You say you cannot get BBC1HD, but all other channels are OK. Is BBCHD OK? (BBCHD and BCB1HD are two different channel, but on the same frequency)
However, BBC1HD and BBCHD changed their frequency parameters last monday.
Sky HD and Freesat HD boxes should automatically update with the new settings. IF not then a reboot of trh box, or, if freesat, a freesat scan, and should bring them back.
If you have a "generic" HD box, then it has to be DVBS2 compatialabe and you will have to do a rescan (should be in the user manual) using the following settings:
Frequency: 10,847MHz (vertical polarity)
Modulation: DVB-S2, QPSK
Symbol Rate: 23.0
FEC: 8/9
If you can get C4HD, then you know your receiver is capable of getting DVBS2.
a bit more information and some solutions for people having trouble available at:
This message was last edited by satandpcguy on 15/06/2011.