VISA Electron

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18 Feb 2011 12:00 AM by kev2006n Star rating in Sussex and Playa Fla.... 344 posts Send private message

 I have just found out that Santander will not be reissuing my visa electron card. They are stopping them. Does anyone know who else issues them as I wish to avoid paying Easyjets fee for paying with a card. Any suggestions welcome. I have a prepaid visa which I use with Ryanair. However, this will not work with Easyjet. Thanks Kevin

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18 Feb 2011 8:37 PM by GuyT Star rating. 516 posts Send private message

My Spanish Halifax/Lloyds debit card is an Electron.

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18 Feb 2011 8:42 PM by GuyT Star rating. 516 posts Send private message

Kevin - further to my last, the only "free" card with Ryanair is a prepaid MasterCard, not Visa. Escape is a good one.

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18 Feb 2011 10:02 PM by mnj Star rating in L.A. Murcia . 37 posts Send private message

try this one i use it all the time



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18 Feb 2011 10:21 PM by Patty_1 Star rating in Hertfordshire. UK. .... 1062 posts Send private message

We have a electron card with Barclays in Spain.




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19 Feb 2011 12:36 AM by kathym Star rating in Oliva, Valencia. 22 posts Send private message

I have a Visa Electron with Cajamar.



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19 Feb 2011 1:20 AM by kev2006n Star rating in Sussex and Playa Fla.... 344 posts Send private message

 Guy T, Yes, you are right. I have a prepaid mastercard. I'll have to try if CAM Bank do an ELectron card next week when I'm in Spain. Otherwise I will try ones you've suggested. Thanks 

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19 Feb 2011 5:50 AM by foxbat Star rating in Granada. 1112 posts Send private message

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19 Feb 2011 8:26 AM by Toddie Star rating in Nr Elche Alicante Hu.... 107 posts Send private message

Kev2006n   CAM Bank do  Visa Electron however the last time we used it to book flights we were charged a fee by Ryanair,  previously we were able to use it without charges but they seem to have changed their conditions over the past year.  Not sure whether this applies to the other airlines, perhaps someone else could comment on that please.


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19 Feb 2011 9:53 AM by kev2006n Star rating in Sussex and Playa Fla.... 344 posts Send private message

 Toddie, With Ryanair you know need a prepaid mastercard. We have one with a company called It works perfectly. Kevin

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19 Feb 2011 7:25 PM by jek Star rating. 249 posts Send private message

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If you are in the UK, you can open a Halifax Easycash account  for your Visa Electron.  I only use mine for Easyjet flights.  For Ryanair, I have my Escape Prepaid Cash Card.  I have a teenage daughter lives with her mum in Spain and have a companion card with Escape which she keeps.  Brilliant for getting money to her quickly without involving my ex.

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19 Feb 2011 7:56 PM by Toddie Star rating in Nr Elche Alicante Hu.... 107 posts Send private message

Thanks for info, are any of these cards available if resident in Spain or would you need a UK bank account ?


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19 Feb 2011 8:34 PM by suemac Star rating in Jumilla, Murcia. 1001 posts Send private message

Hi I have just been checking a couple of websites. FairFX isn't currently available outside the UK, however their website said it plans to offer cards to international customers "soon" (whatever that may mean!)



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19 Feb 2011 8:56 PM by Hammersfan Star rating in Body in Essex, Heart.... 160 posts Send private message

Kevin, If you have a UK address that you can use to register, I would suggest  Fair FX. I just recently got a card, and everything is so easy.

Once I have found a suitable Ryanair flight, I load up my Fair FX card with that amount plus say £5 for FairFX fees. Then I go back to Ryanair and fill in all their required details, by the time I come to pay, my fairFX balance has been updated and I can go ahead and use it

I just bought 2 sets of 2 return tickets. FairFX charged me £5 commission, but I saved £40 on Ryanair fees so I'm £35 up....

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20 Feb 2011 9:42 AM by jek Star rating. 249 posts Send private message

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Expensive at £5 per transaction.  Escape card is £9.99 to join and then no fees for purchases. 

You can get them at Phones4U and you can top up there.  You can also buy online but the you'd need a UK address for them to mail the card to you - 

I quite often book Ryanair as two singles.  That way they give you the price of the Spain - UK leg in euros which, with their exchange rates, converts back into sterling for less than the price if you book it UK - Spain - UK return.  Sometimes the saving is £5 or more.

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20 Feb 2011 5:24 PM by Hammersfan Star rating in Body in Essex, Heart.... 160 posts Send private message

Jek, it isn't £5 per transaction, it's a percentage, one transaction was £2 and one was £3, the difference is because the two sets of fares were different prices. I think I'd rather pay Fair Fx £2 or £3 than Ryanair £20, so I really don't consider that expensive

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20 Feb 2011 6:05 PM by jek Star rating. 249 posts Send private message

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Better pay Escape card nothing though surely?

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20 Feb 2011 7:14 PM by JohnKath Star rating. 157 posts Send private message

Hi Toddie,


Solbank Banco Sabadell do a prepaid Mastercard for use with Ryanair don't know if it will work with easyjet.  We used to have an Electron from Barclays UK that worked for both but not for Ryanair anymore don't know if it still works for easyjet. No additional cost when used.

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