I was shocked while I was over in Spain to be pulled up by an unmarked police car for driving with an earpiece in my left ear (I think they would have also fined me if it was in the right ear as well, but you never know...its Spain after all!)
It was 100 Euros on the spot fine, cash!
I paid them as they had Guardia Civil clothing on and a remote handheld for fining me with and giving me a receipt.
However, I am wondering now...is this really something I should have been fined for in Spain? I got back to mainland Europe and it appears that this is OK in other European countries. You get fined for talking on the phone and NOT having an earpiece in most countries!
The policeman explained that the reason was that I could not hear properly whist driving (even though I had indicated over as soon as his siren went on!). I told him it was just stuck in there and there was no music and I was not even on the phone talking. He was having none of it and proceeded to fine me.
I was over there to see Maria de Castro about out group's deposit returns where we mostly don't have bank guarantees. I let the scene wishing that if only getting an on the spot return of deposit was possible! It seems in Spain they have very effective systems of taking money away from foreigners but not returning what is rightfully theirs back to them!