Phase 2 Terraces

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15 Feb 2008 12:00 AM by yeomans Star rating in We live in Leicester.... 152 forum posts Send private message

We have an apartment in Block 59 on Phase 2 and were extremely disappointed to find that on our terrace we have a solid wall instead of railings so the view of the swimming pool and gardens we were expecting to see whilst sitting on the terrace can now only be seen when we stand up. We have spoken to Roda and the Builders who say that it is possible to change it to railings - at a price - but we must first get the permission of the Phase 2 Community. 

This would not affect anyone else and would, we believe, enhance the looks of the block.  There seems to be a lot more concrete in Phase 2 than in Phase 1.  We have very few terraces with railings and far less bedrooms with terraces than in Phase 1 and we think that this spoils the overall appearance of our phase.

We are asking for Phase 2 owners to reply on this forum or with a PM so that we can seek approval from the Community to get it changed.  Your response would be greatly appreciated.  This matter is very important to us as it upsets us every time we sit on the terrace.

Yvette and Dave

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15 Feb 2008 1:39 PM by stewart1 Star rating. 41 forum posts Send private message


We are in Block 35 and have the same fixed wall as yourself on our Balcony

We should get permission to look into this to see how much it would cost

I'm all for it


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15 Feb 2008 2:16 PM by sugarmummy Star rating. 315 forum posts Send private message

We think this is a GR8 idea and will fully support the idea.


Block 50 Faze 2

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15 Feb 2008 6:20 PM by arky25 Star rating in erskine, scotland. 351 forum posts Send private message

arky25´s avatar
we too are on phase 2 with a solid wall and would also like to have railings instead.
i would be happy to sign or agree to railings being intstaled and please keep us updated about your progress.
maybe a deal could be done if enough owners ordered railings fitted together?

This message was last edited by arky25 on 2/16/2008.

_______________________   OUR APARTMENT

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16 Feb 2008 12:10 AM by teejay Star rating. 29 forum posts Send private message

Hello on block 42 and would be behind the idea.

                                                  regards Trev

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16 Feb 2008 9:20 AM by janejohn Star rating. 183 forum posts Send private message


On block 42 as well.  Although we are happy with our own balconies, we agree that more railings would improve the overall appearance of Phase 2 and would fully support this idea.


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29 Feb 2008 8:38 AM by yeomans Star rating in We live in Leicester.... 152 forum posts Send private message

I am trying to move this forward now.  I have had lots of positive responses and no-one has objected - I can't see why they would as it would benefit the whole area.  I now need to get agreement from more people if possible and then I can approach the Administrators.  So, just a quick reply supporting us would be great.  Thanks

Yvette and Dave

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29 Feb 2008 9:07 AM by RD Star rating. 157 forum posts Send private message

Hi Yvette and Dave,

We are block 51 phase 2 and have no objections to this.

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29 Feb 2008 6:38 PM by vercol Star rating in Bedfordshire. 115 forum posts Send private message


No objection from our side. We have just completed on phase 2, bloque 57.

Good luck Colin & Veronica


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02 Mar 2008 11:59 AM by Locins Star rating in Thurso, Caithness, S.... 102 forum posts Send private message

Locins´s avatar


No objection from us - block 37


A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well.

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02 Mar 2008 5:55 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar
Absolutely no objection from  us in block 50, even though we are ground floor and not affected, I totally agree that more railings can only improve the appearance on all blocks and would happily encourage owners to change if affordable.

PS David, I spoke further to Flann the community president about this matter and he believes as do I, that it should be possible to get the administrator to agree to the changes without having to go through the whole process of calling an EGM be warned though that there are ongoing discussions re some sort of guttering being brought in given the poor design of water outlets, however this should not affect replacing concrete walls with railings, hopefully there will be even more support from owners on here.

Chris and Denise

If you want to copy me in with any email/correspondence sent to Housing Communidadas outlining your request please do so.

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02 Mar 2008 8:08 PM by robquine Star rating in Tynemouth - Near New.... 9 forum posts Send private message

No objection to us in Block 47 to replace concrete to main terrace with railings ( We already have railings in the second terrace from the main bedroom )

Rob & Sue

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15 Mar 2008 4:03 PM by dory and john Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

We are in Block 36 of Phase 2 and would be very interested in improving our view from the balcony by changing to railings.

J and D

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25 Mar 2008 10:06 AM by yeomans Star rating in We live in Leicester.... 152 forum posts Send private message

We were over at Roda last week and have been told that an EGM has to be arranged to discuss this issue and hopefully get approval to change from a solid concrete wall to railings.  The possible date for the meeting is either 2nd or 16th May but this has not been confirmed yet.  There are 2 other issues to be raised at the EGM but I'm not sure exactly what these are - possibly the question of drainage from terraces.  As soon as I know any more information I will let you know.

Yvette and Dave

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25 Mar 2008 1:33 PM by dory and john Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message




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10 Apr 2008 6:56 PM by janejohn Star rating. 183 forum posts Send private message

Hi Yeomans,

Although we initially posted that we were quite happy with our terraces, having recently returned from Roda, we found it frustrating not be able to see over the balcony whilst sitting down!  Would you please keep us informed of any news you may have on replacing with railings.  Thanks.


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10 Apr 2008 9:09 PM by yeomans Star rating in We live in Leicester.... 152 forum posts Send private message

I have just heard from the Administrators that they are not prepared to hold an EGM to discuss the above as this is the only issue they would have on the agenda and that it is too expensive to do just for that.  They will have to wait until other people have other issues to raise that require an EGM.  We were hoping that this could be resolved without an EGM but the consitution of the community requires it so there is nothing else to be done at the moment, unfortunately.  Unless other issues are raised we may have to wait until the AGM.

Yvette and Dave

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11 Apr 2008 9:38 AM by janejohn Star rating. 183 forum posts Send private message

Thanks - have sent you a PM

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