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08 Oct 2006 12:00 AM by davefield Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message


Just to let you know that we bought of phase 8 in June 2006 paid our 30% deposit in July and this week received via email from our solicitor the bank guarantee which we didn't pay for. Although we chased our solicitor 4 weeks ago and without following it up it just arrived out of the blue which was reassuring and although slow assume that all systems are go at least to phase 8  at this moment believe licence is in place for whole development but only granted to phase 5 but with guarantee in hand it gives alot more confidence

Dave & Cathy Field

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14 Oct 2006 12:57 PM by Curtis Star rating. 111 forum posts Send private message

Hi Dave and Cathy

I had a similar experience my guarantee arrived unexpectedly last week and no charge. Im also in phase 8 and it makes me wonder are these guarantees only released when the builder gets the go ahead for the relevant phase.

Sean Curtis

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