Good Afternoon !
The Comments |
Good Afternoon,
How are you all ?
I'm Tumbit and I've finally managed to overcome my technical inadequacies and upload a couple of blogs to the site !
I hope that after all the time it took me, and all the PM's that I've pestered Morerosada with, that somebody will take pity on me and let me know if it's worth my while uploading some more !
I've found them great, keep it up PLEASE & Jo's is good, I read that too.
Your website is in my signature because I feel it's really informative, I am not at all linked to you.
EDITED TO ADD: It was no trouble helping you, Tumbit, I do it regularly, I like helping.
This message was last edited by morerosado on 11/06/2010.
Hi Tumbit
What a great site, we have saved it in our favourites, we've only had a quick look so far but there looks to be loads of useful information.
We will have a good read over the weekend when we have a bit more time.
Thanks to More for putting on the link

Peter & Anne -
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