The Comments |
Why, oh why do people with a strong negative view on any thread, feel such a compulstion to shout it out. Often in an agresive and hurtful way. As if their opinion is the only true opinion. While the people with a positive view seem to keep quiet?
There are as many opinions on any given subject as there are people on this earth. And all are correct for the person who holds them.
I would have any one that wears a football shirt (be they player or fan) rounded up, put in a field and shot.
I would have any one that whines about the country they are living in rounded up, put in a field and shot.
I would have any one that drives their car without insurance, a driving license and mot rounded up, put in a field and shot.
I would have any one that thinks marmite is horrid rounded up, put in a field and shot.
This is only my opinion.
What's yours!
Regards, Febe
No matter where you go, there you are.
Personally, I just LOVE marmite!! ("-")
To any VIEWERS of this thread.
PLEASE post a reply, any reply. Even if it's to say you think this is silly.
Get involved. Have your say.
Take care, regards, Febe
No matter where you go, there you are.
In answer to your question, it's a simple matter of human nature and emotions. Why when our flight is delayed 5 minutes do we kick off, but when it arrives on time we think nothing about it? Why don't we go and thank the pilot for doing exactly what we paid him to do, or write to the airline thanking them for a job well done? When something pleases us, or we agree with something, we feel good and that's enough, but when something upsets us or offends us, it's natural that we try to do something about it, change it. What's so strange about that?
If you thought that any of your stated pet hates would seriously upset anyone, would you have voiced them here? I think you chose them carefully, because you knew that nobody would particularly disagree with you, or have a strong opinion one way or another. There are no doubt other topics you could have thought of, which you just know will cause an outburst of negativity, so if you can't take it, don't post it.
P.S. love Marmite!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
I would like to turn this around and say all the things I love in this world...
children playing
smiling faces
people talking to each other in animated conversation
a good bottle of wine
a great meal
my lovely husband
my lovely family - in the UK and my extended family here in the UK which includes all my great mates
I could go on all day
As for the negatives... there's only one I agree with and that's uninsured drivers.
Life's too short to whine... my glass is more than half full.
Roberto, Thanks for your reply.
I see what you mean re. negativity. I han'nt thought of it that way. If you're happy, you're happy. Makes sence to me.
I did'nt put any thought into the pet hates I put down. I'm not trying to get a negitive response. Or upset any one. The things I put down were off the top of my head. You credit me with far more intelligence than I possess. Thank you.
Irene and Alan,
What a lovely post. May I add....
White lillies, they smell so good.
Spring rain, it brings out all the herby scents around here.
My bath and dish washer, if I still had them!
Roasted dog with garlic. Now that could sort out the unwanted dog problems could'nt it! PLEASE NOTE. This is a joke.
Take care, Febe
No matter where you go, there you are.
I dont think theres a field big enough
What you see is what you get 
Febe, I agree with all your post & would add ,anyone who feels the need to take a set of golf clubs on holiday. Or play the game .
Any policeman who has been convicted of a criminal offence, who is still in the force. ( 1000+ @ the moment. )
All drug dealers , rapists & murders.
Anyone caught with a gun or knife.
Car thieves.
Anyone who abuses soldiers dead or alive who are serving their country.
The majority of politicians.
Mobile phone users when driving.
Todos somos Lorca.
People (usually teenagers) who wear their jeans half way down their bums! oohh the urge to give them a tug 
people talking loudly on mobile phones on the train 
people who queue jump 
Having my health, walking in the countryside, eating the foods I like, having a nice glass of wine, being thankful for everyday I am alive, my kids, my partner, living in a civilized part of the world (it may not be perfect but hey, where is!).
Tomatoes, fish, male chauvanists, bullyies, lazy people.... I could go on but I won't I need my glass of wine now.....................
I LOVE: Most things Spanish including Spain, Good (in my opinion) music, Fridays, Justin is going to love me for this one: Eye On Spain.
I HATE: Negative and boring people, people who judge others. Sundays.

This has got to be" probably the best thread in the world''
It gives us all the chance to be both positive and negative without anyone trying to change/ disagree with OUR opinions
So to my mind this thread should be arguement and abuse free!!!!
Nah! sounds to got to be true, or does it? 
This message was last edited by David W on 31/03/2010.
We could allways use Wales, not that I have anything against the Welsh, one of my best friends is Welsh.
Have you ever voted? The only time I voted was for the 'Monster Raving Looney Party'. They did'nt get in, thank God.
Alan and Tracy,
Done that. When one of my girls brought (bought is past tence of 'to buy', brought is past tence of 'to bring'. Is that correct?) a boy friend round, with his jeans hanging round his bum...........What can I say?......I've got the Devil in me! At least he had clean pants on!
What have tomatoes ever done to you?
Add to love list......
Computers that are working well.
Add to hate list....
Computers that have a mind of their own and will only download pdf, pnd, ttfn, lol, sad and pms files when they want to.
Take care, Febe
No matter where you go, there you are.
Sorry to reply so much, not like me.
Peolpe who judge others..........I'm with you there. 'Let the man who is without sin cast the first stone' I have made so many mistakes in my life that I never judge others. Live and let live. OK, so murders, rapists and drug dealers, politicans, car thieves and 'so called' builders can all be rounded up, put in a field and shot! Including peopleon mobile phones whilst driving and the bas***d bus driver that re-aranged the back end of my Seat when parked legaly!
I love you, and would have your children if I were not married to the best man in the world.
This is not the place to put people down. This is not the place make people feel stupid. This is not the place to vent your spleen.
Share your opinion on any subject here.
I will not be offended. I hope that no one here will be offended. That is not the point of this thread.
No matter where you go, there you are.
Im with David ... this HAS to be the best thread on EOS right now 
LOVES ....... (in addition to Marmite) ..... my hubby who is my soul mate and my best friend etc etc (awwww ), my children, my dog, my place in Spain (wish we could just up sticks and move over on a permanent basis), walking on the beach with soft sand under my feet and the sun slowly setting on the horizon, good food (veggie for me please) shared with friends who ensure the evening is full of fun n laughter, watching the Olympics (especially athletics ) ... the list could go on
HATES ...... drivers who obviously dont know what an indicator is (I wish I had a crystal ball stuck to the dashboard of my car), biggots, hypocrits, murders/rapist/pervs (etc), Monday mornings when I just know I will have an endless array of emails to respond to at work, footie (sorry any footie fans out there), my bank balance towards the end of the month ( ) ... hmmm this list could go on and on too but I would bore others (and myself) too!!
hot buttered toast with strawberry jam 
the sight and sound of a crackling fire on a cold winters evening 
my OH and children 
Whats an indicator and is it near that thing people call a kitchen....whatever that is... I know, I'll go and stand in the field.
What you see is what you get 
Hate: threads that anger or upset me and cause me to be negative 
Love: threads that make me smile and remember that it's much nicer feeling positive. Thanks Febe. 
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
I dream of the next 3 years going so fast ready for my early retirment, to cabo roig, with my wife, better put that in early.
Rum & coke in a tall glass with ice, just sitting in the front garden watching the world go by, I may get a Dog?
No news to read or see, swim if I want, rum and coke in a----- i've said that one, rum--oh!
That will do, 1st May 3 weeks in Spain,
_______________________ I Live in Warrington & Cabo Roig
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain