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Hi! I visited Condado recently. Glad to see they have started the paintwork on the penthouses. I have published ome images on Flickr. Here is a link:
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Thanks, Kev1. We are in block 13, first floor end apartment towards block 12. Two different PW people told me that they probably would have a show apartment of the penthouses ready in May. That will be great!
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Thanks for the picutres of the penthouses. It seems very long we have seen or heard something re. our penthouses. We are Stan & Linda from Belgium and we are in block 14, groundfloor. So, we are practical neighbours. Hopefully the showappartment will be ready soon, as we become very anxious to see the result. Hope they look as nice as the Naranjas
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Great to see some penthouse pictures shoing the build so well advanced, we are in Block 16 / 1st floor - excellent news ref the penthouse show flats also. We are going out for a week at the end of June, anyone know, can we just pitch up at the site office for a looky see or do we have to book a timed viewing with Polaris - I guess as the site is still under construction access will be limited ?
We are off to the Polaris party in London on Saturday so will see what else I can find out and relay back next week
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When we went over easter we just turned up at the office and were taken by a guide over to the showhouses almost immediately . I guess we could have been lucky, but we had friends who went a few weeks before and then were taken straight in as well. The guide just drove us there, then left us to look around on our own. They will take you over to Naranjos to have a look if you ask, but it's still fenced off so you cannot get nearer than the outer ring road.
When we came back to the UK there was a letter from PW inviting us to come and have a look with a number to ring so it wouldn't hurt to book in advance if you wish, but from our experience it's not necessary.
I'm told that they are closed in Mondays, but it may be worth checking.
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We went out to view the show apartments on 29th February and were advised by Parador to make an appointment just to be on the safe side. Have heard of lots of people that have not had appointments but if you're making a special trip to Spain to view the apartments, it would be a shame to be turned away because they are too busy.
If you want to book an appointment in advance, you need to ring Polaris World Customer Services - the number is 00 34 968 012 090. I think they put you straight through to the Condado Information Centre who will make the appointment for you.
Have a good trip - it's well worth the visit! The Jardin apartment area looks lovely and the size of the development is staggering. We didn't realise until we got out there just how big the resort will be when it's finished.
Debbie and Paul 
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Thats great many thanks to all for the advice and help, looking forward to seeing where my money has gone !
We are off to the Place in the Sun show at Excel this weekend so will also chase up any other info I can glean about Condado and also try to track down an attractive mortgage deal !
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