The Comments |
Me too Karensun,
We were accused of bullying for that as well!!!!!!
Anyway,not going down that path again.
Seems to have woken a few people up today!!!
Come on Girls wheres the piccysquad???
still here after all these years!
I decided to revive this thread to pose a question. For those who don't remember it, or didn't see it first time round, the gist of it was (or at least in the last few posts anyway) about the relative merits of marketing/selling your property via a "for sale by owner" type website as opposed to using an estate agent.
In light of the current difficulty of selling anything at all, I wonder if anybody here has had any success at all using these sites? I listed my property on several free sites, and never recieved a single enquiry, let alone a viewing. Do the paid for sites work better? Has anybody actually achieved a sale recently as a result of advertising on-line? Or maybe someone has bought a property as a result of seeing it advertised by the owner on such a site?
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Hi Roberto,
I've recently been trying to sell one of my own properties recently. Being a novice at this game, I've tried a number of ways to develop interest. I've advertised in the Sur In English, Listed with a few local agents, Listed with a few Uk agents and also given details to other owners in and around my own development. To date I've had around 12 enquiries and 4 viewings, one of them twice! but no sale as yet but have another couple of interested investors coming over from the UK soon. I've also developed a web site thats in the name of my development. I'm encouraged that at least I've created some interest and being focussed on one project obviously makes it a little easier?
Of course many properties are being advertised with substantial discounts and I believe they do stimulate interest. Another observation is that a few private sellers of more expensive properties are now considering a Part Exchange property, something I've not seen since the early 90's in the UK.
It demonstrates that sellers will have to be more inventive and flexible about what methods they employ? The like of DFS Furniture have making fortunes out of us buyers for years on the back of a permanent "Half Price" Sale and nothing to pay for 12months!!
This message was last edited by miket on 3/26/2008.
Mike T
Sorry Roberto my last message didn't address your question!!
I havn't used any of the low cost web sites to market my properties. There are so many sites around and most are written in English and full of similar 2 bed/2 bath apartments that are beginning to sound like ads for Council houses! Has you say, the majority of serious buyers looking currently are probably not British or Irish. I've had one viewer from Sweden and the other was from Saudi Arabia!...............
This message was last edited by miket on 3/26/2008.
Mike T
Hi Guys,
I am back from TV land now and no have not been wiped out just exhausted by 15 hour days.......
I must apologise to anyone who has emailed or pm'd me over the last week as i have just not had the energy or time in the office to answer anyone,i will be working through them today.
I must say i have had the most fantastic 2 weeks with channel 4 and have really opened my eyes to the way it all works and especially the detail that goes into creating a tv programme.
Jasmine and the crew were all so down to earth and a pleasure to be around.
Right,back to the real world now,15 mins of fame over and back to the grindstone....
still here after all these years!
Can't wait to see you on the box. So tell us, please, do the producers tell the punters to say "ooh, it's a good size" every time they walk into a different room, or does that just come naturally to them?
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Hi Georgia,
Look forward to seeing you on the box, let us know when it's on.
Have been searching for you and the crew all week!
Closest I got was a huge trailer parked up on some ground next to the N332, had some writing on it like "road crew"
Not a glimpse of any star struck agents though......................
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Hi Guys,
In the office now playing catch up with two weeks work.........
The crew and presenters use normal veichles as not to attract too much attention,although wherever we went we had to pose for photo after photo,the best bit was people didnt realise i was just a mere mortal and always wanted me in the piccy!!!!!
I was tempted to shout "Action" and "cut" a couple of times to boost my image........
It was really good to see how tv works and it makes you watch these programmes with a diiferent perspective.
Unfortunately i cannot divulge where,who and what we filmed as i am contracted although i will let you all know when it is due to be aired.
I would put some piccys on here for you all but unfortunately i dont know how!!!!! and as More is not around i am stuck.
Take Care
still here after all these years!
Hi Georgia, glad to have you back I love all the house in the sun/living in the sun can't wait to see your programme, but MORE was back yesterday for one day only so get intouch with her so she can do you pics i'm sure she will for someone so famous i think she was at karens house just look in yesterdays forums, kind regards, sandra[srp]
Hi All,
firstly sorry if i haven't been answering threads or PM's recently as i have been snowed under.
Two completions at notary this week, an AGM and a tax return(boo) as the my financial year draws to an end.
I must comment on the total incompetence of some lawyers working with us throughout this week,each time there have been cock ups do to the total lack of preperation by lawyers from the opposing side.
If any one thinks that the agent just passes the case to the lawyer to complete is sadly very wrong,the work i have done in the past weeks that the lawyers are supposedly getting paid to do is horrendous,i did toy with the idea of claiming half of the legal fees for services provided.
Unfortunately i was met a Notary by my 2 most hated law firms on each occasion and true to form they didn't dissapoint turning the whole affair into something Billy Smart would be proud of!!!!!
Anyway.............. one more Notary visit tommorow and we are done.................
sorry guys,just needed a little rant to get that out of my system.......and nope, not wiped out yet...
still here after all these years!
Good to see you are busy Georgia although I am sure you would rather be usy in a different way.
Maybe you could let us know who these "less efficient " lawyers are on the ( QT of course.) so that we can avoid them when the time comes.
If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.
Hi Acupulco,
Bugger the QT......
Aroquer and bloody PSI what a bunch of muppets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am sure they were put here to make my life harder.
I have been in Spain a long time now and can handle laid back but haven't and probably will never get my head around incompetence,
If they dont like my comments they can sue me for describing them as a popular 70''s childrens show (with the frog and pig).
i must apologise for my last post where there was a blatant lie,i said "rant over" obviously i an still bitter and it may still take a little .
Don't worry Acapulco, only the best for you.....
still here after all these years!
Lovin' that last post Georgia!!
Thanks Vicki,
It should of been easy because i came up with this cunnung plan(Baldrick style)
My client(the buyer) was British and the vendor was also British going back.
So i decided we would do the deal in Sterling to avoid the bad exchange rate and transfer fees(all good so far)
All parties and both solicitors agree so we settle on a figure in Pounds.
This is simple you get Bank draft from your UK bank and bring it with you to Notary,you then have a small amount in Euros for 3% retention(for non residents) and costs(legals,tax etc...)
The paperwork is harder on our side and obviously harder on the lawyers side.......
Once the figures are worked out we all trot off to notary to get stuck into a good book while the wheels of the Spanish system edge towards the finish line.
This would be a very smooth process because the lawyers have worked the figures out to the final penny and cent and everyone knows what they are paying and what they are getting,
GIVE ME STRENGTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And i would have got away with it if it wasn't for those pesky lawyers!!...
Anyway all worked out in the end,happy client,happy vendor,lawyer with ears burning and Agent(me) with 2 weeks anger mangement classes booked..
still here after all these years!
So, it's not just the UK agents that do half the lawyers work for them (unpaid)? We used to do so much of the legal work just to try and speed the process up, yet we were the ones that got complained at by the client whilst the lawyers sat happily with their full fee for half the work. You have my sympathies.
Don't bother with anger management, rant on here, throw a few things around the room (preferably non-breakable then there is no mess to clear up) and have a drink - and if that all fails go outside and scream very loudly!
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
".........and Agent(me) with 2 weeks anger mangement classes booked.." and paid for out of all that lovely commission you've made from two completions - it's not all bad, eh?
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
i spent all that the way back to the office  ..................
still here after all these years!
Who's paying for your lunches now the luvvies are off the scene, Georgia or do you just exist on those infamous cafe cooked take-away English breakfasts we once caught you woofing ? BTW, between Pat & Roy & myself, Georgia's daughter got hold of 14 packets of 10 Nestle's Magic straws !!!! You haven't mentioned that gem, Georgia. (I'm sitting here freezing as central htg water pump has failed overnight but plumber is meant to be coming any minute.  )
Hi More,
Now the luvvies have left me i have to but my own lunch,i bet Channel 4 had a shock when they got the expenses bill!!!
Yes,Thanks to 2 members of the forum,Morerosado and Pat and Roy,my daughter is now fully stocked with Strawberry magic straws for the next 6 months,she is slowly working her way through them,in fact i think at one point last weekend she actually started to turn pink!!!
Unfortunately when we do visit the UK the kids have picked up some nasty addictions from their cousins,magic straws is one them and cheese strings is the other,cant get them here so we have to get people to smuggle them through customs for us when they visit.
Sorry to hear you have problems with your plumbing!!!!!
Its not that warm here today either,it rained this morning and its quite grey as well.
Btw,the English breakfast cafe has changed hands and are not doing it anymore so i have been forced back to the healthy tapas option again form the hotel......
still here after all these years!
I forgot to add that when Georgia heard he was going to be a luvvies mate he had his hair dyed, oh yes he did. It's naturally dark & very short & he had red & gold/blond highlights put in. Red highlights looked pink to me but he swore they were red. Maybe he'd been nicking the strawberry straws. Why do I feel the need to look out for strawberry straws & cheese strings in any supermarket I go in these days ?