The Comments |
Hi, I need to install internet and a telephoneline can anyone advise me which company to go for. Someone mentioned English Telefonica//Movistar. I would appreciate any replies.
ps I would like to call the UK quite often
Telefonica /Movistar, despite all the gripes, are probably the best to go for long term since they own most of the landline infrastructure across Spain and any company offering cut-price landline phone / internet will be renting spce from them.
Do not use an agency called; they are merely a sales agent and most of the time are close to being scam artists with failed applications. They will also charge you over £100 immedialtely you place your order and if past history is anything to go by will make life very diificult if you try to get your money back.
Go to telefonica or Movistar directly to place your order.
T'fonica normally have some good deals going; see their website. It is all in Spanish however. If you need to speak English, there is an English Language sales and help line available on telephone number 1004 from within Spain.
Hope this helps
What area are you in KellyMaria?
I have heard bad reports about Telefonica's charges.
My neighbour has had them for about 6 years, she is a pensioner.
Recently she rang them to say she couldn't afford the monthyly bill and they reduced it by 20 Euros a month!
So were they overcharging in the beginning??!!!!
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Buenos dias kellymarie,
We have just had " Ole" installed
3mg internet and phone you have a choice wether to have spanish or uk calls which are free 24/7
30euros a month and so far so good.
Thank you so much for your replies, I didn't like the fact that asked for 100€ up front so thank you Foxbat I will not order from them.
Jeanie60 have you a web address or telephone number of Ole as the price seems reasonable and to have free calls to the UK would be great. Do they use Telefonica lines as I do not have anything at the moment and do they charge for installation. Also does anyone else have any feed back on Ole as I do not want to make any mistakes and regret it.
FibbyUK I live near Rojales
We use torresat for TV Phone and Internet the TV is 21€ per month and the Phone is 10€ per month with free calls to Europe outside of Spain as well as USA and Canada, If you want free calls to Spain it's anyother 10€ The Internet is 20€. So far we have not had any problems with the phone or internet and are very happy with the system. We know of others who have tried other providers but were not happy and have moved over to Torresat and are now happy with what they have and are paying less for it. If you want phone number etc for them please PM me
Mo&Bryan & Why not see if can we help
It would appear that Ole and Torresat are or were one and the same company.
A link to a Torrevieja forum concerning Ole / Torresat its not all good news...
A link to Ole 's website...doesnt say much...
As with all things...'caveat emptor' buyer beware; if it looks to good to be true, it probably is...!
For Rojales, Skynetlink covers this area. I use them for internet & phone. With tax (IVA) included I pay about 30 euros per mth but for phone I've to pay extra 3c per min but I don't use their phone to make calls. I got free 100euro installation as they'd promotion at that time.
I used VOIP instead & cost 12 euros every 3 to 4 mths depending on your usage & get 200mins calls per week free to many countries including Spain for 1st 120 free days & then after that use the credit (10 euro plus 2 euro tax & fee) I bought. When the credit is used up I buy another 10 euros & get another 120 free days.
Thank you for all your replies, I will investigate all options
Does anyone know about Aeromax for internet & phone? They're are based in Crevillent.