Hi Debbie
Agree 100% .
Once we signed the contract some of us have already made the decision to complete due to our paticular situation and the legal advice advice given.
None of us are happy with the situation but at least as far as this development goes there is a line underneath it and I too have much sympathy with the genuine ones that may have difficulty in completing,now more difficult with the exchange rates and the credit crunch.
Think you may agree though that there are many who just purchased to sell before completion and were purely in to make money on an investment they thought was a banker bet.
Agree its sad that the forums appear riddled with people that dont even own property in Spain and the sit on the fence giving there so called EXPERT advice and this is always negative, trying bring the overall Spanish Property market to its knees.( seems to be doing that on its own at the moment )
They then pick on a particular development (there seems to be one on every development)
where they have limited and outdated information and set themselves up a leading authority and everyone MUST agree with everything they say.
Rules on Your Development> (you know the one you own and made up from the ones that have no tangible interest in
Forget your particular situation/Forget your legal advice/Forget or dont you dare post anything positive/Only read news reports that print bad news as bad news is what sells newspapers./Your a fool to buy there as I dont like that area/Your stupid if you complete for this that or some other reason./Anyone that bought in Spain off plan is an idiot that left their brains on the plain/be rude if someone dosent agree with you in partcular if you an owner.
Think all the genuine ones want is a forum that we all input information based one true good,bad or indifferent experiences and to help if we can
This message was last edited by Just Dan on 2/1/2008.