you have two young children running round barefoot.  We did have a lot of problems trying to clean it up.

We certainly have no objections to dogs but at home we use "poop scoops", in all our time there we did not see anyone with one.

We will probably have to mention this to community association, as we do not expect this to happen in such a top class resort.

Anyone else have any thoughts on the matter.  Dog owners please do not take offence! 

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30 Jul 2007 4:09 PM by evertom Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

Anyone else have any thoughts on the matter.

Yes, I am completely against dog poo too!

The smell and the actual physical 'poo' are not what I paid 275 thousand Euros for.

Get rid of those dirty dogs (or thier owners)!

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30 Jul 2007 7:31 PM by Mrs H Star rating. 90 forum posts Send private message

Hi Kroda

There is an earlier post on this 'Dogs on phase one' and it seems this is an issue that must be taken to the community association.  I am a dog owner and we checked that we could bring dogs onto Roda.  However, I fully agree with 'dog free areas' such as children playgrounds, dogs on leads in communal areas and of-course 'pooper scooping'.  I have not been to Roda for a long time (as we are on phase 3) but are there plenty of communal bins that could be used for pooper bags?

I think that proper rules should be drawn up by the community association.  Not sure how do we get this put on an agenda for discussion and agreement?

Mrs H

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30 Jul 2007 7:55 PM by kroda Star rating. 106 forum posts Send private message

I am not sure if there are any proper dog litter bins in the complex.

We were kept awake a couple of nights by dogs barking.  We know where the dogs stay as they went for my husband one night while he was out for a walk in the communal gardens.

I have also seen ordinary bins in the playground full to overflowing with rubbish.  Maybe some effort should be made to resolve these issues before moving on to purchasing sunbeds and parasols.  Maybe some people are happy to out for expensive community fees and receive very little back!  

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31 Jul 2007 10:41 AM by Mrs H Star rating. 90 forum posts Send private message

I totally agree.  Presumably we must put forward our points to the Chairman of the Community Association.  I think each phase will have its own association but I am not sure.  I am afraid I cannot do much as we are waiting on phase 3 but I think there must be some strict rules governing dogs and they need to be implemented soon.  They most definitely should not be allowed to roam freely.  Maybe someone else knows who we need to approach about this?

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02 Aug 2007 2:19 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Can I let all concerned owners (including myself) know that our chairman is aware of the issues and so are the Administrators and Roda Golf personnel.  I agree with all comments made thus far - we need to keep Roda Golf a clean and hospitable place.



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02 Aug 2007 8:13 PM by Mrs H Star rating. 90 forum posts Send private message

Thanks Sandrab.  If the chairman wants information from a dog owners perspective then I am happy to contribute.  We actually nearly pulled out of our deal because at first Roda told us the resort was not going to allow dogs!  They then admitted this would be very difficult to implement because some owners would be living 'full time' on Roda.  We just wanted to ensure that we could bring along our dog when we came over to stay for any length of time.  We are responsible dog owners and feel it is important that rules are put in place.

Do you know if each phase will have its own community association?  How will we establish the same rules for the whole development?

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02 Aug 2007 9:14 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Mrs H

Thanks for your posting.    At the moment, since Phase 1 has the only Comunidad convened then it is Phase 1 owners who can make representations.  I know our President takes note of what is said on this Forum so no doubt she has seen your posting as well and will take a balanced view on the whole subject.

I can see that you agree with my sentiments that responsible ownership is the way forward for all.  Personally we were out in June and we witnessed 2 lots of doggy doo in just one small landscaped area near to our apartment and I have to say if there had been children about then it could have been disastrous. 

Each Phase will have its own Comunidad which in turn is then part of the overall organisation for the whole resort so everyone gets representation.   Obviously since we are on Phase 1 we are getting the brunt of everything at the moment.  I would personally hate to say no to dogs, but if the owners cannot clear  up after their pets then I for one would say a big "NO" to dogs on the Resort.  AFter all it is a 5 start resort and we have all paid a lot of money to own property there and I feel we all have an obligation to make sure that our interests are protected.

Best regards



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09 Aug 2007 11:31 AM by whittle Star rating. 68 forum posts Send private message

Hi everyone

just got back from fuerteventura with son and grandchildren so trying to catch up on threads. Am horrified about the dog poo!   We have only just put down our first deposit and have committed to buy on Roda. We would certainly NOT have committed to purchasing at this time if we had known of this problem before. Roda is so lovely. How can anyone condone their dog fouling the site. If their are no legal rulings on this in Spain. How can cleaning up after dogs be enforced. (or are there laws?)  Also "dogs having a go at an owner". They should NOT be allowed to roam free!   This has just burst my bubble!   

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09 Aug 2007 11:47 AM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Please don't be horrified - the matter is in hand.  Please pm me for further details.  Roda will be lovely for everyone I am sure.




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09 Aug 2007 2:02 PM by whittle Star rating. 68 forum posts Send private message

Hi Sandrab

Thanks. Just got back from holiday and up all night. Should have looked at threads later and not stressed out.  I love dogs but hate owners who have no consideration for the safety and health of others. It's good that something is being done about it. It needs to be and it needs to be stressed. It's not fair to the considerate owners who will come under fire for no fault of their own.  You are right.   Roda is magical, up- market and lovely and I still think a fantastic investment once it is finished and everything settles down. Every project has its "little dramas". This is one.

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28 Aug 2007 3:48 PM by sdy2310 Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

** EDITED ** Offensive comments

This message was last edited by EOS Team on 8/28/2007.

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28 Aug 2007 4:53 PM by whittle Star rating. 68 forum posts Send private message

I thought I was stressed out about this. Did you perhaps step in some??  From what you say though it sounds like someone is listening. Hope so.

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01 Sep 2007 6:21 PM by celtic Star rating. 103 forum posts Send private message

Hi we have just come back from roda and i must admit i have seen a few dogs on the site some with owners and some witourt.We witnessed a woman with her dog on a long lead , letting it do its business in among the flower beds. We  also notices 2 or three messes on the walk ways. I know there are responsible owners but who owns  these dogs that are running about ? and is roda doing anything to police it? Os is it too early days yet?

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01 Sep 2007 6:24 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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This is just what I thought would happen.  I have raised the subject with the Comunidad and will be doing so again now.  Like you, I believe its just plain irresponsible dog owners who are to blame, not the dogs.  What I can't understand is that these people pay a lot of money for a luxury resort and surroundings and then let their wretched pets spoil it for others.T

The campaign has started!






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06 Sep 2007 9:47 AM by karren Star rating in south shields uk. 56 forum posts Send private message

Hi Just got back last night and i had noticed last week on phase 1 the dog mess is a little better, i was there from the 17th aug and around the grass areas near the pool there was dog poo about.I think the main culprits are 2 little white dogs, the owners are spanish.I have tried to speak to the owners but my spanish is nil just about and they must of thought i was off another planet.I also canot understand why they let the dogs to this as they have young children or grandchildren running about on the grass, dont they realize what nasty infections children get.



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