And, of course, the newspapers are full of good news like:
Smog and air pollution
Hosepipe Bans
Traffic Jams
Desalination Plants being set up
etc etc
Here in the Mid of the Midlands, it is marvellous. Been for a couple of walks in the coutryside, the parks are full of people and, as an added bonus because the sun has come early, the cherry and apple blossom are a riot of colour but we still have daffodils and bluebells. Beautiful and the BBQ is out for tonight.
Only problem is, my neighbour has decided to sand down his wooden floors, noisey B*****d. Plus the petrol lawnmowers are in full swing. Still, don't want to be like the papers and only look on the downside. Hope it keeps up for at least another 10 days and then the weather can switch to Spain cos that's when I'm next going over. I left my automatic watering system on at the beginning of March so I hope my garden isn't flooded out.