I had telefonica and was consistenly unhappy with it.
I switched and got another provider which i was moderatly happy with.
Cheaper and slighlty faster.
As soon as i moved it was telefonica and the third party fighting over who shoudl deal with it.
Each were passing me from one to the other and in the end i just ended up with with a random 200 euro payment taken out of my account.
Telefonica is not great but they give you phone and internet so if you have a problem you deal with telefonica.
If you add a third party into the equasion you have 2 people to contact if there is a problem and each will deny everything.
I now have telefonica 1.5 meg and they are charging me through the nose for it because they put in a different line due to connection problems.
I am unhappy but not that unhappy that i will go with a third party and open myself up to dealing with 2 companys that deny all responsibilty rather than jsut the one i can shout at.
If that makes sense
This message was last edited by Bigwilly on 11/08/2011.