The Comments |
hi mick & julie phase2 no 16 cant beleive the progress since last visit 6 months ago all phases are up builders working from morning to night . from what i could see most propertys were tiled in the kictchens front&back doors were fitted& grills on windows. spoke to patricia in office she told me that althogh the propertys due for compleation in march\april08 will be finished there may be a delay between 1 to6 months before we can complete due to delayed paperwork does anyone else no of this. also standing in front of site office to the right of the development peinsa have plans to build apartments which is no big deal but in my original plans it looked like this area would be a green area .also there planning to build some villas at the back of the development on the left .maybe there be a bigger community then we thought.on a possitive note patricia told me when we finally move in pensia will give us a sort of credit card free of charge \ with a 30% discount to spend in any of the local shops valid for 3 months been for a visit
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Hi Mick and Julie
where exactly did they tell you they were going to build the apartments, we knew about the villas but nothing about the apartments. We are on phase 7 No 53 and where over a couple of months ago with friends who are also buying on the site and no mention of a delay with paperwork, is there anything else on the horizon to delay the completionI wonder. We were told as I have said before May 08, but I sometimes wonder if they are on drugs in that office. Anyway looking forward to seeing you all out there.
Mick and Pam
Mick & Pam 
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Just received advice from Medsea Estates that completion for our property on Phase V is now FEBRUARY 2009 ? Thought that better progress was being made ....anybody else had similar news ?
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Have also had the same email from Medsea. As usual no explanation - I have asked for reasons. What on earth is going on down there as real progress is being made and a 12 month slip seems hard to understand.
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We're buying on phase II. We also had an email yesterday from Medsea, stating that completion should be around June 2008. I don't understand why Phase V would take over 6 months longer.
Simon & Caroline.
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I would hazard a guess and say this is someone arsing about on a wind up. 1 post - no user info....hmmm not funny at all. I live opposite the site and work continues today.
Ill keep everyone posted later after siesta but at the moment i can see at least 10 people working on phase 1.
_______________________ Richard Clark
Property Management
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Have just registered in order to post a response on what we believe is a hoax posting. Would Ignacio Peinsa (or Ingnacio) perhaps like to qualify where this information has been obtained from if indeed he and it exists. We are a legal office based in Vera, Almeria working with a large number of UK buyers at Calas del Pinar and would make the following points; The company registered name is Peinsa 97 S.L. As we speak (4.55pm on Friday 23/11//07) we have been advised that work is being carried out (clients who live in Beverley HIlls, San Juan - buying at Calas del Pinar). Whilst we recognise that there are delays on construction, work is very clearly underway (10 properties or more are "physically" ready for occupation) which can be confirmed by the latest pictures of the site. We would advise anyone reading this posting not to panic due to some idiotic statement that we do not beleive has any legal grounding and advise peple who are concerned to contact Peinsa 97 S.L. The telephone number of the site office (Iolanda and Patricia) is 0034 950 466257 who we are sure can deal with any enquiries in the professional manner we have always seen demonstrated accross all departments of the Company. We have also emailed and spoken to Peinsa 97 S.L. with the earlier posting and suggested they file their own response. They have confirmed that the posting is ficticious and they do not have an employee (or CEO) of this name. Amanda Oakley - PSI Consultants
_______________________ Amanda Oakley
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work actually continued through and after siesta. So I think we can all assume this is some pratt messing about. Ifanyone wants confirmation, you can call me.
regards Rich
_______________________ Richard Clark
Property Management
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I haven't seen the post by 'Ignathio' and as I live here can confirm work is still going on at the site, I was there 3 days ago, Patricia says they are still on target for March/April 08 for phases 1-3 so no change there, there will always be someone who likes to set the cat amount the pigeons, ignore them.
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Went to the site today (an official holiday today) nobody should officially be working but they were working on phase 1. They are concentrating on phases 1 -3 to be finished for March but that will not happen, it will probably be after June.
The licences for 1-3 were issued all at the same time on the same start licence so therefor the final habitation licences can only be issued at the same time.
All the phases have got walled entry points and they are actually looking rather nice at the moment. Wreckers to the doors and lower windows are being installed and do look very ornate, the site should look very appealing once finished. Phase 1 properties seem to have parking on their enclosed drives with wrought iron gates.
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Visited the site again today, got access to the show apartment on phase 1, Kitchens are in as are bathrooms in phases 1-3, fitted wardrobes, the utilities area outside for washing m/c is a nice touch, completion is targeted for June and from what I can see today I think that they should meet that as painters were turning up in there droves. Once all the outside work has been completed on the duplexs he work is due to start on the pool but Peinsa are trying to meet their deadline for June for phases 1-3 1st.
This message was last edited by KP on 1/11/2008.
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I have uploaded 2 pictures facing the centre front of the development on Friday 18th. As you can see it is taking great shape and phase 1 has now been rendered outside ready for the painters to move on site. KP
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