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What is the purpose of this post?
It's like getting spam in your mailbox. I guess that there is a reason behind this post, but why keep it a secret?
_______________________ Best Regards,
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No - we are not the developer or any kind of lawyer, nor are we advertising or promoting anyone.
We are in the same position as you are and therefore have a right to ask this question. If you're happy with your purchase - please find another thread. We are just looking for people who are dissatisfied with anything regarding Don Juan.
BTW - this is as much our site as it is your own.
Thank you.
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No - we are not the developer or any kind of lawyer, nor are we advertising or promoting anyone.
We are in the same position as you are and therefore have a right to ask this question. If you're happy with your purchase - please find another thread. We are just looking for people who are dissatisfied with anything regarding Don Juan.
BTW - this is as much our site as it is your own.
Thank you.
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No - we are not the developer or any kind of lawyer, nor are we advertising or promoting anyone.
We are in the same position as you are and therefore have a right to ask this question. If you're happy with your purchase - please find another thread. We are just looking for people who are dissatisfied with anything regarding Don Juan.
BTW - this is as much our site as it is your own.
Thank you.
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Hi Love Spain, Of course you have a right to use the site just like anyone else, I think perhaps your question may have been misunderstood.
There are plenty of things to be dissatisfied with in Don Juan, the unfinished access roads, unfinished pools, utilities not yet present, embankments not finished off properly with greenery, poor plaster finish in various places to mention a few. Nevertheless these are all matters which I expect will be rectified in time and with a good community administrator& president backed by involved owners I think things can only improve.
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I could not have said it better gay /jb but why do you hide who you are love spain ,could you be more polite and introduce your self and may be if we know of anyone we will let you know irene/peter
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We are genuine buyers of an apartment in Don Juan phase I and were very rudely treated by the developers. They seem to be taking a very cloak and dagger approach when it comes to someone trying to contact them directly. Moreover, our lawyer seems to be on their side and does not respond to all our queries. Has anyone been in a similar situation? We would just like to know since we are in the same boat. Maybe we could resolve this matter together.
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Hi LoveSpain
Your initial post appeared to be "cloak and dagger" - if you are a "genuine buyer" who don't you introduce yourself or put a little detail in your profile? I guess most of us read your initial post as being from someone hoping to buy an apartment at a discount from a distressed purchaser - thus the negative reaction. There are many things to be dissatisfied about all of our experiences of purchasing in Don Juan. The late delivery is one. Many of us have not been satisfied with our lawyers performance either. There are many things to be happy about as well. The design is generally better than average and the finish, while far from perfect, is also a whole lot better than many developments in southern Spain. There are also things we have to accept even though we don't like them as the Spanish do things differently.
There may be issues which will not be resolved over time by the community and where collective action could be effective but these must not be discussed in an open forum such as EOS. As Irene suggests if you want to share your concerns use the PM facility.
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