Habitation licence

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08 May 2007 8:21 PM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

Karensun´s avatar

Did I write it wrong??

The Habitation Lisences came with the signed ( by the owners with bank details ) electric and water contracts...these are issued when not on builders water or eletrickery. Sorry if I caused any confusion. Just trying to make the point that in Spain..all these happenings seem accepted as normal.

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
         Now a non-smoker !  

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08 May 2007 8:40 PM by woodall42 Star rating. 14 posts Send private message

we are waiting for our habitation licence and our bank wont give us a morgage without this. Does anyone know of a bank that will do this . Also is there any way to hurry this up by going to the town hall  personally

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08 May 2007 8:42 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

Sorry, Karensun, I was writing mine whilst you were posting yours.  I think that's the point.  You can't get LFO without mains supplies and some urbanisations are on builders supplies for several years. 

And sorry Woodall42, I got my mortgage through a UK bank who didn't even want to know the address of the property let alone things like LFOs. Mind you, this was increasing my current mortgage so maybe it was done on the strength of that even though I said it was for property in Spain.  (Halifax).

This message was last edited by bobaol on 5/8/2007.

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08 May 2007 11:12 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

"......is there any way to hurry this up by going to the town hall  personally"

First prize for best laugh of the day!  No offence meant, but you need to reset your mind to Spanish time!



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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08 May 2007 11:35 PM by jules1 Star rating in St Ives, Cambridgesh.... 264 posts Send private message

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Woodall 'Solbank' have agreed to release my mortgage money before LFO issued.



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09 May 2007 10:34 AM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Hi all,

Regarding the question would this happen in the uk?

I worked for a very large,very reputable agent in the Uk for many years working with strict guidelines and being trained to the hilt with corporate mentality.

There was a huge development of apartments developed in the middle of the town centre and i do mean in the middle of the town centre!

They sold like hot cakes and they were backed by one of the large high street lending institutions so there were never any questions asked.

A 2 bed apartment was £140,000 and reached £200,000 in the boom, investors were buying in blocks of 4&5's for the rental income as the complex had underground parking,concierge,24 hour security,gym and swimming pool on the ground floor.

It was to be the flagship development of the town and the way forward.

As expected they all sold out.

Because of the nature of the business and the investors who needed rental income they soon became full of tenants,these unfortunately were not always desirable as the landlords looked to fill them and not necesarily always were to concerned where the money came from,this resulted in the block gaining a rather unsavoury reputation,don't forget these were originally marketed at the upwardly mobile as a start of the development!

As the market slowed and a lot of these so called investors or property developers got into financial difficulties they began to be repossesed by the banks in groups of 5&6's,then then came back to me as i was head of the corporate business by then meaning that the banks would pass the property on to us and we would then have 12 weeks to sell before they would go to auction,very similar to what i am doing here now.

We would have to market them at a realistic price in the hope of a quick sale.

The first one i got was marketed at £120,000 three years after completion!!,i had a buyer and approached a high street bank for a mortgage for them,it was refused!i then approached three more and again refused.

I then approached the bank that had financed  a percentage of the project originally as they surely knew the build and would issue a mortgage.

Not a chance!

When the building was originally planned it was deemed as and planned to be a commercial premises and obviously with the location it all started to make sense,the surveyors refusal to grant permission for a mortgage was this plus the fact it was of concrete and steel consruction,"but you were the original lenders i said" stoney silence,"i am afraid no mortgage can be issued on any property in that block".

The only way we could sell the property was for cash and we never did they were all sold at auction achieving on average £89,000.

So when you next think that Spain is so corrupt and that nothing like this would never happen in the UK don,t be so sure!

Although the "bandwagon" will soon have to be bought out by virgin trains to cope with the capacity Spain is a great place to live and hopefully always will be!(my job depends on it)

All the best



www.taylorlandandpropertygroup.co.uk still here after all these years!

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09 May 2007 10:55 AM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

So when you next think that Spain is so corrupt and that nothing like this would never happen in the UK don,t be so sure!

Georgia, I would say that was a rare event in the UK. One I have never heard of!  In Spain it is endemic!! IMHO, you cannot compare the two.

The moral of your story....never say never!!

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09 May 2007 11:04 AM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Hi Tish,

Fair comment,spain does outway the uk in corruption(only in the property market though!).

I work in the Costa Blanca and fortunately there is not the level of corruption there is elsewhere although it does exist.

The art of it is, knowing or using someone to buy who knows how to avoid it.

An experienced agent will take several steps as a safeguard(or they should do)



www.taylorlandandpropertygroup.co.uk still here after all these years!

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09 May 2007 5:56 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

Very interesting story, Georgia. Are you at liberty to tell us which city this was? It's just that I've often been tempted by the old warehouse conversions in rehabilitated docklands, such as those in Liverpool - now I'm wondering about their legality.

Copied this from my post on Problems with Buying Re-sales, as it seems to fit this thread better:

....there was an interesting article today in the 20 minutos free rag that is dished out on the street around here, about the latest fad in the big cities (Madrid, Barcelona, even Malaga) for "micro-mini-pisitos" of as little as 15 square meters, going for 100,000 euros. That's 6,667 euros per square meter, in a market where the average is closer to 2,500 per sq.m. These pads are of course illegal, since no habitation licence will be granted for anything less than 25 sq.m,



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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16 May 2007 4:19 PM by stevie G Star rating in Conwy, North Wales &.... 21 posts Send private message

Hi folkes

 Good news at last, parador rang this morning to say the habitation licence has come through for our apartment on dream hills 2 ( R4 ) and were now in the position to complete, just awaiting conformation in writing before we decide to go over yhipeeeee. salud

                                                                                 stevie G

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16 May 2007 4:24 PM by FibbyUK Star rating in UK, Surrey & Playa F.... 2349 posts Send private message

FibbyUK´s avatar

Great news for you Stevie G!

Now the exciting time starts, good luck!

Kind regards,



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16 May 2007 5:56 PM by jules1 Star rating in St Ives, Cambridgesh.... 264 posts Send private message

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Congratulations Stevie G. Hopefully that will mean mine will have come through too! I am completing on 19th June what about you?



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16 May 2007 6:16 PM by woodall42 Star rating. 14 posts Send private message

thats good news, we have heard today we can now proceed to our surveyor carrying out the valuation of our property for the morgage, the bank has said we are still awaiting our completion license i am confused is the bank manager talking about the habitation license or is the completion license something else can anyone help thanks karen  

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16 May 2007 7:29 PM by hudsey Star rating in Hexham, Northumberla.... 120 posts Send private message

hudsey´s avatar
After reading the comments regarding the Habitation Licence, I contacted my solicitor.  She advised that ours would be issued by the builder once we were off builders supply for water and electricity.

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16 May 2007 7:49 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

Someday my LFO will come......maybe....along with my deeds....Can't believe we have had our place 5 years (five years) and still no LFO or deeds.  Came off builders supply for electricity last year and water in March.  The big company which has a name like a book of maps (GRRRR!!!!) tells me they spoke to the builders yesterday and still have no date for signing at the notary.  When they do, they will send me an e-mail and issue the LFO at the same time.  So all of you waiting for LFO remember that mañana translates as sometime and not what it says in the phrase books.  My solicitors always have a polite grin on their faces when I meet up with them and promise me they are doing all they can to "speed" matters up.  Snails have more velocidad than they do.

(((Sorry, rant over, back to being plain old Victor Meldrew)))

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16 May 2007 9:22 PM by stevie G Star rating in Conwy, North Wales &.... 21 posts Send private message

Hi everyone

 Thanks for wishing us luck ,to answer everyones questions, we have not been given a date yet , but we have given our solicitor power of attorney anyway so don't need to go out there at drop of a hat,  but Hudsy what you were saying about builders electricity, when parador rang this morning  part of the conversation went like this ( your habitation licence is through but you maybe on the builders electric and water for a while after...........? hope to see you all soon. Julia good luck!



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17 May 2007 12:13 AM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar
Stevie, if the LFO has been issued, I would think the builder would want to get you on your own meters ASAP? They should be providing you with the "boletins" to present to the utility companies, in order to get connected.



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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17 May 2007 9:51 AM by stevie G Star rating in Conwy, North Wales &.... 21 posts Send private message

Hi Roberto

 I'm about as wise as your avatar looks as to the way things work in spain so we'll just have to wait and see. will keep all informed for what happens next? cheers


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18 May 2007 12:29 PM by stevie G Star rating in Conwy, North Wales &.... 21 posts Send private message

Hi Roberto

We have just received a letter from parador saying all the paperwork is in order to complete, but would be on builders electricity until they connect us up to the mains, but to let parador know 4weeks in advance so to make the appointment with all concerned. does this mean the LFO is in order?

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18 May 2007 4:23 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

Hi stevie,

To be 100% sure,I would ask to see the LFO. If you are in any way fobbed off as to why it is not available to you, then,  in my opinion ,do not complete as the property has probably not been granted an LFO yet. Builders electricity/water is unreliable.



This message was last edited by Tish on 5/18/2007.

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