Hello there,
A friend of ours who is an old English gentleman and now lives in England, is trying to sell a property he owns here in Spain. We have said we will do what we can to help him as we live nearby in Spain and often get asked by people if we know of anything for sale in the area and we do believe that his property constitutes a good buy for somebody.
Anwyay, I posted a while back because he said that he didn't know where his Escritura was and I was kindly given advice on here which has resulted in the Copia simple now being in my posession. And this does indeed prove that he is the legal owner.
However, as far as I can see, there is a huge mortgage on it of around 90+k euros plus costs, interest etc. This gentleman, let's call him Don, says that he did have a mortgage but that it has been paid off now. However, he can't show me/find any bank statements which would prove this.
What I would like to do is to find out for myself if this debt has been paid off because the last thing I want to do is help sell a property that is largely, (if not entirely) owned by the bank. By the way, when I collected the Copia Simple at the Registro, they did tell me that there is a debt of around 350 euros to a plumbing company, but of course that is small so no problem.
Is there a way that I can do this because as far as I can see the Copia Simple says that there is still this debt and that, worse still, the time period for it to be paid back in has just run out.
I'd be really grateful for any help.
This is an excerpt from the Copia Simple:
Hipotaca (Prestamo) a favour de Banco Santadner central Hispano SA formalizada mediante escritura otorgada en … (sitio)… a 22 abril, 2001, ante el Notoario Don Pedro …(nombre) ... , en garantia de
90.150,82 € de capital,
de 10.818,22 € de interes ordinaries,
de 48.681,98 € de intereses de demora, y
22.537.95 € para costas y gastos, plazo de duracion: seite años.
Asi resulta de la inscription …. Numero … 14 junio, 2001.
After which follows five headings: Afecicon