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Los Naranjos de Alhama forum threads
The Comments
03 Apr 2008 12:00 AM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

PGM´s avatar

Hi all

I’m Phil, We have bought a 2 bed on Los Naranjos, Jardin 8

I retired about two years ago at 50 from the Fire Service, my wife Ann retires in about three years from being a Nurse in the NHS so I’m not popular at the moment.

We have decided to buy the apartment at Condado de Alhama to spend extended vacations now, and if we enjoy increase the amount of time we spend in Spain after Ann retires. We don't intend renting the apartment out.

We have two daughters both in there 20s but they are not taking the hint to leave home.

I like playing Golf being a 23 handicapper but hopefully playing in Spain will improve this, Ann isn’t into playing Golf but likes to watch it on TV, she likes reading books and worshiping the sun when she has the time.

We are really looking forward to getting the keys to our apartment and meeting our new neighbours


Phil & Ann

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03 Apr 2008 11:20 PM by lytton Star rating in Bath & North East So.... 422 forum posts Send private message

Phil & Ann

We are buying in Jardine 7, next block along. Although we don't plan to live there, we do want to spend a lot of free time there to chill out when we can. It's nice to see the first phase Jardines coming on and can't wait for Naranjos to finish. Hopefully there will be more of a community feel to the place as La Torre seemed to me to be a bit of a ghost town when we looked there last year. It will be nice to meet up with the rgular contributors to this forum over the next year or so and also to see the whole place develop.


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04 Apr 2008 11:59 AM by Migde Star rating. 120 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Guys,

We've bought a Penthouse in Block 16 Los Naranjos. My wife and I are in our 30s with 2 young kids. We're looking to spend as much time as poss out in Spain and wouldn't rule out a more perm move if Schools, Health Care and work looked good. Initially we viewed our apartment as a retirement plan, so instead of paying into a personal pension we decided to do this.

We're heading over to rent an apartment in La Torre on the 16th April for 9 days. We'll be visiting Condado to see progress and take some photos. Not sure how close you can get to Los Naranjos. Think it'll be the view from the main ring road around the resort.

Iain & Gill

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04 Apr 2008 1:30 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Iain,

We were out there last Wednesday to take a look at the show flats, like yourselves we are thinking of moving to Spain, employment permitting, although I don't think it would be in the flat as they are a bit on the small side fro perminant residence. Like you the apartment is a long term investment to provide some retirement money.( hopefully )

The Naranjos are all fenced off, but if you ask they will drive you around the outer ring road to the roundabout on the entrance. Jardines 1&2&3 have been rendered but are still without windows/doors etc or the wood work on the roof, the construction of the penthouses is almost finished.  When I asked for a completion date on the Naranjos Jardines the guide said around 6 months, but I think she didn't really know, I've emailed customer services but am still awaiting a reply.

One thing that maybe of interest is that she said that they were planning to build a school on the site, on the north side by Naranjos, I would guess this would be a King as in Torre.  This is good as the better half is a teacher, so we might send them a CV ;-)










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04 Apr 2008 5:42 PM by danseex Star rating in Los Naranjos J4 n253. 652 forum posts Send private message

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Hi all,  we are in our early thirties with a 3 & 5 year old and have purchased as a holiday home, like most of you we have one mind on retiring here eventually.

We have a 3 bed on Jardin4 and went out in Feb to have  a look at the progress, was very impressed with the amount of workman on site and going by the the speed of construction on Jardin de Alhama, I would expect completion around xmas to early New year as we are 6 months behind that phase.

Looking forward to lazy days around the pool.


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05 Apr 2008 8:39 AM by ladylola Star rating in Swansea . Los Nara.... 337 forum posts Send private message

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Hi, Gary & Angela from Swansea here.

We've bought a 2 bed in Jardin 4. In our 40s and had talked about buying in Spain for a good few years. Finally got around to it last November!  The main reason to buy is to have a place to retire to sooner rather than later.  we're still not sure when the sooner bit is but buying the apartmnet is a good step towards it.

Neither of us plays golf...not sure if that will change but we're sold on the roof terrance and the whole garden set up. Can't wait for lazy days by the pool and eventually not having to come back to the UK.

Not sure if we're going to rent - gut feeling at the moment is that we'd rather not.

It's really good to hear all the progress reports. The completion date on our contract is 31 December 2009 so we thought we were looking at early 2010. Quite a few posts seem to indicate that it could be a lot earlier.



Gary  & Angela  
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!

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05 Apr 2008 7:33 PM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

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Hi everyone,

We are Kevin and Elaine from Quorn in Leicestershire. We have two chlldren - 16 and 12. We've bought a penthouse in block 11 and are looking forward to completion (after the pound has strengthened !). It is great hearing all the updates and this thread is a great way of all of us starting to say hello. We are hoping to go to the 'Taste Of Murcia' event in Birmingham later this month so may meet a few more there ! One plea - let's keep this thread positive - other forums for other PW resorts have become real moaning soapoxes so let's all stay positive. This is going to be what we all make it in partnership with PW. Look forward to hearing from more block eleveners !

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05 Apr 2008 11:30 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Hi everyone, We are buying in block 7 Jardines los Naranjos, we are buying as an investment, and will probably rent out, also we will take our own holidays there. We have been holidaying in the Murcia region for a few years now and really like it. We are both in our 50s and have two sons age 20 and 18 and we are from Bedworth in Warwickshire. We both play golf, I'm 28 handicap and Martyn is 11. We last visited at new year and were very surprised at the progress and will be going again next week ( 11th ) to see how our own area is coming on. Apart from looking at the showhouses, we are going to go on the tour bus around the site, so heres hoping we get to see a bit more than if we tried to go round on our own. Getting quite excited now. We're also going to the taste of Murcia in Birmingham, on the 25th. Looking forward to that too. Has anyone already been to one of these evenings? What are they like? Will post again when we return from our visit next week, to let you know how things are. June and Martyn

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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06 Apr 2008 2:05 PM by ladylola Star rating in Swansea . Los Nara.... 337 forum posts Send private message

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I have to say I share the sentiment expressed by Kev1 about keeping this positive. 

We have found that there are a number of 'discrepancies' between what the agent we bought through told us and what Polaris will deliver but they are minor things. The progress on the site and the show apartements look fantastic and we're only sorry we aren't going out until September.



Gary  & Angela  
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!

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07 Apr 2008 6:01 PM by pans Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Hello all

We have bought a top floor apartment in Jardin 4 and are looking forward to lots of sunshine (looking out the window at the hail!).  We will be using the apartment for holidays and have recently visited the show apartments.  The speed of progress was impressive although you couldn't see much of Los Naranjos from the perimeter road that we were driven round be a polaris employee.  We are thinking of attending the Birmingham evening - but haven't decided yet, not sure how many others will be there!  My husband plays golf and I'm thinking of learning (if you can't beat them, join them!).  It's good to hear from others in the same situation and will be great to meet up for drinks by the pool!!

Sarah & Martin

This message was last edited by pans on 4/7/2008.

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08 Apr 2008 12:17 PM by ladylola Star rating in Swansea . Los Nara.... 337 forum posts Send private message

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Hi all , we to are in Jardin 4 . Looking forward to lazy days by the pool or on the roof terrace putting the worlds problems behind us and coming to the conclusion that we dont give a chuff .

 Gary + Angela




Gary  & Angela  
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!

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10 Apr 2008 7:51 AM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Had a call from customer services yesterday in answer to my email re completion dates.  The latest is that completion for the Naranjos Jardines is scheduled for Q1 2009, but as they are progressing so well that it is expected that this could be brought forward to the end of this year. so expect a call from October onwards.

I also asked about shutters for the front windows, extra power points etc but was told that no alterations could be made prior to completion.










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11 Apr 2008 11:13 AM by lentrix Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

hi all  - we are in Jardin 2  - 3 bed. Good 2 hear that all is on track

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11 Apr 2008 7:49 PM by ladylola Star rating in Swansea . Los Nara.... 337 forum posts Send private message

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Hi all - We're in Jardin 4 and Polaris Customer Services contacted us today and confirmed that everything is way ahead of schedule and to plan for the end of this year for completion.




Gary  & Angela  
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!

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14 Apr 2008 6:57 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All

Just got back from veiwing the show homes in Jardins. I have to say we were bowled over by the progress of the whole site. The show apartments look great even if they are a bit smaller than we had imagined from the plans. I personally don't intend spending much time indoors and the outside spaces are superb. We are looking forward to BBQ nights with neighbours after a day in the sun or golf course.

We also asked about completion dates and were told that the earliest would be early 2009 but who knows at the rate they are building. We are in Jardin 7 block 4 of Naranjos which is the other side of the clubhouse and town centre from where they started. The whole Jardin is built and rendered, we couldn't get any closer than the perimeter wall which is also built and the railings fitted. They have also started the Villa Jana's at that end. We were told that Jack Nicholas had visited in March and told them that the course has to open at the start of 2009 which is good news for the golfers among us.

To get a quote for shutters on the front windows you will need to get in touch with Polaris Home style but only after completion. We have a contact for Air Con as well given to us by a furniture place called Murcia Furniture. We will contact them for a quote and let you know the results later. We took a few photo's too and if anyone wants copies just send us your e-mail address .

Look forward to seeing some of you at the Birmingham bash at the Hiatt Hotel, and others around the pool and golf course next year.

Martyn & June 

This message was last edited by cuz on 4/14/2008.

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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21 Apr 2008 6:07 PM by maverick100 Star rating in Ireland and naranjos.... 81 forum posts Send private message

hi all

i have just returned after visiting the site, the progress in 10 months is amazing, i am sure our guide told us that everything apart from the patio doors will have the shutters, he also said that there was some sort of official announcement last week that the golf course will only open in may 2009 to coincide with the opening of the club house which is a bit unfortunate. i am buying a penthouse and was told that there will be a show apartment ready within the next 4 weeks.


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23 Apr 2008 3:00 PM by TonyandLiz Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message


We have bought a penthouse in block 11 and am so glad that I can access this site.  I am so confused between all the little areas on Alhama and have been on the condado site until the past couple of days so it is so nice to speak to people who will be near us.  Our names are Tony and Liz and we have a 23 month old daughter so we will be looking to spend lots of time relaxing and watching Tony play golf.  I agree with Kev about being positive as I was reading some of the threds on the other site and it became a bit depressing.  We are all in the same boat and have worked very hard for our money and so there may not be shutters on every door and the colour of the cupboard under the bathroom basin may not be perfect but we will be out in the sun having fun and like you all, we are going to try our hardest to enjoy out little place in the sun. 

We are going out to stay on La Torre in September and am really looking forward to seeing the development and it looks like we should all be proud owners by the end of this year and will hear the champagne corks popping all around us. 


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23 Apr 2008 5:03 PM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

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Tony & Liz, Good to hear from you. We are also in block 11 (1st floor) so hopefully will meet up !

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25 Apr 2008 1:02 PM by lisa7 Star rating in leicester. 160 forum posts Send private message


We've bought a penthouse in block 1. We are Kelvyn and Lisa and we have 2 children aged 13 and 9.  Looking forward to meeting neighbours.


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25 Apr 2008 5:37 PM by linda99 Star rating. 43 forum posts Send private message


We are Stan & Linda from Belgium (seem to be the only "not English") and we are both playing golf, just beginners with handicap 32/33.  We are both 54 and looking forward, as most of  you, to spend some time in the sun and, of course, and improving our game.  We have bought a groundfloor penthouse block 14. Hope we will meet some of you in the near future.

Linda & Stan

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