Hi,just recieved e-mail from Casa Blanca as follows
"Hi John,
I was on site wed and spoke to the site manager and he confirmed that they need 2-3 months of work to finish 4 blocks,roads and all,assuming that they increase the work force from the current ten men to 30 men.The problem is they have not been given the go ahead from Aifos head office so they are continuing with ten men for now.I suppose that when Aifos feel confident that they will get the partial first occupatipn license they will increase the work force as necessary."
As i have said over there next week so will check out site and report back.
In the meanwhile we all should keep the pressure on Aifos and i would suggest some of you start to assist by e-mailing Maria at aifos@aifos.es the more pressure the quicker the action ,the quicker we will get our apartments,