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"FOLLY", a building in the form of a castle or temple. Built to satisfy a fancy or conceit, often of an eccentric kind.
This basically describes the "SPA".
The idea may have looked good on paper, indeed, it probably helped persuade more than a few people into making their purchase. However, "methinks we have been duped!"
There are signs stating that the spa opening times are 10am - 2pm re-opening 4pm - 7pm. This would appear to be in respect of the "siesta". As there has not been an "attendant", ie, lifeguard/gym instructor in employ, there should be no reason for the spa remaining closed during siesta hours. Perhaps someone could tell me if there is another plausable reason?
The spa closing at 7pm is a total farce! How many owners and their guests would love to be able to enjoy the facilities later on in the evening?
When the spa closes, are the sauna/steam room switched off? I ask this question, as, for the last three days, when trying to enjoy a sauna, the cabin is cold as is the "steam" room. Only after the spa has been opened for several hours does the heat reach an acceptable level. Do they not realise that they are putting a great deal of people in danger in that allowing the equipment to cool, bacteria breeds at an alarming rate? As I have not personally witnessed the area being disinfected, I am just a little concerned.
As for those people asking will the spa be open during the summer months? KeyMare have put up a notice informing us that the facility will only be open during October through to April. Nobobdy seems prepared to elaborate on this issue!
Hopefully, these are just teething troubles, only time will tell.
In the meantime, would it not be a good idea to e-mail Luis to ask about extending the opening hours?
Lorraine Braid.
(already wearing the shades!! and looking cool!!!)
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luis can do nothing as keymare are paying all of the running costs at present and its only when the community meeting takes place that 'we' can decide on how the community including spa is run and at what cost we are prepared to collectively accept for various items.i can see keymare obviously wanting to minimise thier running costs. we should be pushing luis to get the communtiy meeting up and running because its only then that 'we' are in charge. he advised me in our meeting last monday that there has now been 50% completions. i'm not sure what the rules are but at 50% ownership by ketmare then thier vote would be pretty influential at this time.
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And in the meantime???????
We are all left hanging by a thread.
KeyMare may be footing the bill at this moment in time, but that was not my decision! I was ready, and able to pay the community charge, after all, I wanted the say-so as to whether or not the lift in my particular apartment block should be operational. I have been in the unfortunate predicament for the last four months of having the lift "out-of-action". This may not concern anyone other than myself. Hark, I hear some saying, "it would do her good to walk up a few flights of stairs", but, alas, regardless of the size of my a**e, I have my Mother staying with me who happens to be "disabled". (She's a card-carrying member!!) She cannot walk up the stairs to my "fourth" floor apartment, let alone, walk down the same flights of stairs!
By the way.....I've put my orangebox away now until 2008.
Lorraine Braid.
(already wearing the shades!! and looking cool!!!)
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Hello all, Temp 2 here
Heard some bad news from another development. They do not have a security guard or a life guard any more due to the fact that there is not enough money in the kitty to pay them. It seems that not all of the owners are paying their fees, so the money is just not there to meet the annual budget ! it all sounds as though it could get quite complex. I mean when the painting is being done I would feel quite agrieved if a neighbour had not paid, but was still being painted. However it was pointed out to me that partly painting the development would not look good or benefit the whole community, which of course is true. I really hope we don't have the same problems. Anyway, looking on the bright side, while keymare are paying we don't have any worries.
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I stated my case in a previous thread,we want control ,but I am afraid that until more complete and whilst Keymare foot the bill they hold the power.Perhaps we should sit back and plan our future agenda,we are learning all the time and yes we can learn from the mistakes that other communities have made. This message was last edited by kenshaz on 12/2/2007.
_______________________ The secret of happiness is contentment
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Dear Ramps,
Surely ther is some sort of compensation due as the place is not a safe place yet. having been over and witnnessing holes in floors where they are digging up, render fallen off sides of buildings being repaired. Lifts not working, and worse still trapping someone in who was trapped between floors.
As for the "Spa".
The jaccuzi is dangerous. I nearly slipped trying to get out. And it stinks. I now have a bad chest.
The steam room was cold, then hot as was the shower hot on first day , freezing on second. Perhaps they are using the same size tank as the apartment!!!
I think they may be trying to keeps costs down as much as possible , however Legionnaires disease is not one of the conditions of my contract.
As for the sauna, enjoyed it however there is no safety alarm button.
Certainly not an area I would like to allow children as they could could very easily burn themselves.
Think the same on the gym equipment,dangerous around kids. If there is to be no supervisor then the key for the area must be issued like the gate key.
Many people are already coming in from off the site to use the facilities,
Not acceptable!
With all these issues, I feel there may be a case for compensation setting in. Those who have been delayed should be entitled to compensation from Keymare as it is not there fault. However those of us who have suffered an incomplete construction and had to put up with the building site should be entitled to some form of compensation eg Keymare pay the community fees for a year.
I was told that I was not allowed on the site to inspect my property on the days I was told to come over as the builder had not released the phase. I could accept that, ie not safe without a hardhat etc. Altough not a happy bunny ( I was told to come back the week later costing me double air fares and time off work)
However we can still wander around an incomplete building site now without a hard hat, despite plastering, digging, etc,
I am glad I was not reliant on rental money , I feel that anyone who had a holiday putting up with all this would have been sueing me! And watchdog would have been showing pictures on the telly of "Holidays from hell"
Is it a case of double standards!!
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Having spent over two hours "trapped" in the lift yesterday, I felt it necessary to let you all know (those of you who have access to lifts) just how SLOW they are at responding to the emergency alarm!!!
Today (Monday), the engineer arrived at 11am to "free" me from the lift! As it was 2pm yesterday afternoon when I first pressed the alarm, I am certainly glad that I was able to alert others to my position.!
After complaining to KeyMare about the lift not working on numerous occasions during the last four months, we were surprised to discover that someone had "REPAIRED" the lift during the day on Friday. Joy of Joys! My Mother could leave the apartment for the first time in over a month! We slept happy that night, safe in the knowledge that we could get out-and-about the next day. The lift still worked for a further 24 hours. Until, after getting in the lift on Sunday afternoon, disaster struck!! The doors closed on the ground floor and re-openend somewhere between the first and second floor! On this occasion, I (foolishly) did not have my mobile phone with me so I pressed the alarm button, which rang and then dials through to what I would presume is a "call centre", only to be met with a continuous "engaged" tone!! (The alarm continues to dial the number for approx 10 mins), each time the line was engaged, not wanting to panic I pressed the alarm button again, hoping that this time someone would respond.............NOPE! I was still pressing the alarm button one hour later.........Now I'm starting to get worried!!! The person who was unfortunate enough to be sharing the lift with me at the time remembered he had a mobile phone with him so rang the number on the 24 hour call -out sticker. You may think that our problems were now over..........NOT A CHANCE!!! The lady who (finally) answered the call, asked me was I in Seville?!** I told her were I was situated, the predicament I was in, and could she help us? The line promptly went DEAD! Hit the re-call button, went through the same dialogue again...........Line DEAD!!! Repeated the process three times in total....Still TRAPPED! Now looking at my "cell mate" in a whole new light! Hope he's got the bladder of an elephant?!****or someother receptacle to pee into? Now wishing I hadn't had that last cup of tea!
Think Lorraine!!!! Telephone your friend in UK and ask him to phone Mum in apartment and ask her to ring KeyMare, or failing that, the Fire Brigade!
No joy there, as nobody works in the office on Sunday......what about the Emergency Services? Mobile phone battery looking perilously low!!!!
Mother now in hyper-panic mode, calling everyone (in the UK) who may be able to help me????
Jack of all trades, (no, not DB), to the rescue! Jack Clare to be precise leaps into action! Somehow manages to get the lift back to the ground floor, and promptly sets about forcing the doors open!!!
Miracle of Miracles, freedom never seemed so sweet! (over dramatisation has always been my downfall!)
Anyway, back to reality. Got out of lift, no thanks to KeyMare/Emergency Button/Alarm etc., Engineer appearing at 11am meant that had I actually been unable to get out of the lift, I would have been incarcerated for roughly, 21 hours!
Not a thought I have chosen to contemplate fully yet!
However, humour apart, this is a serious issue which needs addressing immediately!!! Yet more cannon-fodder to be fired at Seasun/KeyMare.
I'm on my way out now, complete with mobile phone, compass, sleeping bag, water, portable toilet...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
(already wearing the shades!! and looking cool!!!)
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My heart felt sympathy to you, my wife suffers from claustraphobia and would have been screeming the place down.
Collective problems and faults are serious, we have to fight hard enough to get our own snagging completed without community and site issues. I know we wish (as a community ) to take charge, but I think we as a community should not accept the site untill Key mare have corrected all faults and the site is presented to an acceptable standard. Keymare should incur all costs as an incentive to provide us the facillities to an agreeable standard. I feel as soon as the community takes over, getting things corrected will be a hopeless task. I think we will not see Keymare for dust and will end up paying for work that should be undertaken by the developers at their cost.
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you are quite right in what you have said
luis from seasun said (and showed me and craig photos) that he is pushing keymare to get community snags put right because once handed over to the community it will be 'our' responsibility
he asked that any problems are documented and emailed to him with pics if possible
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How can people on the site get away with not paying community fees. Surely it should be legally enforsable.
I alos agree that we will NEVER get things sorted once key mare transfer responsibilty to the community. Although it is a pain not being in controll of what is hapenning, it sounds as though a large number of the units are not sold. The sooner transfer of running costs to the community occurs the sooner we will have to pay for the site maintennace which will be the same regardless of how many people have bought in the development. this meens our community fees increasing to compensate for the unsold units- or will Key Mare have to pay for the unsold units share? Who knows?
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Did Luis give any indication as to what the delay in arranging the community meeting is?
Is it as simple as the fact that there have only been 50% completions? If that is the case, is Luis in consultation with Key Mare as to when further completions are likely to happen?
Much as we want to be in control of our development, I would be uncomfortable if Key Mare had a 50% share by default.
Sorry for so many questions! Also, just wanted to say thanks to you & Craig for feeding back the information & for arranging the meeting with Luis.
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Has anyone met and/or spoken to any of our non UK neighbours?
If not, I respectfully suggest that those on site attempt to communicate and ascertain their feelings.
If you succeed it might be a good idea to invite them to join the forum.
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Thanks to all. In fact, there is another Spanish resident which joined Andy's list, but I do not know whether he's in the forum or not. You might know there is another forum basically for Spanish people, but there the level of contribution is very low yet. I passed on a comment letting people know about this forum and Andy's list, so I suppose that sooner or later people will join in. Maybe there is a language barrier also.
My personal view is that both British and Spanish should mix in Thalassa, as we are all concerned on the same issues and probably many of us have different points of view, no matter the nationality.
I would tend to think that most Spanish will use the facilities during the summer months, Easter vacation and "puentes", and they would be less prone to rent out, but this is just a personal view based on talks with people there.
I probably will not go back to Thalassa till next spring, will see.
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Hi Francisco
Thanks for the speedy response & I hope you didn't mind me mentioning your name.
I completely agree that all nationalities on the development should try to get to know each other, share ideas & views. This can only promote the real community that I am sure we all want for our investment.
I am sure it won't do my limited knowledge of the Spanish language much harm either.![](/userfiles/content-moved-to-https/FCKeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/teeth_smile.gif)
Your comments about how you fellow Spaniards will use their properties seems to fit in with general information that we were provided with at the beginning of our purchase journey.
Many Thanks again & hopefully we will see a few more Spaniards on the forum soon.
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It is now 5 months since we completed and we are still waiting for our snagging list to be done. We have had a few minor problems fixed but the main problems remain. If by the time community charges become payable the faults on our apartment are still not rectified, we will withhold payment. If this does not get any results then we will get the work done by outside contractors and use the withheld community payments to pay for the work. Only when our appartment is fixed and costs covered will we pay community charges.
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I fully understand your frustration. I too have been living here for five months and am still waiting for "snags" to be rectified.
If you do not pay the fees, and they are outstanding at the time of the "community meeting", you are then put on the debtors list, and any voting privilege is taken away.
KeyMare are well aware of this, so are not unduly worried.
In this instance, maybe it is more important to retain your right to vote as, I have no doubt there will be issues that will concern you which you would prefer to vote on.
In the meantime, jobs are being done, although not a the rate we would prefer, just hold-fire for a little longer, and watch this space!
Lorraine Braid.
(already wearing the shades!! and looking cool!!!)
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