The general quality of the build at RODA is very good however, like most buildres you have to stay on top of them when it comes to getting the snagging repaired
One big advantage is gas water and electricity connected immediateky so you can at least use the property unline Polaris owners
If you don´t have hot water you simply have not had your boiler commissioned as peolle don`t realise that thye do not worl automatically and have to be setup
We have now checked a number of properties and find that it will take 3 visits to get this done so we will be addiing a 3rd inspection as we now know the way they work
Yes try the nice approach first but you always have the ultimate weapon the offical government complaints form as the last resort
I am back with RODA this week so if you send me your plot number I can ask them directly the status on your property
E-mail same for the blinds man which I can provide off forum