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22 Sep 2007 12:00 AM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

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Arrived on yesterday Friday 21st sept. Day before there had been the mother of all storms I believe and as result rainwater washed down between blocks 4 and 3 contaminated with soil and debris and ran into the small pool there. When I arrived thisa pool was full of dirty water. I have taken photos to post has have other people who were renting. This pool will need an expensive drain and clean to become fit for use. This will happen every time there is a storm. What is needed is a way of diverting away the rainwater before it gets to the pool. Any ideas?







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22 Sep 2007 8:51 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

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My mother is currently at DV and she called me about the storm.   It was far worse over Marbella at DV was closer to the edge of it, so it could have been worse.

It rained hail and was reported to have damaged over 500 car windscreens in the Marbella area.  

Mother mentioned that a large amount of soil has been washed out from the stone blocks and that soil was on the move.
Is this the case?  Has a lot of soil been washed on to roads and paths also?
Is this more of a general drainage problem?


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22 Sep 2007 10:37 PM by manilvajl Star rating in Manilva as much as p.... 426 forum posts Send private message

The pool should not need draining, and to do so can be the worst thing you ever do as it can causes changes in the pool wall forces and can lead to micro cracks and leaks.

The pool should have skimmers (baskets filters at the edge at one end or in the overflow around the edge) and a sand filter in the pump room. Water cost is about 80 cents per cubic meter plus chemicals, so this will make it costly as well.
Contamination is usually rain acid or otherwise, rain with fine air borne sand, leaves, insects or soil as per the storm.
The pool gets contaminated all the time, dirt sun oil etc. With the storm the effect is overnight but should not be drained, the only reason to drain is to fix leaks or recover broken glass.
The big bits insects, leaves, humus will be caught in the skimmers or if it flows though it will be caught in the sand filter. The sand filter has a pressure gauge to show when the sand needs changing (special fine sand is in the filter)
The big bits that sink to the pool floor can be hovered up with the pipe with a hoover like attachment the bits and water sucked up either go to a drain or through the sand filter.
The very fine stuff (looks cloudy) that stays in suspension (sand, algae etc.) is treated by adding a coagulant to pool water as a block or gel. The causes the small bits to stick together and then they are big enough they get caught in the sand filter.
At my other community after storms or high temperatures the gardener will add the coagulant, check ph and chlorine and adjust and the pool clears with 24 – 48 hours.
It is safe to swim in even when cloudy provided the chlorine level is I think 1 to 2 parts per million. And the ph is 7.5 about the same as the human eye fluid. At this level of the pool chloride is maintained, other chemicals provide stability of these levels as well.
In Spain we don't winterise pools normally see below.


This message was last edited by manilvajl on 9/22/2007.

This message was last edited by manilvajl on 9/22/2007.



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23 Sep 2007 6:51 AM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

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Paul I haven't really seen a great deal of evidence of the storm except for the pOol. There is some debris at the entrance to our garage but there is a large deposit of mud on the tiles at the side of this pool nearest the entrance from the outside path. Jeff. Hope you are correct but I am not sure about it as somebody has turned off all the pump activity for that pool!!! The eye witness reported that the covers at the edge of the pool were being lifted by the force of the water entering the pool. I think to avoid trouble in future there is a rethink of the rainwater drainage around the pool. A sunken with a drain underneath is needed as a must on the path down to the pool and also at the top of this path where it meets the steep path from block 8 as there is the usual patch of mud there.







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23 Sep 2007 7:47 AM by manilvajl Star rating in Manilva as much as p.... 426 forum posts Send private message

With the pump off it will not self clean. Perhaps the gardener/poolman has turned if off so they can do the hoover cycle first. Have you ever seen a pool man?

Have you got broadband? 6:51AM on a Sunday makes me think you have? 



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23 Sep 2007 8:49 AM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

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I haven't seen anybody so far over the weekend. I presume they don't work. I will see them in the morning I hope. No Broadband Jeff just on my Backberry.







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23 Sep 2007 9:38 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 forum posts Send private message

Sorry to hear of the pool problem and hope it gets resolved to your satisfaction. Just as an aside I hope the drainage around the pools in phase 3 or their elevation for that matter (between 18/20 and 15/16/17) have taken account of this potential problem as the inclines at the top of the development appear very steep. Good luck  and hope it doesn't spoil your stay John.

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23 Sep 2007 10:58 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

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In July  there were pool cleaners working at the bottom pool around 7:20 am a couple of times.   Just as I was finishing my early morning swim.

They may start a little later now given that it does not get light to nearer 8:00am.


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24 Sep 2007 12:54 PM by Andy Gibbs Star rating. 29 forum posts Send private message

Hi all, I mentioned last year in a communal snagging posting, that there is no cloth or other membrain behind any of the stone walls constructed at DV. It will give us an indefinate problem with soil erosion , there always seems to be slippery soil on paths around DV... Drainage and soil erosion is a design fault that should be picked up by the contractor including its consequences such as pool contamination...Regards Andy

P.S. does anyone know if the main pool is still ok and the pump running?...



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24 Sep 2007 2:01 PM by Carleen Star rating in Birmingham. 34 forum posts Send private message


Just got back from DV, I will load some pics of the pools including the one we have a problem with.  The large pool and the one at the back of block 10 are fine.


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29 Sep 2007 1:03 PM by Andy Gibbs Star rating. 29 forum posts Send private message

Water now clear, pool cleaner was hoovering settled soil from bottom on Monday...

A remarkably quick response!!!

Drainage needs to be sorted in winter months when few are round the pool...  Regards Andy


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29 Sep 2007 3:23 PM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

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Not so sure Andy. I have been here all week and watched the progress. Its now Saturday and it looks a great deal better but according to the pool cleaner there is still work to do. I can see parts that haven't been hoovered and the pump is not on presently. They tell me there is also a broken pipe near to the pump house they are digging out. But I am impressed with the progress this week on clearing the pool.







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07 Oct 2007 7:17 PM by bernie_noz Star rating in Duquesa Full time....... 25 forum posts Send private message

My family have been over this weekend and made full use of the problem pool, its great, just needs a really good clean around as there is a large amount of mud still present.


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16 Oct 2007 6:04 PM by cjb1 Star rating in I`m in chelmsford & .... 21 forum posts Send private message

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Hi to all

Just back from DV the pool is spotless, no dog signs yet , there seems to be a dumped merc at the bottom road near the large pool it's been there on a few of our visits so we think it's a scrapper. we are out there again in 4 weeks if it's still there we will report it.

Kind  Regards to all

Chris & Chris

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