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Well i've drawn a blank in all attempts to get my £2.000 back.Theres a lot of suggestions of being offered ones money back,or the money being safe,but when push comes to shove you've got no chance. I' m still eargerly awaiting if anyone has had their money back but I doubt it very much. Anyway, would'nt it make economic sense to lose our money and seek out one of the many distressed sales at a knock down price rather than sticking with Caravaca.I've been reading the spanish press and there are 300,000 unsold properties around southern spain,so why not opt for one of these bargains.
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Hi Eryl,
When you say that you have drawn a blank, what explanantion has Sun World given you for not returning it? as surely the fee is in an independent account that no one has access to as yet. Are Sun World just washing their hands of it and passing it onto Llanera, as their problem? Are Sun World flatly refusing to deal with it. Which ever is the case, it doesn't sound too good on Sunworld or whoever the developer is, if you are having a problem getting back a pawltry £2000.
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My agent was Foxtons who tell me that the person who I dealt with is no longer an employee,only worked as a subsidiary of their company ,and therefore nothing to do with them.Likewise Lanera have pulled the plug on all telephone and e.mail communication. If agents have offered deposits back it's always linked to you buying another propety and is not realy you having your money back, but them droping the price by 2K .I understand that Blue Sun have said that the deposit is safe but cannot be refunded for at least 6 Months which i find hard to believe. My point remains that nobody has,or can,get their deposits back.
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I, like you bought through Foxtons, and it does not surprise me that they are not helpful, being as they stopped marketing the development a couple of months before the financial problems came to light, coincidence! Surely if the money is there, as Sunworld say it is, then it is legally yours and should be returned to you, should you want it back. I think, your best bet is to try and pursue it through Sunworld, even though they were not the agents you bought through, they seem to be the agents who are fronting the developers. As I said earlier, it is discraceful behaviour if you are just being ignored by that company, and if it is that difficult to get your money back, then something is obviously not right. Personally, I am leaving my money there until, something definitive is announced on the planning etc. As long as that comes through, it will be built, as there is too much money to be made by too many people, for it not to happen.
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My suggestion would be to speak to Sheila keen who is still or was the financial controller of Llanera UK she is based in the Bluesun world office albeit perhaps now in a different capacity. Emillio Teresa who is still a shareholder of bluesun and Bruce bell the managing director have a responsiblity to all those whether they bought through bluesun or not as Llanera owned a 50% stake in them.
They may redirect you to a spanish office I am not sure what the procedure now is but I would insist that through their contacts within the company that they should help release the deposits which they assured us were independent of Llanera and held in a special account,also cheque to see if the 3,000 euros was bank guranteed because whether or not the developer is in a position to refund the deposits the bank guarantee will have ensured all monies are protected.
I hope this is of use to you and good luck
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High Danny you certainly have the handle on it mate, who are you where are you from who do you work fopr? 3 posts? all on this thread, no profile??
_______________________ I Live in Warrington & Cabo Roig
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Hi All,
Just to let you know that yesterday I received a letter from Robin Ford @ Global Spaces (whom we reserved through) to which is attached a letter from Caravaca Nature Golf SL and both letters confirm that LLanera were only a 30% shareholder in this company and that the majority shareholders have confirmed that they fully intend to proceed with the development and will honour all and every contract with both suppliers and clients alike.
Both letters also explain that if people want their deposits back then this is available because the deposits are held in a seperate account, to which Llanera only being minority shareholders have no access. So even Sunworld or Foxtons' customers should be able top get their deposits back - if anyone wants the address details of the majority shareholders to chase their deposits through this route, then let me know and I'll send the details that are on the letterhead.
The letters also explain that a new developer / builder is being sought to continue the project. I discussed this with Robin Ford of Global Spaces and he was trying to set up a face-to-face meeting with the majority shareholders to learn more details. Robin believes that this will be done in parallel with progressing the final planning application and may not introduce further delays into the process.
Robin also explained that these majority shareholders were an extremely wealthy bunch of people who happened to be very large landowners in Murcia and also were the largest fruit exporters in Spain. As such he feels that they do not want to be involved in the "loss of face" that would occur if the development didn't go ahead.
From my point-of-view when I heard of Llanera's financial problems, I wasn't worried about the deposit - I was worried that the project would not go-ahead because there are no other projects that offer such (proposed) facilities / quality at anywhere near the cost. Having visited a Polaris World development (La Torre) for a long weekend with 3 golfing mates only a week ago, I am more convinced than ever of the value-for-money of Nature Caravaca.
If the development goes ahead then we're in a good position having got in so early and if it doesn't ,then I'll start looking again - but I'll be sitting it out and seeing what the next few months brings.
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To all those that may read this I use to be a property consultant for Bluesunworld,as was taken on by the company due to my experience and expertise with overseas developments having worked in europe for several years.Bluesun unfortunately were misguided and badly managed by people with little or no experience of the property markets.Those few that were employed on the basis of their knowledge were ignored to the detriment of the company and the staff,and because of the part ownership of Bluesun by Llanera it restricted us from selling any other products except of course those developments which were to be developed by Llanera.It is a very disappointing outcome as most of my colleagues were good people it was the lack of knowledge of the management which led to our demise.Llanera however gambled both with the UK sponsorships which amounted to nothing regards sales and over confidence with obtaining the necessary planning licences. It is true Llanera are only a part owner of the Caravaca site The Terersa family and the Habaneras {not sure if that is the correct spelling}are the other land owners.Llanera sopped the majority of its funding to Bluesun in early January of this year the writing was on the wall,and we were all made aware of the severity of the situation. They finally listened to us about selling other products to obtain commissions but unfortunately gave us little or no time to turn the company around.I asked management to inform all our clients as to their choices long before it became apparent that Llanera were struggling. I always believed and maintained that you could only arrive at a decision if you were given the facts and so making an informed decision.The company and companies involved in selling Llanera had little or no thought or respect for those they sold to and were driven by nothing more than greed.Sorry to be so abrupt but these people should be ashamed of themselves for the way in which they have treated those they were their to help make the correct choices ie. investment retirement relocation etc.I can sleep in my bed at night with a clear conscience I will leave it for you to decide whether or not they can.
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Well I've got some foms from the previous e mail address that I listed and have sent it to Spain requesting a refund. I live in hope . I'll let you know if I'm successful.
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