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Hi Mandy,
I have bought in garden 6 (7). I am going over on 25th June, my completition date is 1st of July. I am J0643. I am from Dublin
Margaret Keegan
_______________________ Margaret
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 Hi Mandy,
I am just back from Spain to day. I signed for garden 7 on 1st of July. The apartments are ready but the surrounding area's are still work in progress. I am very pleased with the result. The map that Polaris World give you for directions to Condado de Alhama are way out of date, as there are a lot of new motorways. I would send them an e-mail asking for an updated map route. I was staying in La Zenia, and it took around 1 hour. I will put some photo's up when I have downloaded them. What number apartment are you? Looking foward to hearing your comments when you get back. Furniture very expensive so bring lots of money!!!!!!!! Weather was lovely but a bit to hot, it was in the high 30. That's all th news for now
_______________________ Margaret
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Hi Margaret,
We are off to Spain on 17th July for two weeks staying at La Torre going to do wills etc and have a good look around. We have heard nothing at all about a completion date and were adviced that when we did it would be 6-8 weeks from that date so I guess we are looking at September. We were adviced by our mortgage brooker to avoid August cos of the local shut down We have bought a three bedroom apartment number 749. Really looking forward to going over and looking for our selves and nearly two years since we signed on the dotted line.
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I have bought in garden 6 (now called 7),
The reason the garden nuber has changed is because the area that was going to be our 'foro' will now be another garden of apartments.
Our for will now be shared with Los Naranjos and is much further away.
I will post links to some plans to show you when I get time.
Also this garden was supposed to have 2 pools now only has 1. The other gardens promised 2 pools only have 1 aswell.
Have just returned from staying at La Torre and visited the site 4 times. Due to complete August 8th, not sure what will happen though as solicitor now looking in to fact that Polaris have made to many changes and may have breached contract.
Were any of you aware about the move of foro or loss of pool??
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HI Tara
We all found out when it was too late and the number change of jardins was because they decided to call the sports area jardin 6 not because of the Foro. We have all spoken to our lawyers concerning breach of contract and too many changes and were told that in our contracts it clearly states that the changes can be made if they want and theres nothing we can do ......
Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 
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Thanks for that info.
How did you find out, did Polaris tell you? Because when they sent me a letter about the number change it said 'see the enclosed plan', but there was no plan.
I heard they said they were calling the sports area garden 6 but I don't believe that, because I think they will make the old foro area into a garden, and it makes perfect sense for that to be garden 6. The sports area doesn't really need a number, it is just a sports area.
I think they are a bit crafty.
What about the pool? Are you in the garden that was originally 6 or 7? Were you supposed to have 2 pools? As in garden 7 9originally 6) we only have 1, and should have been 2?
Polaris did actually offer me to change to garden 13 where I would have been right by a pool and nearer the new town centre, but they want another 6000 euro. I have not decided what to do yet.
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Our agent wondered if the original Foro site might be a location for a Hotel. But, we haven't even seen where the original Foro was other than on a plan so cant comment and I'm not sure they're talking with any insider knowledge. Our letter about number changes didnt have a plan in either.
Jan & Mike
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Hi Tara,
I also received a letter with number change but with no map. I rang Polaris World and they sent me an e-mail with the plan attached. They said that the sports centre was now garden 6. I had a look at the latest plan and there is only 1 swimming pool in each garden. When I was over there in June I noticed that the pool in garden 7 is bigger that in garden 13, maybe they done this instead of having 2 pools? We paid an extra 5000 for a pool view at the time of purchase so that has'ent changed for us, the pool is just outside our gate. I dont know where the Foro will be placed as it is not on the plan with the gardens. The girl said that there will be a supermarket and a bar at the sports centre, that's all the information I have for now.
_______________________ Margaret
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I have tried to put a link here to show where it will be, but I can't do it.
If you go to the forums at and then to Jardines the admin have put it there.
This is a map of the whole of Condado, if you follow along to last garden (13 I think), and they go up the road, you will see a blue square with like a brown frame.
That is where the foro will be.
When you are actually there you will appreciate is actually a long way to walk in the heat etc..
There will be a temporary supermarket and bar which they are getting ready now in the sports are (inbetween 5 & 7)
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I am also in garden 7, I only have a few photo's but of my own apartment, I have them all on video camera. The garden is looking well, no grass down outside the apartments but that has probably changed as that was 3rd July. I could try and download a few but not very good at it. I have posted a picture of the kitchen and the showhouse finished garden. I will be back over in Sept so hopefully the garden will be finished then, you can let me know when you return
3 bedroom
_______________________ Margaret
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Hi Mary,
looking forward to all the info and some photo's. How long does it take after the request to be able to receive private messages
This message was last edited by skinnymags on 7/24/2008.
_______________________ Margaret
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Hi all,
Just got back from Spain, whilst we were aout there we had a phone call from PW asking us to complete on the 15th August we told them we couldn't as we were in Spain until yesterday. They were very insistant and asked us just go to the bank and sort things out, we then said that all our paperwork was in the UK and couldn't do anything about it. They then gave us a date for the 22nd of August which we still think is a bit too close. As we have a mortgage adviser sorting our mortgage out she is dealing directly with them for us now and has told them not to contact us again.
Regards to you all,
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