Ga Appliance Inspections

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25 Jul 2011 12:00 AM by Jimbofinn Star rating in Chiclana De La Front.... 225 posts Send private message

Jimbofinn´s avatar

Can anyone please advise.  A neighbour (and I suspect many others on our urb) has had a recent visit from some "gas appliance inspectors" who stated  that portable gas BBQs are now required by law (passed within the last few weeks or so) to be inspected (i.e. The tubing and regulator).  Can anyone throw any light on the the subject matter.

Many regards



Ooops the header should've read Gas Appliance Inspections.

This message was last edited by Jimbofinn on 25/07/2011.


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25 Jul 2011 10:56 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

I cannot be specific about BBQs but the 'inspectors' who call are usually 'fake'  albeit that  they may be genuinely registered, but they are out to get as much as they can from you, by charging as much as they can, often for something which is not necessary.


  They often also hold a small blade concealed in their hand and make a small cut in the rubber pipe. They then say it must be replaced, at a ridiculous price. 


I called the police to once to such a person. He was legal so not committing any offence. 


The simplest thing to do is to say you have no gas appliances, and close the door.  Even Repsol etc do not have any right to enter and they will never cold call.

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25 Jul 2011 12:27 PM by jimbofinn Star rating in Chiclana De La Front.... 225 posts Send private message

jimbofinn´s avatar

Thanks for that,  I  agree there are a lot of shysters out there. In one of the online  newspapers for the Costa Blanca one lady was charged 400 euros to have her gas appliances checked.  Fortunately she was able to stop the cheque from going through. But I was specifically looking for info on gas bbq,s


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25 Jul 2011 12:38 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

I cannot see any reason why BBQs would not always have been included;   room heaters, water heaters, as well as cookers etc. have always been on the inspection list. 


But whether they are or not makes no difference to the advice, I posted.  Do not let anyone in.  


If you really want a check on the gas appliances, them contact the company you (should have) a contract with and arrange for them to call.

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25 Jul 2011 1:29 PM by janie2003 Star rating. 129 posts Send private message

 I have never been approached for a gas inspection. if any one comes as someone said just say you dont have any.

also many people say you need an inspection to buy a gas cylinder well maybe. but if you stop the gasman in the street he will sell you one for 30 eu plus gas no fuss at all

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25 Jul 2011 2:42 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Janie,  nice to see you say what I said about inspections !



To officially have gas bottles one must have a contract, which includes an inspection, however, it is possible to buy them, say in a car boot fair for around 15€.  I have never found a 'gasman' who was willing to sell bottles to anyone who did not already have an empty one for exchange.  To have spare bottles I am pretty sure the gasman must have stolen them.


However, once you have the bottle/s, the gasman will sell you refills or they can be bought in Repsol garages (note:  not more than two may be carried in the boot of a car).  When you buy there is never a question of whether or not you have a contract.



This message was last edited by johnzx on 25/07/2011.

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25 Jul 2011 4:00 PM by janie2003 Star rating. 129 posts Send private message

 sorry to disagree but i bought mine frommthe repsol gas man who comes twicw a weekso i reckon they were legal or mabe he had stolen the whole lorry load

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25 Jul 2011 4:07 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


                            the gasmen don't have spare bottles. 


If they did,  why would there be a need to get a contract ?


He stole it, either from a customer or from the depot.


This message was last edited by johnzx on 25/07/2011.

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25 Jul 2011 4:17 PM by janie2003 Star rating. 129 posts Send private message

 johnz instead of making things up why not ask the gasman would make lives easier if you look at the lorries they are up to  hte gunnels with them

I am out of here chau

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25 Jul 2011 4:46 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Sorry Janie, 

                                           I do not want to be argumentative but I have lived here for over 23 years, I speak pretty good Spanish, I have had close dealings with a Repsol gas office, an agent for them and a gas depot.  I have also worked with the police here for over 17 years;    I know that gasmen on the trucks do not legally have bottles to sell.

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25 Jul 2011 9:07 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

John is correct, and ANY unsolicited inspection is a SCAM. Simples. If you paid over 30 euros for a bottle from the delivery man, be sure his mate will be round to "inspect" soon.



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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25 Jul 2011 11:27 PM by janie2003 Star rating. 129 posts Send private message

 where do you guys get this junk from that was yonks ago ever heard the phrase when in rome just get a life now gone deffo 

oh sorry you must be a brit 

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25 Jul 2011 11:30 PM by roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

roberto´s avatar
Welcome back bowman



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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