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06 Aug 2011 10:18 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 posts Send private message

 I think I read somewhere that Madrid was the noisiest city in the world for people noise - whatever that means!!!!



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07 Aug 2011 8:25 AM by mike_walsh Star rating in Torrevieja. 594 posts Send private message

mike_walsh´s avatar

According to one report recently published, the Spaniards are the second loudest in Europe   ...   wonder who the noisiest are?


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07 Aug 2011 8:52 AM by Toddie Star rating in Nr Elche Alicante Hu.... 107 posts Send private message

We live in the country in a detached property with plenty of land around us, however we are surrounded by Spanish, one of the reasons for being here ! As we prepare for bed the Spanish come to life, last night for instance most of them have visitors so it's time for a good old knees up till the early hours. The local village is in the middle of a Fiesta and the music stopped at 8am on the dot this morning just before the church bells started to ring for morning mass. Dog's bark all night, bird's hunting in the night make an awful racket, and we are woken early in the morning by the cock's and peacocks crowing, and lastly not forgetting the donkey breying and the hissing of the air ballons. So really I dont think it matters where you are or what you live in there are for's and against everything. Roll on siesta time so I can get a peaceful snooze before it all starts up again.

This message was last edited by Toddie on 07/08/2011.


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07 Aug 2011 11:04 AM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 posts Send private message

 Agree Toddie - we love the vibrant life style - and consider ourselves lucky to have Spanish neighbours.  



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07 Aug 2011 3:22 PM by campana Star rating in Marbella. 472 posts Send private message

campana´s avatar

Hear, hear, Brian!



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07 Aug 2011 6:48 PM by manorpark Star rating. 165 posts Send private message

manorpark´s avatar

Town houses ( terraced) can be noisy too. Our neighbours can hear when we move furniture around and they are 3 houses away ! This may have something to do with the properties either side being empty and therefore everything echoes more . I also think that as Spanish houses tend to be tiled rather than carpeted there is more noise.

Our community has rules about noise after midnight and during siesta time so thankfully  we haven't encountered any major problems.We once rented a house in the Costa de la Luz which was extremely noisy at night , dogs being the main problem.

Our neighbours in the UK have been noisier than those in Spain so I guess a lot of it is down to luck of the draw .

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10 Aug 2011 12:29 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear All,

at Casares the acoustics were so bad that even just heavy breathing could be heard plainly from next door and conversations could easily be held.

those that enjoy the interaction might just as well take the walls away and form a commune.

I suppose it is all about what one is used to.



N. Sands

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10 Aug 2011 12:41 PM by rod Star rating in Uk and Spain. 468 posts Send private message

Well they do say the Spanish are very passionate (HEAVY BREATHING)

Its so funny the Spanish guy next to us kept running out his front door every time he hears footsteps last time we arrived he did this and saw me he turned his back said something like ggggrrrrrr

I kinda feel sorry for him as we have a lot of rentors anyway last I heard he had to move out back to MADRID as work on the CDS had dryed up.



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